ATTENTION: All eclipses set off a cycle of change that affects us all for at least 6 months. EXPECT CHANGE AND EXPECT THE UNEXPECTED!

QUICK COSMIC TIDBITS ABOUT ECLIPSES: --Eclipses can be felt energetically for up to 90 days before the eclipse hits (!) --The energies are very chaotic & unstable around the time of an eclipse (although
also spiritually potent & creative) --Eclipses have a way of stirring things up, bringing conflict to the surface, and kicking you into action --A challenge, crisis or opportunity often
appears for you in the areas of life that are associated with the place in your birth chart that an eclipse is hitting --Not all eclipses will affect you the
same--those eclipses that are touching sensitive points in your chart (such as making an aspect with your own natal sun, moon,
or rising) will unleash the most energy for you --The weeks before and after an eclipse
generally have an effect that is similar to Mercury retrograde, in that there can be increased levels of confusion, and mental,
spiritual and physical equilibrium tends to be "off" --Act if you must, but remember that the weeks immediately before & after an
eclipse are usually not the best times for making long-term decisions or attempting to make a giant push forward
NOTE: For cosmic updates from Rev. Dr. Cynthia/Psychic Cynthia regarding upcoming eclipses
and other important energy shifts, please follow her on Facebook (look for Cynthia Killion) and/or subscribe to her Cosmic Newsletter through this website.

Both solar & lunar eclipses can have a profound effect upon
your personal & spiritual life. Solar eclipses take place at the time of the new moon and usher in a 6 month to
1 year cycle of external change (especially if the eclipse hits a "sensitive" point in your birth chart).
"External change" means changes in your outer life & outer world.....things that are happening around you and
events that seem to take place without any help from you.
There can be irritation & frustration in the areas
of life ruled by the "house" that this eclipse hits in your chart, especially
if you do not understand the energies that are affecting you and what they are trying to teach you. After all,
it can be hard to just "go with the flow" when you don't know which way the flow is going!
So solar eclipses
can sometimes coincide with problems in a certain area of your life. In fact, it is not unusual to feel like your power,
strength or enthusiasm has been "eclipsed" or upsurped for 6 months to a year in the areas of life most effected
by a solar eclipse. However, it doesn't have to be this way! By learning more about how the most recent solar
eclipse is interacting with your own unique birth chart, you can get the information you need to experience clarity and expansion
again in your life.
In other words, you can become EMPOWERED by a solar
eclipse, instead of discouraged, when you really understand what it is trying to teach you.
Lunar eclipses take place at the time of the full moon. Lunar eclipses
indicate your emotional cycle & typical emotional response for a 6 month to 1 year period. A lunar eclipse usually gives you an opportunity to experience *healing* in the area of life that it is most profoundly
effecting. You may also find yourself experiencing that area of life more from your emotions, heart, or intuition,
rather than from your rationale.
For example, when a lunar eclipse takes place with the moon in your 2nd house,
you might find yourself dealing with your money or possessions in a way that is more emotionally than intellectually-based.
You may also have an opportunity to heal any issues of self-worth that you have, or to develop a deeper spiritual perspective
towards material possessions.
Many astrologers place more importance on the effects of the solar eclipse than the
lunar eclipse. However, Cynthia feels that lunar eclipses are equally as significant (if not *more*), especially to
people who are spirituallly or emotionally sensitive. This is because lunar eclipses stimulate deep resorvoirs of memory,
wisdom, and power within the subconscious mind. Lunar eclipses awaken the feelings, the emotions, and the intuition.
They also show where you may be most likely to spiritually develop for that period
of time.
AFFECTING YOU You can tell what areas of your life will be most affected by these eclipses by
looking at what houses the sun and moon occupy in your birth chart at the time of the eclipse.
do you need to heal? In what areas of life are your emotions & memories being stimulated? Where do you have an opportunity
to awaken your true wisdom & power by delving into the subconscious?
What potential GIFTS does this eclipse offer you? To find the answers to these questions, locate the
position of the sun & moon at the time of an eclipse in your chart. The houses where these points fall reveal clues
about the next 6 month to one year cycle you are entering into.
(To decipher the meanings of the houses, refer to any basic astrology book or website.) Also
pay attention to any planets that are "aspected" by the eclipse. In order for planets to be in "aspect"
there must be a specific mathematical relationship between them. This mathematical relationship is defined by the distance
between the two bodies, usually a unit of 30 degrees.
If the eclipsing Sun or Moon falls within 0, 60, 90, 120, or 180 degrees of one of your
Natal planets, or your Rising Sign or Midheaven, then the areas of activity ruled by this planet will take on a special emphasis
in your life during the next 6 months. (Use an "orb" of 2-3 degrees on either side. In other words,
it doesn't have to be exact to count as an aspect, only *close*.)
Particularly significant are planets that fall near a 0, 90, or 180 degree aspect to
the place of either the Eclipse Sun or Moon. If you have planets or important points at these degrees, PAY ATTENTION! The Universe
is sending you an important message, and you don't want to miss it!
Again, if the eclipse is hitting one of your natal planets by aspect, then
the activities represented by that planet or point will operate more strongly in your life for the next 6 months to 1 year.
If you are someone who finds yourself sensitive to the effects of eclipses, Cynthia strongly encourages you to have
an Intuitive Astrology reading at least a couple of times a year, either with herself or another qualified astrologer.
(If you choose
to seek out another astrologer besides Rev. Dr. Cynthia, ask first if they can or do cover the effects of eclipses in their
readings. Many do not. But Rev. Dr. Cynthia can definitely do an eclipsed-focused reading for you, if this is
your interest!)