Your Path & Accelerate Your Spiritual Healing Journey with FLAIRY ESSENCES FLOWER ESSENCE BLENDS created especially for You by Rev. Dr. Cynthia Killion, Spiritual Psychic Medium & Plant Clairvoyant
FORMULAS (#11-14)
Rev. Dr. Cynthia has created over 20 multi-essence vibrational formulas to help assist you with MANY different issues
and areas of life. Each of these formulas contains anywhere from 8-20 individual essences combined together
to create a synergetic effect. NOTE: This page includes info for Flairy Essences Vibrational Formulas #11-14. Includes: Cranky Wanky, Glow, Bring
Back the Light, and Spring Back in My Step. --For more info about Flairy Essences Vibration Formulas #1-10, please CLICK HERE. -- For info about Flairy
Essence Vibrational Formulas #15 and upwards (starting with Lady of Roses), please CLICK HERE.

A QUICK NOTE ON COSTS: Unless otherwise specified, all formulas come in a 1
oz. glass bottle, and are $25 a bottle, plus shipping and handling (and sales tax for KS residents only). A couple
of formulas are available in the 2 oz. size only, and those are $35. As of this current writing, Cynthia's flower
essences can only be shipped to places in the United States. (We will keep you posted if that changes.) Also,
if you are new to flower essences and are wondering how you are supposed to take them, no worries! Each order includes
informational paperwork for you regarding the particular formula you have ordered, as well as detailed suggestions for taking
it. Also, in case you are wondering, for most people, a 1 oz.
bottle will last from around 16 days up to 4 months (with the average being a little bit more than 1 month), depending
on how frequently you take your formula and how many drops you take at a time. If you are planning on taking it more
frequently, you may wish to order 2 bottles of the same one at once, in order to save on future shipping charges.

Essence Vibrational Formulas #11 & Upward 11) CRANKY WANKY (Mellow Out) special formula-- Whenever you are feeling cranky, moody, or irritable,
Cranky-Wanky/Mellow Out can help you shift your vibration to a more positive, hopeful, relaxed and laid back space.
So relax and take a deep breathe in, and know that the fairies are helping you to soften the jagged edges of your aura
with Cranky-Wanky special formula. This formula is for when you feel like a “Crabby Abby” and the smallest of things gets on your nerves, or
for when you have cabin fever from being couped up inside during bad weather, for PMS irritation that comes before or during
that certain time of the month (for ladies), or for any time when you just feel like a cranky old goat! Cranky
Wanky (Mellow Out) is a synergistic vibrational blend consisting of 15 different essences (14 from flowers, 1 from a gemstone)
to help relieve feelings of crankiness, frustration, irritation and crabbiness. Note: This formula works especially well along with
the TENSION EASE formula that is also in the Flairy Essence line.
Tension Ease is available in the usual liquid drops form (to be taken orally), as well as in a spray-bottle form mixed
with rosewater. Both of these work very well when taken along with this Cranky Wanky Mellow Out formula.
You can order the Tension Ease drops or spray on the page for Vibrational Formulas #1-10 by clicking here. (It is #8.)
CRANKY-WANKY Mellow Out formula--$25
for 1 oz. bottle (plus shipping & handling)--click above to order & choose your preservative base.
OKRA BLOSSOM--One of the flowers essence used
in the Cranky Wanky formula. Okra essence helps you to rise above a "gloom &
doom" perspective and restores your ability to see the GOOD in your life.
12) "GLOW like a Goddess" special formula--A special formula made using the essences of spring flowers anchored in clear quartz energy. For diffusing
stress, restoring gentleness and serenity, and embracing your own inner light and beauty. Helps to a sense of vibrancy
and a sparkle and shine to your aura and physical presence. Excellent for mixing into your own moisturizer or rubbing
directly onto face for bringing back that warm-weather glow. Particularly recommended for women. (Although men seeking
to glow & re-energize will also find it helpful.) Contains 13 different essences (including Spirea, Wisteria,
Lilac, and Daffodil) bottled in just a hint of rosewater.This is a good all-purpose formula that addresses MANY issues, including the need to release stored
tension and stress and get re-balanced. It can be used as an "emergency" essence in nearly any situation.
When taken on a daily basis, it can help lift that sense of heaviness, dullness or depression and bring back a lighter, brighter &
more joyous energy. A very good all-purpose rejuvenator. As mentioned above, it also makes
a good formula for mixing in with your skin care products and adding a natural psychic glow to your skin & physical presence.
(If you are interested in using it more for the skincare element, you may wish to check out the special enhanced SPRAY version
below that is bottled in 50% rosewater signature blend and can be sprayed directly on your face.) To order a 1 oz. bottle of GLOW like a Goddess special
formula, please click below to select your preferred preservation base, and then click on the ADD TO CART button
to order. (Please see below for more info about the special spray version if you are interested in that too.)
