Your Path & Accelerate Your Spiritual Healing Journey with FLAIRY ESSENCES FLOWER ESSENCES & FORMULA BLENDS

FLOWER ESSENCES are flower water
infusions that have been potentized by sunlight then preserved in alcohol and can be used to change consciousness, raise
spiritual vibration, and facilitate healing & awareness on the spiritual, emotional, mental & psychic levels.
They are SOUL HEALERS that can assist with your healing, growth, and evolution on ALL levels, especially
as it relates to the finer non-physical realms. And as your soul heals, re-aligns, and grows, this provides extra
energy and impetus for your healing & growth on all other levels of life as well. NOTE/DISCLAIMER: Flower essences are vibrational healing elixers, but they are NOT
medicines in the pharmaceutical sense. Therefore, the information and claims regarding essences on this site has not been
evaluated by the FDA, and flower essences are NOT intended to treat or cure medical conditions. Instead, they offer vibrational
support to assist you in your overall health & well-being. Please see a medical doctor or qualified natural healer for
help with your medical conditions. Also, do not stop taking your medications without the advice of a medical doctor. (Besides,
you can take your flower essences along with any medications you are taking, so there is no need to discontinue medication
unless you & your doctor decide that is what is best for you.) A Note From Rev. Dr. Cynthia: Flower Essences Can Do the Work FOR You & WITH
You! With the help of the
flower essences, spiritual growth and awakening doesn't have to be hard. Achieving emotional healing and inner peace can
be so much easier too with the help for the flower essences. The flower essence are basically spiritual support
in a bottle!
For many years, I used to believe that I had to meditate for at least an hour a day and do countless affirmations in order
to maintain a positive energy field and inner peace. I still meditate, and occasionally do affirmations too. But
I have found that taking the flower essences promotes my sense of inner peace, harmony, healing and positive energy
far more easily & effectively than any other practice I have encountered. Like meditation, the flower essences change
consciouness. The only difference is that in order to receive the benefit of the a flower essence, you don't have to
sit on a mat for an hour every day. You just have to take the essence!
FLOWER ESSENCES SAVED MY LIFE (More than once!): I myself discovered flower essences many years ago
as a young adult. After a series of very discouraging and distressing events (including the sudden untimely death
of my mother, serious sickness, and becoming nearly financially destitute) I had what some might call a nervous breakdown. On
top of it all, my psychic abilities were going a little "whacko" at the time (as in, things frequently would fly
off the walls when I was around, appliances turning off and on, and furniture re-arranging itself, etc). I guess that
is what happens when psychic people get emotional (chuckle).
In any case, I was going through a rough patch, and a friend introduced me to the essences in an attempt to keep me from going
too far "off the deep end" (as they say). She hooked me up with some
Bach Rescue Remedy (also sold by other companies under the name of Five-Flower Formula). I was AMAZED
at how it instantly calmed my anxiety and helped me to get back to a more grounded and centered place. At first,
I found it hard to believe that something so inexpensive with no negative side-effects could have such a profound effect
on my spiritual, mental, and emotional state. Yet after taking it for only a few days, I couldn't deny that
something had already shifted within me, and that I was moving into a more positive state of consciousness. Thanks to the flower essences, I went from being
in a state of complete despair and hopelessness to a state of hope-FULL ness and resoluteness. From there, I was
able to motivate myself to get empowered to take the other steps that I needed to take for my healing and growth
(such as eating a better diet & more regular meals, eliminating toxic relationships, adding helpful daily routines, etc). Of
course, there was still plenty of work before me left to do in my healing & awakening (there always
is!). But I can honestly say that I probably wouldn't have been around to even GET STARTED on that work if it
hadn't been for the flower essences doing THEIR healing work, and doing it in such a way that required very little
work or effort on my part, other than just taking the essence. This is why I sometimes say that the flowers
do the work for you & with you. Shortly
after I was introduced to the essences, I was lucky enough to connect up with a knowledgeable flower essence practitioner,
Susan (who later would become my mentor as I began to create my new line of Flairy Essences). Although my first encounter with the essences was to help alleviate anxiety and depression, with Susan's
help, I soon learned that the essences were good for MANY other things as well. Yes, of course, they are
excellent to use for when you are feeling "down" or "stuck" in any way. And in terms of healing
heartache and grief, I myself have found no better tool.
