beautiful soul! If you are interested in scheduling a psychic MEDIUMSHIP reading with Rev. Dr. Cynthia, then you have
come to the right place! Please make sure you have already looked over the info on this website about Mediumship Readings before registering for one, as a mediumship reading is a very special kind
of reading indeed.
you wish to inquire about the special in-person session, please CLICK HERE instead.

Note: The following information is regarding Mediumship telephone or zoom readings with
Rev. Dr. Cynthia (which are her usual, standard readings, and the kind that she prefers to do). If you
are inquiring about special, in-person readings, you should CLICK HERE instead. The fee for a standard
private Mediumship Reading with Rev. Dr. Cynthia is $270. This is for a session that is about 60
minutes long (up to 75 minutes for first session). If a session goes over the allotted 60 minutes (75 min.
for first-time) then "overtime fees" apply (see below for more info.) This cost includes your
reading, plus a complimentary downloadable recording of your reading.
To schedule a mediumship reading with Rev. Dr. Cynthia from this site, all you need to do is complete the simple "Reading
Reservation Form", and then pay for your reading via credit or debit card. The entire process usually takes 5 minutes
or less.
you reserve & pay for your reading, Cynthia or a member of her team will contact you via e-mail or telephone within 1-2
business days to schedule your session. Depending on your scheduling flexibiltity, as well as Cynthia's availability,
it will usually be about 1-2 weeks from the time you reserve & pay for your session to the time you actually have your
reading. (However, often Cynthia can get you in within a week, and if she can, she will...a lot of it depends on how
flexible *your* schedule is).
To reserve your psychic Mediumship phone reading with Cynthia,
please click here. For more
info on the possibility of a special in-person session, please Click Here instead.
If you have questions
about scheduling a reading, or need help getting registered, please e-mail cynthia@cynthiakillion.com. When e-mailing, please put something like "reading scheduling question" in the subject line. You may
also call 316-347-9481 if you need help reserving your reading or have questions about it. (When
calling, if you get the voicemail, please do leave a detailed message with your name, number, what your question is or what
you need help with on the registration, and possibly your e-mail too in case we are unable to reach you via telephone.)
Thank you, and Cynthia looks forward to doing your reading soon and helping you to get the sublime guidance & inspiration
you seek! "Overtime Fee" info (it is unlikely that this will apply for you, as Cynthia does
not usually have time to do "overtime" readings", but if it does, here is what to expect): If your session runs over the allotted time of 60
minutes (75 minutes for first time session), then an "overtime fee" will be charged in increments of $50 for each
extra fifteen minutes, minimum fee of $50 for any amount of overtime, even it if is under 15 minutes. Cynthia prefers
to end the session right at about 1 hour (up to 1 hour & fifteen minutes for first time clients). However,
if you insist on having an extended session, then these additional fees will apply.

For more information about
scheduling & to view Cynthia's schedule of possible reading slots for the month, please click here.