* Details & Enrollment Info *

~Spiritual Guidance & Inspiration Brought To YOU~
Are you ready to spiritually grow, evolve, & TRANSFORM into
your own personal "New Beginning"?
Dear Beautiful Soul, welcome to your portal of spiritual connection, insight, and awakening...the
Telechat Club. This is your direct connection to spiritual community, and the guidance, support, and inspiration you
need to stay calm and spiritually-centered in these highly energetic (and somewhat chaotic) times. You can access this
support right from your home, or wherever you happen to be at the time of our calls, or when you listen back to the live
recordings of our "Telechats". The Telechat Club is your LIFELINE to spiritual support, guidance, and direction
in these times of great transformation.
The Telechat Club is facilitated by spiritual teacher and psychic Rev. Dr. Cynthia Killion. From 2008
through the end of 2012, the Telechat Club met" at least twice a month, via telephone, to offer succulent and relevant
spiritual-based sharing & teachings to its members. Starting in 2013, the Telechat Club has become more of
a Telechat "Circle", with no formal membership required, and periodic short teleclasses being held from time to
time as Cynthia's schedule allows (sometimes we even have *free* one-time telechats). In 2015, Rev. Dr. Cynthia is focused
on offering you monthly guidance through her complimentary Cosmic Light and Guidance teleclasses, and there are plans
for mediumship and psychic development teleclasses later in the year.
Both more free and paid
telechats & teleclasses will be held throughout the year...please make sure that you are subscribed to Cynthia's on-line
newsletter, The Cosmic Newsletter, so that you can stay updated about these free calls/paid teleclasses in 2015 as they are offered.
(If you are not yet subscribed, you may do so at Cynthia's main website,
Cynthia birthed the “TeleChat Club” in 2008 as a way of making deeper level spiritual
guidance and support more accessible to her clients and students all around the world. The Telechat Club is a kind of
"forum" that allows Cynthia to work with several clients and students at once in an intimate, small group setting.
Cynthia has found that those who participate in the live calls of the Telechat Club benefit GREATLY from the combined
energies of the group, and grow MUCH faster than those who are only developing on their own or through one-on-one
The Telechat Club is unique in that it provides ON-GOING spiritual support & community, without requiring you to
travel or join a "church". It is entirely different than the "teleseminars" or "telesummits"
that are being offered by others, as it truly is a rare opportunity for intimate sharing among other spiritually-minded
folks, as well as consistent, on-going support in your process of spiritual growth. The support that you will receive
comes from Cynthia, the other group members, and the Atlantean Teachers, Cynthia's main spirit guides who channel
through her during a portion of each call.
PLEASE NOTE: The Telechat
Club is a trans-religious, non-denominational group. The teachings & guidance offered in the Telechat Club span
a broad spiritual spectrum, and seek to connect you with the wisdom of your own soul, rather than the dogma or tenets of man.
It does NOT matter what your religion is, or lack thereof. Any and all open-minded, spiritually-aware people are encouraged
to "join" the Telechat Club, and since this is no longer a membership-based club, all you need to do to be part
of our circle is to just register for & show up on a free call or enroll for one of Cynthia's occasional paid tele-classes!
Please check the "Register for Open Call" page to see if any free call is happening in the month that you are visiting
this website, or subscribe to Cynthia's free on-line Cosmic Newsletter at to be notified of future complimentary calls.