I have also personally used the essences to help improve the overall quality of my relationships, heal childhood issues,
raise my thinking to a higher & more positive level, and shift my emotions and energies to a place where I could more
easily attract abundance and manifest the life of my dreams. My husband has also shared my interest in the essences
and use them to promote inner balance, creativity and healing for himself along the way. (It's been lovely having someone
to share the journey of the essences with!) Animals also respond very readily to flower essences, and so I
have also used them with my pets throughout the years to help promote healing & balance for them as
well. (For example, most recently, I created the "Mellow Cat" formula to help my youngest cat recover emotionally
from a traumatic experience with a wild animal.)
These essences are nature's little cheerleaders that serve to support and guide you in ways that you can't possibly fathom
if you have not yet taken the essences before. If the idea of having the vibrational support of nature's flowers on
your journey of healing and awakening appeals to you, then I encourage you to give my Flairy essences a try! Note:
For more info about the Spiritual-Psychic Evolutionary uses of flower essences, please keep reading below.

I also found that the flower essences can help with a WHOLE LOT of other things as well, including some more
of the evolutionary or spiritually-related stuff....Such as clearing karma, raising and enhancing psychic awareness, balancing
and strengthening chakras (as well as the meridians & the overall aura), strengthening one's conscious relationship
with spirit guides, enhancing psychic protection (especially for empaths & sensitives), retrieving past life
memories and healing past life issues, clearing negative or dull energies from spaces, stimulating clairvoyance and clairaudience,
increasing channeling and mediumship skills, awakening dormant healing and psychic abilities, balancing the yin-yang energies,
and many other spiritual-psychic related uses.
Of course, being a professional psychic (as well as having been on the path of conscious spiritual-psychic awakening since childhood),
I am most especially interested in the all the ways that the flower essences can help us to grow and evolve spiritually and
awaken psychically. In the past, I have spent a significant amount of time & energy teaching and training others
who wish to awaken and develop their own spiritual-psychic gifts and awareness. For most people,
it takes at least three years of steady, intense, dedicated training just to clear out all the old programming and stuff
that obscures their psychic awareness and arrive at a basic level of profiency. (This includes three years
of having a regular meditation practice of 15-30 minutes each day, as well as regularly using your psychic gifts most days.)
If they make it
that far (and most don't), then it usually takes most students of spiritual psychic awakening another 3-6 years (so
somewhere between 6-9 years total) of working through their stuff and using and developing their gifts to reach a level
of moderate or intermediate proficiency. Again, this is achieved by working regularly & consistently
on their spiritual psychic development and awakening on a daily (or near daily basis), including having a regular meditation
practice of a minimum of 15-30 minutes a day.
After that, if the student continues to work on his or her stuff (such as clearing karma, healing emotional imbalances,
forgiveness work etc) AND works diligently on her meditation practice and using her psychic gifts regularly
for about another 3-6 years (somewhere between 9-15 years total), then he or she may reach an advanced level
of spiritual psychic mastery. (I say "may" because there are no guarantees that it will occur that
soon, and it could take longer, depending on how much "stuff" the person has to work through & release before
his or her psychic perception can become crystal clear.) As far as reaching the level of master psychic or
just realizing your own spiritual mastery period, in my observation, that often takes an entire lifetime, although if
one is able to devote the majority of one's daily life to the practice of spiritual psychic awakening, it can
be achieved in a couple of decades.
These numbers/time-tables that I just gave you are based on my own 25 years+ of personal experience as a teacher of spiritual
psychic awakening and metaphysical awareness. If you are just beginning on your path (or if you have not yet really
begun to regularly & consistently work on your spiritual growth or psychic development), these time-tables might
be discouraging to you. However, the good news is, that with the help of the flower essences,
you can actually speed things up a bit.
This is because the flower essences can clear out a lot of the "old stuff" and impediments in your aura for
you, and they can also help change and raise your consciousness more quickly, with very little extra effort on your part.
