* Details & Enrollment Info *
SORRY! This Course has already been completed!
Please subscribe to Rev. Dr. Cynthia's Cosmic Newsletter to
stay up-dated about when it will be offered again.
A three-week telecourse conducted via telephone & online
Begins Thursday, April 25th at 8:30 pm Central daylight
Total of 3 classes held on three
consecutive Thursdays at the same time....
25th, May 2nd, and May 9th all at 8:30 pm Central daylight time*
Complete Tuition
cost is $111.
(*8:30 pm Central
daylight = 9:30 Eastern daylight,
7:30 Mountain
daylight, and 6:30 pm Pacific daylight.
one hour if your location does not observe daylight savings time.)
about "Living Your Higher Life Purpose" telecourse
This is a course that
I have psychically channeled & "brought through" with the help of my main spirit guides, the Atlantean Teachers.
Here is a bit of what they have to say about your higher life purpose:
“Your higher purpose is not only your job. Your higher purpose is the way you grow through
sharing your gifts & service with others. It is also how you grow and evolve as a spiritual being.
We all have the same cosmic life purpose, to become enlightened,
or to become spiritually awakened. Then, within the dream of physical life, each of us also has at least
one unique personal life purpose. Many of us fulfill this personal life purpose without even being
conscious that we are doing it. However, for some of us, there is a deeper desire to become more fully
conscious & aware of our unique personal life purpose…
In this course, we
will be delving into how you can realize and live both your cosmic life purpose and your personal life purpose more consciously
& deeply. This
is not just a course about “discovering” your life purpose, for discovery alone is not enough…the goal
is to consciously live & embody your life purpose in every single moment of your life, not just to “know”
about it or what it is. As we continue
in these lessons together, it is important to keep in mind that first and foremost, your personal life purpose exists in service
to your cosmic spiritual purpose…”
Enrollment in this teleclass includes:
* Access to
your written class lessons, downloadable & available on-line (about 32 pages for the first class alone)
* Access to 3 live teleclass calls (held on three consecutive Thursdays....April
25, May 2, May 9)
* Access
to playback recordings of our calls via telephone & internet download
downloadable class lessons are an integral part of this "Living Your Higher Life Purpose" teleclass. In
order to get the most out of this experience, you need to be prepared to read (or at least, skim over) the lesson
for the week before you go on the live call. The purpose of the live calls is to summarize
what was covered in the written lessons and then take questions or comments to help you understand it better &
apply it to your own life. Therefore, it will help if you have actually looked at your lesson in advance.
If you can't make one of the live calls, that's will at least be able to listen back to the recording.
However, we do recommend that you make as many of the live calls as you can, as this will be your opportunity to
discuss with others & ask questions from Cynthia about how you might apply the "Higher Life Purpose" concepts
to your own life.
To join us, please register on-line no later than Tuesday, April 23rd if you can. (It is best to register *earlier*
if you can, so that you can get your first class lesson well in advance of our first class.) If you are registering
via regular mail, then it is advisable that you mail your check by Thursday, April 18th (or that Friday at the latest) to
ensure that we do receive your registration in time to get you the info you need to attend the first class!
To pay & enroll on-line, please scroll down just a bit.

To enroll on-line in this "Living Your Higher Life Purpose" teleclass, just follow the
two simple steps below.....
#1) Register & Pay your tuition for the class (either $111 all at
once, or 2 payments of $55.50 each)
#2) Complete your enrollment form.
Once you have paid your tuition on-line, you will automatically receive a
receipt for your payment via e-mail. (In the very unlikely event that you do not receive the automatic receipt
at the email you used when paying, then this means that the payment did not go through & you need to go back & try
making your payment again.) Then, within a day (or two, if it is the weekend) you will receive an e-mail from Cynthia
& Telechat Team with all the info you need for attending the live calls & downloading your first class lessons.
note: To ensure that you actually receive the info that you need to attend the classes
& get your lessons, please add the following e-mail to your address book: (This is the e-mail that will be used to send you your confirmation
& class info. If you do not have it added into your "contacts" or "address book", it is possible
that your class information e-mail could "bounce" or be delivered to your "spam" box.)
thanks you for your interest in the "Living Your Higher Life Purpose" teleclass, and looks forward to joining you
for a time on your spiritual journey through these classes!