GLOW like a Goddess--regular liquid
DROPS form--$25 for 1 oz. bottle (plus shipping & handling)--click on
"Add to Cart" above to order. (For more info about the special SPRAY version, please see below.)
YELLOW ROSE--One of the keynote flower essences
used in the GLOW formula (both spray & liquid drop form). Yellow Rose essence is a mental restorer &
uplifter. It calms the mind, lifts the heart, restores serenity and leaves one with an energized peace & calm.
12-B) "GLOW like a Goddess" special Enhanced Spray formula--As explained above, GLOW is a special formula made using the essences of spring flowers anchored
in clear quartz energy. The basic formula is great for diffusing stress, restoring gentleness and serenity, and embracing
your own inner light and beauty. This is one of the formulas that is also excellent for applying topically (especially
on the face) and so I have used it to create a special, unique spray creation that you can spray right onto
your face.
This spray version is enhanced with my own signature rosewater blend (which contains rosewater that I have made myself
from my own roses). Rosewater is toning, hydrating and balancing for ALL skin types. When you combine the
rosewater with the vibration of the essences in Glow, you have a natural beauty aid that assists you both
with looking AND feeling your best. It also helps you to be more beautiful on both the inside & the outside.
Please note: A standard bottle of this special enhanced spray formula contains
about 33% alcohol for preservative. This helps your Glow Spray to stay fresh & stable at room temperature so it
does not have to be refrigerated. However, if you would prefer, you can choose to have your Glow spray bottled without
alcohol. (When choosing this option, you may need to refrigerate your Glow Spray if you still have it
after a year). Cost is $25 for a regular 1 oz. spray bottle, or $35 for a 2 oz. jumbo size. To
order your GLOW spray, click below to choose whether you want your spray bottled with or without the preservative,
choose your size (1 or 2 oz) and then click on ADD TO CART to finalize your order.
GLOW like a Goddess--special enhanced
SPRAY version--$25 for 1 oz. bottle OR $35 for a jumbo 2 oz. bottle (plus
shipping & handling)--click on "Add to Cart" above to order.
PEACH & WHITE DAFFODIL--One of the flower
essences used in the GLOW like a Goddess formula. Peach White Daffodil essence restores
inner vibrancy, glow, sparkle & shine. It also gently stimulates your creativity and enthusiasm for life, as well
as awakening both your sacral & crown chakras.
BACK THE LIGHT special formula (spray & regular drops) 13) BRING BACK THE LIGHT special enhanced SPRAY version formula--For when you feel overwhelmed by the negative energy
within or around you, when darkness, rage or hopelessness devours you, when you feel as if your soul might be possessed or
under psychic attack, OR when you must live or work around someone who carries a very dark energy. If this is the case
for you, then know that help is on its way with just a few sprays of Bring Back the Light. The purpose of this formula is to dispel
all negative energy and return you back to a state of wholeness & light. This formula alleviates psychic
attack and assists with exorcism. This is accomplished through this formula by the many things that its
different components can do, including:
1) Helps to drive out any unwanted spirit attachments or energies
2) Helps to remove any negative energy cords or negative thoughforms (whether they were generated internally
or externally)
3) Helps to dispel any other negative energies present (including heavy or negative emotional energies) 4) Assists
with invoking the healing, protective and cleansing power of the White Light, as well as the protective presence of the Angelic
realm 5)
Soothes, heals and repairs holes in the aura and imbalances in the chakra system and overall energy field (including
all of the subtle bodies) This synergistic vibrational
blend is made with the essences of 13 plants and 1 gemstone elixir. The 14 essences contained in this BRING
BACK THE LIGHT formula are as follows: Aloe Vera, Amethyst Gemstone, Angelica, Antiseptic Bush, Calendula,
Daisy, Garlic, Grass of Parnassus, Lotus, Mimosa, Monkeygrass (Lily-turf), Mountain Pennyroyal, White Snakeroot, White Yarrow.
To create the synergestic spray, the 14 essence formula is then blended together with other magical components known
for their ability to dispell negative energy and raise positive vibes, including Geranium oil and consecrated sea salt.
To order this special enhanced spray creation
of Bring Back Your Light, please click on the ADD TO CART button below. (Cost is $35 for a 2 oz. bottle.
Comes in 2 oz. size only, so that you will have plenty!)
BRING BACK THE LIGHT--Special Enhanced
SPRAY bottle formula--$35 for 2 oz. bottle (plus shipping & handling)--click on "Add to Cart" above
to order.
This is a SPRAY formula enhanced creation. This means that instead of taking it orally, you would simply
spritz a bit of it around yourself or your home each day. It comes in a generous 2 oz. bottle (twice the size of the
other formulas), so it should last you for a little while. The cost is $35 (just slightly more than a regular 1 ounce
bottle). Also, as noted above, this special formula contains other magical components in ADDITION to the flower essences.