You can't skip the required steps of spiritual psychic awakening and realization (such as clearing karma, learning
to mature emotionally, raising the frequency of your thoughts, actions, diet, daily practices, etc), but you can
proceed through these steps more easily, and possibly at a much faster rate than you normally would, with the
help of the flower essences. Furthermore, taking the right flower
essences can make the whole process of spiritual growth and psychic awakening a whole lot more GENTLE for you,
so that your spiritual metamorphosis from the caterpillar to the butterfly (so to speak) does not have to be as painful or
uncomfortable as it would be without this kind of helpful, energetic support. I
wished that I would have discovered flower essences before I started on my journey of spiritual-psychic awakening,
as it would have made things a whole lot easier for me, and probably helped me to spiritually & psychically advance even quicker
then I did. As it was, I was lucky enough to discover them in my early twenties. (However, I had already been
on my path of spiritual psychic awakening for some years by then, but still, I do consider myself lucky that I
did discover the essences much earlier on in life than most people do.) Even then, it took me quite some time
(at least another decade, actually) to start figuring out which of the essences would actually be best for helping me advance
psychically and spiritually. Partly this is because I had to use the essences to
work through my own emotional baggage & crap first (excuse my bad language here, but some of it really just was crap!).
Also, even once I had worked through most of that (and also learned how to be vigilant and quickly deal with new
baggage as it tried to appear), it still took me awhile to go through the process of trial & error to figure
out which of the essences worked best for me and my psychically-orientated clients & friends. What really took me to a new level of understanding
about the spiritual-psychic and evolutionary uses of the flower essences was when I began gardening for magical and medicinal
purposes more intensely and consciously co-creating my own line of Flairy Essences with the help of the fairies
and nature spirits. It was one thing for me to use the essences I had purchased that were created by
others....it was quite another thing altogether to work alongside with nature spirits to grow the flowers and then create
hundreds of flower essences myself.
My psychic communication with the fairies, plants, and flowers themselves has grown much stronger as a result of
this experience, and continues to get stronger each day as I continue on this path of conscious co-creation with the
fairies. It's now usually very easy for me to see (psychically) exactly what essences a client or student
needs to assist her (or him) in her spiritual psychic awakening and evolution. (After all, 25+ years of teaching
others to awaken, when combined with an ability to communicate with the flowers and fairies themselves, makes for
a handy combination when it comes to discerning what energies a person might need to help assist her on her path of spiritual
psychic awakening and evolution.)
Some of the flower essences have proved to be particularly useful in assisting with specific kinds of spiritual-psychic related
issues, and so I have put many of these together into some of my psychic evolutionary formulas, such as the Yarrow Help for Empaths, Recover Ancient Wisdom, Karma Cleanse, Take Flight & Soar, Psychic
Shielding & Protection, and Fairy Sight formulas (among others). Again, these are liquid formulas that you
take orally, and they are made from the energetic essences & vibrations of flowers. (In a few cases, elixirs made
from crystals are also used, as well as one formula which contains only the vibration of feathers, the Take
Flight & Soar formula).
If you are on the path of conscious spiritual psychic growth and awakening, I *strongly*
advise you to begin learning about and taking the flower essences to help you clear your energy field and accelerate your
development. Any & all of the essences will help improve your vibration, even the ones that are more related
to healing and balancing on the emotional realms. In fact, you might want to start there first (with your emotional
healing) before you start taking the essences that help to expand the consciousness and open up the psychic awareness. (That
is what I did.) Also, even as you are working on your emotional healing, it would probably be a good idea
to work with one of the more "subtle" or "gentle" psychic evolutionary formulas I have created,
such as Yarrow Help for Empaths, Psychic Shielding and Protection, or Recover Ancient Wisdom. In case you are wondering, I am so thoroughly convinced that people awaken & develop more quickly and reliably (in terms of the spiritual
psychic realm) with the help of the flower essences, that I now require any one who studies with
me privately to get & take some flower essences as part of their studies. They do not necessarily have to
take the essences that were created by me (although I do often prefer that). But they do need to be using something
that can help give them the energetic support they need to develop and awaken. Experience has taught me that those
who use the flower essences (in conjunction with an excellent program of spiritual psychic instruction) evolve into spiritual
masters & master healers and psychics much more gently, gracefully and easily!