Click on one of the buttons below to join us in "Living
Your Higher Life Purpose"
1: Register & Pay for your have the choice of paying for the entire unit at
once ($111), or two payments of $55.50 each
2: After you have paid
& registered, please take a moment to fill out & send the brief "Enrollment Form" below.
If you need help registering, please call (316) 652-8970, or e-mail
PLEASE NOTE: If you would prefer to pay the "old-fashioned way" by check or money order, you
can. Just make sure that Cynthia receives your payment no later than Tuesday, April 23rd (so that she can get the info
you need to attend the classes to you in time for the first class). To do this, first choose your payment plan (in full
at once, OR, using the payment plan of 2 payments of $55.50). Make your check out for either $111 for the entire
unit, or $55.50 for the first half, payable to "Cynthia Killion". Then, mail to her at: 338 S. Volutsia
Wichita, Kansas 67211.
When registering by mail, please include your name, e-mail address, & phone number with area code. Also, please
MAKE SURE that you write on the check or mention on a separate sheet of paper that the payment is for the "Living Your
Higher Life Purpose" teleclass (or you can just complete & submit the short enrollment form on this page below,
and then we will know that you are registering for the class).

Tuition: $111 For "Living Your Higher Life Purpose" With Cynthia Killion & the Atlantean Teachers
Please click on the button to the left to enroll in the "Living Your Higher Life Purpose" teleclass
and pay your tuition in full. Cost is $111.
This includes access to your group teleclasses
with Cynthia & the other members, held on three consective Thursdays at 8:30 pm Central daylight time: April
25th, May 2nd, and May 9th 2013. It also includes access to your downloadable class lessons for each
class, as well as access to playback recordings of our calls (either via telephone or internet).
Please note: Tuition
paid for teleclasses is non-refundable & non-transferable. Also, tuition is based on your access to live teleclass calls, class lessons, and recordings, and not necessarily
your usage. Please consider carefully before registering, and ask all the questions you need to ask before you
register. Once you have paid & registered, there will be no refunds given if you change your mind later, so do be
fully sure that this is what you want to do, and that you are ready to invest your time & energy in learning more about
living your higher life purpose.

Tuition Payment Plan: 2 payments of $55.50 each (2nd payment will be debited two weeks after date of first
payment) Complete Tuition
is: $111 For
"Living Your Higher Life Purpose" With Cynthia Killion & the Atlantean
Please click on the button to the left
to enroll in the "Living Your Higher Life Purpose" teleclass and pay the first half of your
tuition payment. Your account will be debited $55.50 today for the first half of your tuiton, and then another $55.50
will be subtracted again two weeks from the date of the first payment. The complete cost is $111.
This includes access to your group
teleclasses with Cynthia & the other members, held on three consective Thursdays at 8:30 pm Central daylight
time: April 25th, May 2nd, and May 9th 2013. It also includes access to your downloadable class
lessons for each class, as well as access to playback recordings of our calls (either via telephone or internet).
note: Tuition paid for teleclasses is non-refundable & non-transferable.
Also, tuition is based on your access to live teleclass
calls, class lessons, and recordings, and not necessarily your usage. Please consider carefully before registering,
and ask all the questions you need to ask before you register. Once you have paid & registered, there will
be no refunds given if you change your mind later, so do be fully sure that this is what you want to do, and that you are
ready to invest your time & energy in learning more about living your higher life purpose.
Please click on the
button to the left to secure your place in the "Living Your Life Purpose" teleclass, and pay your tuition
in two payments of $55.50 each, billed separately two weeks apart. Please
note: If for some reason this payment option does not work for you, and you need a slighty different
payment option, please e-mail Cynthia at, and let her know what might work better for you. If you are requesting this special help, please do so as soon as
possible, or otherwise you may not be able to get enrolled before the first class.
To change your subscription settings, click here.
Step 2: Complete & Submit the following short "Enrollment