* Special
Holly & Pine Winter Solstice Essences * (Autumn Leaves, Monkey Grass, & Angelica too)
THE WINTER SOLSTICE is a pause pointing
marking the RETURN OF LIGHT
and the REBIRTH of the Divine-Christ Consciousness within ourselves. Thus, the energies of spiritual light & rebirth are encoded in
these essences.
These special Solstice flower essences (along with the Autumn
Leaves formula & Monkey-Grass essence) contain the energies that are needed to clear your field and help you rise
up to a higher, more positive vibration to welcome the next cycle of change, growth, and evolution in your life.
For more info, scroll down just a little ways. To order,
use the quick order buttons below. Namaste and Blessed Be.
flower (and plant) water infusions that have been potentized by sunlight then preserved in alcohol and can be used to change
consciousness, raise spiritual vibration, and facilitate healing & awareness on the spiritual, emotional, mental &
psychic levels. The essences are usually taken a few drops at a time orally, usually somewhere between 1-3 times
a day for a cycle of about a month, although sometimes slightly longer is needed. (Literally, a few drops is all it
takes to change your vibration!) They are SOUL HEALERS that can assist with your healing, growth, and
evolution on ALL levels, especially as it relates to the finer non-physical realms. And as your soul heals, re-aligns, and
grows, this provides extra energy and impetus for your healing & growth on all other levels of life as
If you are new to flower essences and would like more info about what they are and how they work, please CLICK HERE to learn more. Otherwise, keep reading here to learn more about the special SOLSTICE-NEW YEAR-NEW

ORDER OPTION (for when you are ready to order): If you are ready
to order your set of Winter Solstice Holly & Pine, you can do so quickly right here. (You can also order the special
Autumn Leaves formula or Monkeygrass essence here too.)
If you need more info about these essences and the vibrational help that they offer you, please scroll
down and keep reading. When ordering, be
sure to also select your preferred preservative base (traditional alcohol, colloidal silver, or apple cider vinegar).
If you don't select a particular preservation base, then the standard alcohol base will be used. Shipping is calculated
automatically, based on the number of bottles or sets that you are ordering. (You get the best deal on shipping
when ordering the 4 bottle set at once.)
(Choose your preferred
preservation base & click ADD TO CART above to order your energy clearing essences.)
Because these are hand-crafted items (that are usually used in very personal ways), all payments for Flairy essences
are non-refundable & non-transferable. So please consider carefully when purchasing, and if you are not sure about
what you are ordering or need more info, please ask your questions BEFORE you order. (You can e-mail Rev.
Dr. Cynthia with your questions at cynthia@cynthiakillion.com, or use the Contact Cynthia form on this site.) Also, know that in the unlikely event that your flower essence formula
were to arrive in an unusable condition (such as a broken bottle), all you need to do is to contact Cynthia & her team,
and we will be sure to get you a replacement as soon as possible. (Photodocumentation of bottle may be required.)

To Order More than one set or to add on the Autumn Leaves and/or Angelica and Monkey-Grass essences:
Just highlight/click on the name of the first essence or set that you want to
buy in the list above, then choose "add to cart". Then when it takes you to the payment processing page, choose
"Continue Shopping" to go back and order another by choosing "add to cart" again. To change quanties
of an item (such as if you want to order a set for both you AND a friend), just type in the new number where
it shows the quantity on the payment processing page. If you need more info about these essences and what they
do, just keep scrolling down and read more about their descriptions.

SOLSTICE ESSENCES: Holly and Pine were very sacred trees to the ancient wise druids, and both have
a special affinity with the time of the year around the Winter Solstice. Among other things, Holly was used
by ancient people for protection, vigour, renewal (especially in winter) and to ensure safe passage during times of transition
and change. Associated with the crown of Christ in Christian mysticism, it is said to be one of the highest vibrations
of Universal love on the planet. Furthermore, the Holly berries that were used in the special solstice Holly essence help
to amplify one's powers of manifestation and creative fruitfulness. Pine is very powerful as well in its own right,
and is traditionally used for cleansing, revitalizing, refreshing and raising the energies within a person's aura or
space. The special flower essence-vibrational
tinctures of these sacred trees that are offered here on this site were made on the Winter Solstice of 2015. They were
charged by afternoon sunlight, evening moonlight, the light of the Yule fire (pictured above) as well as the light of
the sunrise on the very next day. In addition to their many metaphysical qualities (see below), the essences
of these plants are excellent for taking in the winter & around the New Year due to their hardy evergreen
energies, as they help to keep our life force strong and vital during times of lower temperatures and less light. Cost
for this 2 bottle set of special solstice essences: $30 for a 1/2 oz. stock level bottle
of each (2 bottles total, one of the special solstice Pine & one of the special solstice Holly) plus shipping &
handling, and sales tax (KS residents only). Note: Because it is our strong recommendation that these two essences
be taken TOGETHER at the same time, they are only available as a two bottle set (containing both kinds).