These extra components add a greater power & speed to the working of this formula. Please note that due to these
other components, this formula is SCENTED. If you have sensitivity to smells but would still like to use the Bring Back
Your Light Formula, then we recommend ordering it in the plain liquid drop form (see below) and taking it orally or mixing
your own spray bottle with water only and drops of the formula. (It won't have the extra added energy of the other magical
components, but when taken for 3-4 weeks daily, it will still help get the job done).

WHITE YARROW--One of the flower essences used in the Bring
Back Your Light formula. White Yarrow essence raises vibrational
levels and shields & repairs the aura. It also helps keep harmful influences from penetrating too deeply into your
heart or aura.
13-B) BRING BACK THE LIGHT regular liquid drops formula--As
explained above, this formula is for when you feel overwhelmed by the negative energy within or around you, when darkness, rage or hopelessness devours
you, when you feel as if your soul might be possessed or under psychic attack, OR when you must live or work around someone
who carries a very dark energy.
This is literally the formula I will use when dealing with a client who needs help removing spirit attachments or
negative energy implants. It is also good for those who have recently undergone a string of tragedies or bad luck.
If you do not wish to use the formula in the special enhanced spray version, you do have the option of ordering the regular
liquid drop version here, to be taken orally.
The purpose of this formula is to dispel all negative energy and return you back to a state of wholeness & light.
This formula alleviates psychic attack and assists with exorcism, and also helps to break up negative energy cycles
(such as a string of personal tragedy or bad luck). Please click to select your preferred preservation base below, and
then click on the "Add to Cart" button below to order your 1 oz bottle of liquid drops.
BRING BACK THE LIGHT--regular liquid
DROPS form--$25 for 1 oz. bottle (plus shipping & handling)--click on "Add to Cart" above to order.
Purple Deadnettle, also known as PURPLE ARCHANGEL--One
of the "wild & weedy" flowers whose essence is used in the Spring Back in My Step formula.
Purple Deadnettle essence is an ENERGY TONIC that also staunches leaks & holes in the aura, and helps you to FOCUS your
energy and be less scattered.
14) "SPRING BACK IN MY STEP" special formula--A special
formula made using the essences of five flowers and seven trees/shrubs. This is a vigorous, revitalizing and refreshing
formula blend for strengthening your life force energy, stimulating your chakras and meridians, and helping you to stir back
to life again after a period of dormancy or rest. This is a particularly good one to take in the spring & early
summer months, as it can help you to overcome the sluggishness (both physically & spiritually) that sometimes
lingers from winter. For all you fitness lovers & dieters, this one will also be great for you! For
it literally can help keep you motivated & energized while you meet you fitness & weight-loss goals, and it literally
will put the spring back in your step! This is one of those "GET
UP & GO" blends. It has a very strong Yang energy that motivates, inspires and encourages ACTION
& movement. Take in liquid drops form by itself, or add to a cup of dandelion tea for a double-energy blast!
A very good all-purpose rejuvenator. To order a 1 oz. bottle of SPRING BACK IN MY STEP special formula, please click
below to select your preferred preservation base, and then click on the ADD TO CART button to order.
FORMULAS #15-20 Coming
Because these are hand-crafted items (that are usually used in very personal ways), all payments for Flairy essences
are non-refundable & non-transferable. So please consider carefully when purchasing, and if you are not sure about
what you are ordering or need more info, please ask your questions BEFORE your order. (You can e-mail Rev.
Dr. Cynthia with your questions at cynthia@cynthiakillion.com, or use the Contact Cynthia form on this site.) Also, know that in the unlikely event that your flower essence formula
were to arrive in an unusable condition (such as a broken bottle), all you need to do is to contact Cynthia & her team,
and we will be sure to get you a replacement as soon as possible. (Photodocumentation of bottle may be required.)
essences are vibrational healing elixers, but they are NOT medicines in the pharmaceutical sense. Therefore, the information
and claims regarding essences on this site has not been evaluated by the FDA, and flower essences are NOT intended to treat
or cure medical conditions. Instead, they offer vibrational support to assist you in your overall health & well-being.
Please see a medical doctor or qualified natural healer for help with your medical conditions. Also, do not stop taking your
medications without the advice of a medical doctor. (Besides, flower essences are so gentle that you can usually take your
flower essences along with any medications you are taking, so there is no need to discontinue medication unless you &
your doctor decide that is what is best for you.)
Prefer to pay by check or money order? You
can. Simply make out your check or money order to "Cynthia Killion", and mail to 338 S. Volutsia,
Wichita, KS 67211 USA. Don't forget to include shipping charges in your total too ($9 for first bottle, $10 for 2 bottles,
$11 for 3 bottles, $12 for 4 bottles....free shipping on orders of 5 or more.) When ordering by mail, please include
your name, e-mail, and daytime telephone number (if in the US). Also, include the name of the creation you are
ordering, how many, and the address of where you would like it shipped to. You will be notified by e-mail
with a confirmation when your order goes out.