with Lunar Energy Cycles- Planning, Living, Thriving by the Seasons of the Moon Cycle with Rev. Dr. Cynthia
Killion, aka Psychic
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by the Four Seasons of the Moon.... Course
Summary For countless generations, wise people
have looked to the movements of the cosmos to help guide them in structuring and planning their rhythms and routines. Of all the heavenly bodies, the movements of the sun and moon are thought to have the most direct influence upon the
flow of energy and events here on earth….especially the moon, which is the closest major heavenly body to our earth,
and exerts a strong pull upon the tides of affairs here on earth. In this 2 session mini-course, you will learn more about the 4 major
seasons of the lunar cycle, including how to plan by these moon phases and how to
line up your weekly and monthly activities with the flow of lunar energies. We will also delve into the different energetic qualities of each of these phases of the moon, and share tips for how you might best
harmonize with each phase on an energetic, psychic, and spiritual level through meditation, ritual, ceremony or manifestation
work. In addition to all of the above, we will also explore what it
means to be born during a specific moon phase, and how the exact moon phase that you were born under affects the way
your energy flows and moves in this life, and how you can best achieve your purpose. (For example: A person born in the First quarter
moon phase thrives under pressure and can do well admist chaos or havoc. In contrast, someone born during
the last quarter moon phase requires more alone time and space to heal and re-balance.) This is the first course in my new COSMIC PLANNING,
ALIGNMENT & ACTIVATION series. I choose this topic to introduce this new class series, as I believe that understanding
the flow of energy within the lunar cycle is the logical starting point for aligning with cosmic energy cycles. After
all, the moon is the closest major heavenly body on earth, and exerts the strongest and most direct pull on the tides and
moods here on earth. Please note that this course focuses on the moon phases only, not the astrological moon signs. (We will
cover the moon signs later in a follow-up course.) Nonetheless, the principles covered do relate to the flow of energies
according to basic astrological and ancient folkloric teachings. Regardless of your sun or moon sign, we are ALL powerfully affected
by these four major phases of the moon, as well as the four intermediary phases. (Which we will also touch upon in this
mini-course!) No previous experience with astrology or astronomy is required to
take this course, as it will all be clearly explained for you, and there are NO prerequisite courses that you must take before
taking this one. To join us for this journey through the cycles of the moon, please click on the buy now button below. For more detailed
info about what is included (including dates of live classes), keep reading below.

TUITION: $77...includes
access to 2 live classes, plus optional Q & A (see below), class recordings & downloadable moon-guide materials ($55 if enrolling during New Year special
period) Click on the "Buy Now"
button above to get signed up. TIMES & DATES FOR LIVE CLASSES: This is a two-session introductory course (with an optional third
session for additional Q & A) that meets via zoom on the following dates & times: Class #1: Sunday, January 14th 2024 at 2 pm Central USA time (12 noon Pacific, 3 pm Eastern, and 8 pm London time) Class #2: Wednesday,
January 17th 2024 at
7:30 pm Central USA Standard time (5:30 pm Pacific time,
8:30 pm Eastern) Optional Q & A session: Sunday, January 21st 2024 at 2 pm Central USA time (12 noon Pacific, 3 pm Eastern,
and 8 pm London time) All classes will be
recorded for you. Join us live if you can. Or if it is more convenient for you, you can be a part of this experience by watching the recorded class videos back later. NOTE: Fees
received for courses are non-refundable and non-transferable, so please consider carefully before enrolling. (If you have questions about whether or not this course is right for
you, feel free to message or e-mail Cynthia with your questions before enrolling and paying your tuition.)

is included for this mini-course: --Two live classes held via zoom, introducing you to the seasons of the lunar cycle
and tips for how you can better harmonize your monthly plans & activities with these cycles, including the types of recommended
rituals, ceremonies, psychic workings and meditations for each phase --Access to recordings of both classes (that way
you can easily review the info presented and digest it at your own rate) --Downloadable written materials & calendars
to assist you with your on-going learning & planning, including: --The Aligning with Lunar Energy Cycles Course
Guide (10+ pages) --2024 Lunar Calendar pages (month-by-month calendar pages that show the phases of the moon for EVERY
day, to help you with your planning by the moon phases) --Basic Lunar Astronomy Info Guide for you --Lunar Worksheets for Further Reflection
& Growth + Whatever other materials that may be added on as the course progresses….