Psychic Cynthia Killion


Delving deeper into the mysterious realms of Nature....

         I arrived at the fairy-ring area.   After pausing for a few moments to cool off in the shade down by the water, I made my way through a sea of wild grass and wheat.  This is the kind of grass that is tall and primal and unkempt….archetypal prairie grass.   It bends and bows so beautifully in the wind, with its seedy heads dancing elegantly in the breeze with each gust.
               Even though the grass was already over a foot tall in some areas (and still growing), I didn’t mind walking through it much, as it felt soft and smooth brushing up against my legs.  Luckily, early May in Kansas is not yet deep into “bug season”, so I didn’t have to worry much about bites.   As I waded through the ocean of grass, it was as if I could feel the fairy spirits tickling me and whispering to me with each step.  I continued “swimming” through the wild grass until I broke shore at the base of the mighty oaks.
             After greeting both of the trees with a kiss, I settled down at the base of the “smaller” one (still quite large), reclining up against its raised roots as if they were a lounge chair.  With the tree roots supporting my weight, I was able to drop into a trance quite easily, and quickly receive the guidance and healing that I needed.

As I lay at the base of the tree meditating and communing, I began to experience the world through the perspective of the mighty Oak.  I saw how small and truly brief the lifespan of a single human is, and how very little in life is worth allowing myself to get “worked up” about, since we are only here for such a short time anyway.  The mighty Oak also showed me cycles of human evolution, and how we go in and out with our rise in consciousness, sometimes evolving, sometimes de-volving, not always following a forward moving or linear route.
           I saw much more, most of it I cannot convey in words, and some of it I just cannot yet understand, even if I could put it into words.  Basically, the Oak, like the hawk, helped me to get a “higher perspective” on my own life experiences, and also in regards to the experience of human life in general.  It also helped me to see things as part of the larger cosmic cycles, cycles longer and more vast than any human calendar or framework has ever conceived of.
           I received many gifts from Spirit that day.  Most important of all, I was reminded that when I take the time to slow down and open to guidance, something worthwhile always comes out of it.           
          What about you….is it time for YOU to slow down and seek the guidance of the Spirit realm?  Perhaps you too are needing to go on a “vision quest” of a kind.  Do you have a special place in nature that you like to get away to so that you can more easily connect with Spirit and with your Spirit Guides?  If not, you can also take the journey on the inside, in the magical corridor of your mind.

Of course, if you are interested in communing with your animal totems, the fairies, the devas, or other elements of the natural realm, it helps if you get outside.  Going to a lake, wilderness, meadow, or prairie far outside of the city is best.  However, even a walk into a woodsy park area can help you better make the connection with your nature spirits.  You can also bring a little nature indoors by communing with a crystal or houseplant. 
        Spirit can speak so powerfully to all of us human beings through nature.  It is worth taking the time to have these experiences.  Hope that you will find time to treat yourself to your own personal fairy-magic vision quest soon!
 Infinite Blessings,
Cynthia Killion, 

P.S.  Right now, in the very moment, as I am finishing this story for you, it is sunset.  The sun has nearly sunk completely below the horizon.  I am looking out the window at several families of geese who are doing their evening pilgrimage across the lake with their newborn fledglings.  Within each little “flotilla“, the mama goose leads, with her three or four baby ducklings following, and the father closing up at the rear.  What a beautiful & appropriate way to end my Mother’s Day celebration. 

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Cynthia Killion * Psychic Cynthia *  316.347.9481 * (E-mail or FB message usually best way to contact)