* ENROLL now at the special
"VIP Energy Angel" Rate
WELCOME! It's time to start clearing your aura & "Take
Back Your Energy & Power"!

$97 and includes: Access to downloadable recordings of all 4 classes in this series (that way you can listen
back to the classes whenever you want to, and as many times as you want to as well), access to 16 original downloadable energy
clearing meditation tracks (4 complete CDs total, and then some), and access to Dr. Psychic Cynthia's "Spiritual Psychic
Energy Clearing Handbook" (a 94 page downloadable e-book that is a course within itself), as well as other writings on
grounding, meditation, and the Violet Flame. You also receive EXTRA downloadable bonus classes as part of your enrollment
in this home study course.
To enroll in the
TAKE-BACK-YOUR-ENERGY-AND-POWER energy clearing Home Study course, please use the payment button below. (Please Note: If you prefer to pay your upgrade fee via snail mail,
you may do so. Scroll down for more info.) Once we receive your payment, you will be contacted
within 2 business days regarding how to access your downloads and schedule your reading (if applicable). That is
2 business days (M-F and holidays not included). Therefore, if enrolling on the weekend (or on a holiday)
you should probably add a day or two to this. If you have paid your enrollment fees and haven't heard back from us within 4 business days, it might
mean that your enrollment info e-mail "bounced" or got lost in cyberspace. In the very unlikely event that
this happens, please, please, e-mail us at: info@cynthiakillion.com, and let us know that you haven't yet received the info you need to get your "Take Back Your Energy & Power"
class downloads, and we will re-send. It might also help if you add the address of cynthia@cynthiakillion.com to your address book. Thank you!
#1) Take-Back-Your-Energy
& Power HOME STUDY COURSE Cost: $97 This "Take Back Your Energy & Power" entitles you to many
special "extras" indeed, including downloadable access to the recordings of all 4 classes in this series, access
to 4 complete downloadable energy clearing meditation & activation CDs, downloadable bonus classes, and access to
Rev. Dr. Cynthia's brand-new e-book, "The Spiritual Psychic Energy Clearing Handbook". This one time $97
fee entitles you to access to all of these downloadable materials.
Important "Fine Details":
Not many, as it's pretty straight-forward. You pay $97 for this extensive Take-Back-Your-Energy-and-Power Home Study
program, and you receive access to all of the downloadable materials. Of course, it's up to you whether or not you actually
access or use the materials. We hope that you do. Please know that the fee charged for this program is based
on access, and not necessarily use. We don't give refunds or transfers on tuition payments made for enrolling in or
upgrading in classes or purchasing on-line materials, not even for students who fail to use their materials. So please
consider carefully before upgrading/enrolling, ask any questions you have IN ADVANCE, and know that there will be no refunds
once tuition fees are paid.
Keep in mind that all of these materials will be made available in electronic form only, and no hard copies will be provided
to you. If you want hard copies of these materials, you are more than welcome to burn yourself CDs of the meditations,
and/or produce print copies on your own computer for your own use. However, we can't advise you on how to do these things.
Please be sure that you have basic knowledge of how to open a PDF or listen to an MP3 audio online before enrolling.
If you have any questions about what is involved in this Basic Home Study program,
you may e-mail info@cynthiakillion.com with questions, or call 316-347-9481. (E-mail will likely get you a faster response,
although you are welcome to call if you prefer.) Thank you.

If you prefer, you may mail a check or money order for your tuition
If you are choosing to
mail a check or money order, please make your check payable to "Cynthia Killion" or "Psychic Cynthia".
Mail to: Cynthia Killion, 338 S. Volutsia, Wichita, KS 67211. Please put something like "Home Study
Take Back Your Energy & Power" on the subject line of your check or money order, and also include your phone number
& e-mail in case we have any questions about the payment. (Also, when mailing a check, it is a good idea to
send Cynthia & her team an e-mail at cynthia@cynthiakillion.com when you mail the check out, so we will know that it is coming & know when to look for it.)
Please Note: When paying below via this website, you will receive an automatic receipt via e-mail from paypal once
your payment has gone through. This is how you will know that your payment has gone through...if you do not receive
that automatic receipt via e-mail, then your payment has not been made, and you need to go back & do it again.