with the Ascended Masters) *
A seven-part
course to help you
Re-ignite your inner light and expand & enliven your health, energy, abundance
& sense of purpose
with Psychic Cynthia (aka Rev. Dr Cynthia Killion) and the Ascended Masters (especially Saint Germain) and the Beings of Light
us live or by listening back to the recordings.... Classes held on-line via Zoom for
7 consecutive Thurs evenings starting Thurs Jan 20th 2022 at 8 pm Central USA Time (9 Eastern, 6 Pacific) Classes will last about 45-60 minutes (with optional post-class
Q & A sharing afterwards) Can't join us live or have to miss
a class? Classes will be recorded & available for playback
Total Tuition Cost for this Seven
Week Course: $177 To get signed up, click the BUY NOW button below. Payments for tuition are non-refundable &
non-transferable, so please consider carefully before enrolling. If you have any questions about whether or not this course is right for you, please
feel free to reach out and e-mail Psychic Cynthia at cynthia@cynthiakillion.com or message her on FB. To
see a more detailed break-down of what will likely be covered in this course, please scroll down a bit.

Spiritual Alchemy & the Violet Flame CLEAR OUT THE STATIC LIFT & EXPAND YOUR SPIRIT CLEANSE DRAMA, CHAOS & DISHARMONY HEAL SOUL DEFRAGMENTATION A seven-week course designed to help you spiritually cleanse & purify
and elevate your vibrations by tapping into the Ascended master within, your own I AM presence. This course focuses on utilizing the element of FIRE
to help you clear and energize your mind, body and aura. Fire (in the form of light) can assist you with transforming
& transmuting the heavy weight of old karmic patterns that may be currently weighing you down and holding you back from
living the life of your highest & most splendid potential. In these seven classes, you will learn spiritual technologies & techniques for re-igniting your energy
field and removing chaos, discord and disharmony from your inner being. Through the use of the tools & techniques covered
in this course, you will learn how to convert dis-harmonious energies into order, peace, harmony, and joy. You will also receive ideas & inspirations about how to apply these
spiriutual technologies into the more practical realms of life to enhance your health, love life, finances, career, creativity
and sense of purpose and higher service. Techniques covered including activating your white-fire body (light-body), awakening your holy heart flame, and invoking
the Violet Flame. We will also cover specific prayers & techniques for invoking the Violet Flame and other aspects
of the healing Divine light. The focus of this course
is on awakening and strengthening your own spiritual fire, and helping you to tap into the Divine Blueprint and Patterns of
Perfection for your life. You will also be introduced to the Ascended Masters (especially Saint Germain) and the Cleansing
Angels, and learn how you can call upon them to help you spiritually expand and elevate and spin negative energy out of your
aura. Please see below for the outline of what topics we plan to focus on in each class. Who this course would be best for: If you would like to awaken (or strengthen) your ability to sense & communicate with higher
level spirit guides, angels & masters, then this course is for you. (As the meditations we will do & the techniques you will learn will assist
you with removing the karmic debris that is blocking clear communication.) This course would be a good choice for you if you have been feeling stuck, heavy or restless
lately and want to break up out of the stagnation and start a new (more expanded) phase in life. If you feel confused or without a clear direction, if you are
lacking in clarity about the next step or if you just feel fuzzy or out of focus, then this course could be of great benefit
to you. If you just feel
tired, drained or wore out from life in the earth school, the techniques in this course could help you regain your sparkle
& higher perspective. If
you have been experiencing bothersome limitations in ANY realm of life (relationships, health, money, career, sense of purpose,
creative blocks), then this course would be very helpful for you, as it would provide you with spiritual tools to help you
break-up old karmic patterns and breakthrough those limitations. If you are on top of your game and doing well, but just want to UP-level your ability to manifest,
co-create and serve at a higher level, then taking this course (and working with the Ascended Masters to cleanse, purify &
elevate your vibrations) would be just perfect for you. Finally, this course would be appropriate & useful for you if you are a reader, healer, teacher or other kind
of spiritual leader who guides others on the path, as working with the tools we will cover in this course can help you to
be a more clear and pure channel of LIGHT for others.

Class-by-Class Breakdown of Topics That Will Likely Be Covered: CLASS 1: Intro to Spiritual Alchemy-The cosmic
fire energy (light = fire) and the principles of cleansing & transmutation/transformation. Activating the Patterns
of Perfection in Your life, Accessing the Divine Blueprint. Also: How inner chaos, discord, and disharmony can
lower the vibrations in your energy field and interfere with accessing the blueprint—how these can be tamed & transformed
into order, peace, and harmony. The importance of cleansing & purification. (Hint: There can be growth &
addition through subtraction.)
2: Connecting with the I AM self-I AM Presence (the Magic Presence, the Inner Ascended Master, the Spark within).
Contacting the INNER Ascended Master and cultivating the passion for TRUE SERVICE within yourself, which is expressing your
I Am Self and living your highest path. Also, accessing your inner creator. Limitless creativity and creation.
Awakening the White-Fire Body or the Light-Body (the illuminated self). Activating & invigorating the aura
and energy systems with the White Fire. Invigorating and purifying your entire field, regenerating self, people around
and external situations too. Sending light into difficult situations, sending light to others to help. CLASS 4: Activating
the Holy Heart Flame, the Immaculate Heart fire. Opening the Heart Center—coming from the heart, instead of the
mind. (Forgiveness & Releasing the energy of Fault.) CLASS 5: Intro to the Violet Flame. Cleansing karma & removing
negativity, discord, disharmony, disease, and chaos with the Violet Flame—accessing the patterns of perfection in your
own life. CLASS 6:
Invoking & connecting with the Ascended Masters for healing, spiritual advancement, guidance and help in overall life.
(Especially St. Germain) CLASS
7: Working with the healing angels, Violet Flame angels, fire elementals, and cleansing angels (sometimes
referred to as “the destroyer angels”) to spin negative energy out of your fields.

If you need more info or still have questions,
please feel free to e-mail Rev. Dr. Cynthia (Psychic Cynthia) at cynthia@cynthiakillion.com.
(Or use the "Contact Cynthia" form on this site, or FB message Cynthia.)
Refund policy: All fees paid for tuition are non-refundable. Therefore, please consider
carefully before enrolling. Rev. Dr. Cynthia wants you to be sure that you are sure that this is a good fit for you
BEFORE you enroll, which is why she is always happy to answer questions about classes. Blessings!
Still have questions?
You can easily reach Rev. Dr. Cynthia via Facebook message or e-mail at cynthia@cynthiakillion.com.