SCHEDULING NOTE.... Although her schedule varies from month to month, Rev. Dr. Cynthia usually has at least some openings
each month for private readings, January through November. However, each year Cynthia takes December off from
doing readings to rest her gift. So please plan accordingly when scheduling your readings. Namaste and Thank
You. NOTE: Cynthia will be on her annual month long-reading break from December 1st 2023-January 4th 2024. If you purchase a reading during this time, you will be offered the
first available appointments in January. Spiritual-Psychic
Reading "Half-Sessions" are also available with Psychic Cynthia. These are 30-45 minute sessions that are
mainly designed to be used as "updates" when a regular, returning client has had a reading within the least 3 months
or less. (They are also good for one you have just 1 or 2 very SPECIFIC areas you want to focus on.) A 1/2 session is NOT
a comprehensive reading but rather focuses in on one particular area of life (or maybe two, max). Cynthia
does not recommend getting a 1/2 session for your first-time reading, or if your last reading was more than 3 months
ago, unless you only have one area of life that you just want a little bit of information about. If you need
a more comprehensive, in depth reading, then register for the regular, full-length session. Cost for "Spiritual-Psychic"
Half-Reading: $150 (price will increase slightly soon) Half-Reading sessions are available by *TELEPHONE OR ZOOM ONLY*....(no in-person sessions for only
a half-session). If session
runs over 45 minutes, then an "overtime fee" will be applied in increments of $50 for each additional 15 minutes,
with minimun overtime fee being $50 (even if it is less than fifteen minutes of overtime). This is unlikely to happen
however, as Cynthia works on a schedule and usually will need to end at the previously agreed upon time.
STEP 1: Register
and pay for your Spiritual Psychic HALF-SESSION Phone Reading by clicking on the Buy Now button above. Cost is
$140 (Please complete this step before proceeding to step two.)
STEP 2: Complete & submit the brief "Contact & Background Info" form below to schedule your session.
If you would prefer, once you have paid, you can schedule your session by telephone by calling (316) 347-9481. Please
make sure you pay & register for your session before completing this step. (If you have already scheduled your session by phone with Cynthia, and you are just
using this page to pay, you may skip this second step if you'd like.)
Questions? Please feel free to e-mail Cynthia directly
at cynthia@cynthiakillion.com. Or call 316-347-9481. (E-mail or FB message will usually
get a faster response.)

Scheduling Note: Typically, it will be about 1 week (up to 2 weeks) from the time you register to the time you have your reading
with Cynthia (sometimes sooner). If you are wondering about Cynthia's appointment availablity in the near future,
you can check the READING SCHEDULE for future openings.
PLEASE NOTE: A reading is NOT a substitute for medical,
psychological, legal, financial, or any other kind of professional treatment or advice. Cynthia generally
does not give advice but simply presents what it is that is coming through for you from the spiritual world. You,
and you alone, are responsible for any actions you may take as a result of what you hear in a reading. Cynthia does not claim to be 100% accurate (no human can be).
You are always free to accept or reject anything you hear in session. You must measure what is said
against your own Inner Truth and Common Sense.
Cynthia THANKS YOU for allowing her to serve you! You are such a gift
in this world!