Your Path & Accelerate Your Spiritual Healing Journey with FLAIRY ESSENCES FLOWER ESSENCE BLENDS created especially for You by Rev. Dr. Cynthia Killion, Spiritual Psychic Medium & Plant Clairvoyant
FORMULAS (#15 and Up)
Rev. Dr. Cynthia has created over 20 multi-essence vibrational formulas to help assist you with MANY different issues
and areas of life. Each of these formulas contains anywhere from 8-20 individual essences combined together
to create a synergetic effect. NOTE: This page includes info for Flairy Essences Vibrational Formulas #15 and upward. For more info about Flairy Essences Vibrational Formulas #1-10, please CLICK HERE. For more info about Flairy
Essences Vibrational Formulas #11-14, please CLICK HERE.

A QUICK NOTE ON COSTS: Unless otherwise specified, all formulas come in a 1
oz. glass bottle, and are $25 a bottle, plus shipping and handling (and sales tax for KS residents only). A couple
of formulas are available in the 2 oz. size only, and those are $35. As of this current writing, Cynthia's flower
essences can only be shipped to places in the United States. (We will keep you posted if that changes.) Also,
if you are new to flower essences and are wondering how you are supposed to take them, no worries! Each order includes
informational paperwork for you regarding the particular formula you have ordered, as well as detailed suggestions for taking
it. Also, in case you are wondering, for most people, a 1 oz.
bottle will last from around 16 days up to 4 months (with the average being a little bit more than 1 month), depending
on how frequently you take your formula and how many drops you take at a time. If you are planning on taking it more
frequently, you may wish to order 2 bottles of the same one at once, in order to save on future shipping charges.

Essence Vibrational Formulas #15 & Upward
YELLOW ROSE--One of the rose essences used in the LADY OF ROSES formula. Its vibration helps
to calm the mind, lift the heart, and restore serenity, peace and energy.
15) LADY OF ROSES special formula-- Aaaah,
Rose. There is something eternally soothing and refreshing about Rose in all its forms. Whenever you want a little
extra lift up, whenever you seek the serenity, peace and energy of the Divine Feminine, the Lady of Roses is just what you
need! This is a road-opener
formula that clears the way and opens closed doors. It does this by helping you break out of apathy and move beyond
resistance. In addition to containing the essences of 8 different roses (including the magical Wild White
Rose from mystical Wells, KS), it also contains the refreshing & uplifting frequencies of Rosemary, Rose of Sharon
and White Avens (the Blessed Herb). LADY OF ROSES formula: Spiritual Guide; Protector, Intercessor, Soother & Granter of
Aid. Note: To help enhance its effectiveness, this formula is always bottled with just a hint of ROSEWATER. Also,
you might be interested to know that the Lady of Roses formula works especially well along with the TENSION EASE & RELAXATION formula that is also in the Flairy Essence line,
as well as the EMERGENCY RELIEF & SUPPORT formula. You can find
more info about the Tension Ease drops or spray on the page for Vibrational Formulas #1-10 by clicking here. (It is #8.) The info for Emergency Relief & Support formula is located below on this same page that you are
on now, as it is formula #16.
To order your 1 or 2 oz. bottle of LADY OF ROSES (your choice), please click below to select the size you want & your preferred preservation
base, and then click on the ADD TO CART button to order. Cost is $25 for a 1 oz bottle, or $35 for a 2 ounce bottle,
plus shipping & handling and tax (KS residents only).
LILAC--One of the essences used in the EMERGENCY
RELIEF & SUPPORT formula. In addition to opening & increasing psychic awareness, Lilac essence can
also help you to relax and unwind and to release any pent up energy vestiges of trauma, shock, abuse or grief.
RELIEF & SUPPORT formula-- When you
just want energetic help & you want it FAST, this is the one to turn to!
This is a kind of broad-spectrum, Universal essence formula that is beneficial in just
about any kind of situation. When things are going smoothly, you can take it just once or twice a day as a kind of spiritual energy
tonic. (This is especially helpful for when you are cleansing, dieting, fasting, or otherwise undergoing a kind
of spiritual or physical shift.)
When things are NOT going as smoothy, this is the #1 FORMULA that I recommend to ease your pain
& get you back on the right track again, especially for when you have had any kind of recent trauma or
shock. (Examples: A car acccident or near accident. Falling down and hurting yourself or just getting
sick. Or you just lost your job or your partner has just announced that it's over & he's leaving. Or whatever
other unpleasant thing has just happened or for when you have just received some "bad" news.)
Have you heard of the Bach flower remedy Rescue Remedy? Well, this
is my own personal formula of flower essences to the rescue!
This formula contains 13 different essences, including the grounding & energizing crystal
elixer of Smokey Quartz. Also included in this formula are Lavender (an overall-energy harmonizer & soother), Grape
Hyacinth (for when you feel life has hit you in the gut & you need to spring back), and Bridal Wreath Spirea (to
sweep clear your aura & remove negativity). All these and more are part of the synergistic beauty of Emergency Relief
& Support.
Note: This formula also works particularly well with either the LADY OF ROSES formula (#15 above) and also the TENSION
EASE & RELAXATION formula (#8 in the Flairy Essence line). You can find more info about the Tension
Ease drops or spray on the page for Vibrational Formulas #1-10 by clicking here. (It is #8.) For info on Lady of Roses or to also order that one, just scroll UP a little on this same page.
To order your
1 or 2 oz. bottle of EMERGENCY RELIEF & SUPPORT (your choice), please click below to select
the size you want & your preferred preservation base, and then click on the ADD TO CART button to order.
Cost is $25 for a 1 oz bottle, or $35 for a 2 ounce bottle, plus shipping & handling and tax (KS residents only).
Because these are hand-crafted items (that are usually used in very personal ways), all payments for Flairy essences
are non-refundable & non-transferable. So please consider carefully when purchasing, and if you are not sure about
what you are ordering or need more info, please ask your questions BEFORE your order. (You can e-mail Rev.
Dr. Cynthia with your questions at cynthia@cynthiakillion.com, or use the Contact Cynthia form on this site.) Also, know that in the unlikely event that your flower essence formula
were to arrive in an unusable condition (such as a broken bottle), all you need to do is to contact Cynthia & her team,
and we will be sure to get you a replacement as soon as possible. (Photodocumentation of bottle may be required.)
essences are vibrational healing elixers, but they are NOT medicines in the pharmaceutical sense. Therefore, the information
and claims regarding essences on this site has not been evaluated by the FDA, and flower essences are NOT intended to treat
or cure medical conditions. Instead, they offer vibrational support to assist you in your overall health & well-being.
Please see a medical doctor or qualified natural healer for help with your medical conditions. Also, do not stop taking your
medications without the advice of a medical doctor. (Besides, flower essences are so gentle that you can usually take your
flower essences along with any medications you are taking, so there is no need to discontinue medication unless you &
your doctor decide that is what is best for you.)
Prefer to pay by check or money order? You
can. Simply make out your check or money order to "Cynthia Killion", and mail to 338 S. Volutsia,
Wichita, KS 67211 USA. Don't forget to include shipping charges in your total too ($9 for first bottle, $10 for 2 bottles,
$11 for 3 bottles, $12 for 4 bottles....free shipping on orders of 5 or more.) When ordering by mail, please include
your name, e-mail, and daytime telephone number (if in the US). Also, include the name of the creation you are
ordering, how many, and the address of where you would like it shipped to. You will be notified by e-mail
with a confirmation when your order goes out.