(Solstice Holly & Pine) When these
plants (winter solstice Holly & Pine) are used to make vibrational essences, the essences they produce are excellent for
helping you to clear you energy field from any energetic or emotional debris that might have been stirred up during the holiday
season (or during any other intense emotional or energetic encounters). For Holly helps to reduce the ego, eliminate
or lessen judgemental tendencies towards others, and raise us up into the frequency of unconditional, Universal, Christ-consciousness
love. Pine is for self-love, self-acceptance, and self-forgiveness...in other words, it is helps us to have unconditional
love for YOURSELF and to release any tendency that you might have to be judgemental or critical towards yourself, as well
as to lighten any loads of GUILT or over-responsibility you may be carrying within you as well.
The Holiday season, although often full of joy, also has a way of bringing up issues in our relationships with family
members, loved ones, and even ourselves. Often, the most difficult situations arise due to a lack of acceptance
and judgement and/or condemnation of one's self or others. These are NOT the kind of energies you want to be bringing
with you into the New Year! (Or into any new cycle at all, for that matter.) By bringing
the energy of these special Winter Solstice essences into your life, you can help clear and re-balance your energy
field so that you are open and ready to receive the new goodness that is available for you in the new year or cycle ahead.
To order your
special Solstice Holly & Pine 2 bottle kit, click on the "add to cart" button below. (Or,
if you would like to treat yourself to the DELUXE Solstice New Year/New Cycle 4 bottle kit, scroll down just a bit and order
Solstice Set, 4 1/2 ounce stock bottles-$60 (Solstice Holly, Solstice Pine, Autumn Leaves, & Monkey-Grass...saves
money on shipping when ordering all four as a set.)
2) Autumn Leaves special
formula separately, $15 (for 1/2 ounce stock bottle)
3) Monkey-grass
energy replenishing essence separately, $15 (for 1/2 ounce stock bottle)
4) Angelica-invokes
the blessing of the angels essence, $15 (for 1/2 ounce dosage bottle)
You also have the option of adding-on
the AUTUMN LEAVES combo formula, which we recommend for
using with Solstice Holly & Pine to help ease your transition into the next cycle of growth, evolution, and
achievement. Autumn Leaves essence makes it easier for you to relax, let go and embrace the beauty of change.
This vibration helps to provide you with courage, optimism and hope during times of transition and change,
especially as you are releasing one aspect of yourself (or your life) to make way for another. Particularly good for
those who have just started on a new major course of life direction, such as beginning a new business, spiritual awakening,
relationship beginnings and endings, births & deaths, career transition, starting a diet/weight loss/health plan, moving
forward with new educational or teaching endeavors, or any other kind of activity that involves you moving from one state
of being and consciousness into a much different state of being. If you have been exposed to harsh or negative energy
in the recent weeks, you may also wish to take MONKEY-GRASS
essence to help heal and repair your aura. Monkeygrass essence works well to restore and replace vital energies
that are lost as a result of the energetic and emotional draining that can occur when you are exposed to overly
negative or needy people (also known as energy vampires, psychic vampires, energy hackers, energy drains, or just not fun
to be around!). This essence is often needed after the holiday season, or after any other time of more
intense socializing.
Another nice addition that works well with the Solstice Holly & Pine is ANGELICA
essence, which invokes the blessing and assistance of the angels. It also helps to bring forth
within you a feeling of comfort & support from the spiritual realms. Although not required, any and all of these 3 essences
(Autumn Leaves, Monkey-Grass, or Angelica) are very complimentary to the special Solstice Holly & Pine, especially
when you are trying to get "geared up" for initiating a new cycle of positive change in your life.
These optional special essences are $15 each for a 1/2 ounce bottle when ordered separately, plus shipping &
handling. The Autumn Leaves & Monkey Grass are also included in the 4 bottle Deluxe Solstice-New Growth kit

NOTE/DISCLAIMER: Flower essences are vibrational healing elixers,
but they are NOT medicines in the pharmaceutical sense. Therefore, the information and claims regarding essences on this site
has not been evaluated by the FDA, and flower essences are NOT intended to treat or cure medical conditions. Instead, they
offer vibrational support to assist you in your overall health & well-being. Please see a medical doctor or qualified
natural healer for help with your medical conditions. Also, do not stop taking your medications without the advice of a medical
doctor. (Besides, flower essences are so gentle that you can usually take your flower essences along with any medications
you are taking, so there is no need to discontinue medication unless you & your doctor decide that is what is best for