*THE 2014
Grand Cross" reading special is now "closed", (all available slots
have been filled). If you are arriving after this offer has closed, then
please get or stay subscribed to Cynthia's "Cosmic Newsletter" for more info about future specials & other fun
psychic stuff.
For Cynthia's Cosmic Newsletter Readers
& Their Friends and Family Only

This is a special astrology reading designed to help you understand how the "Grand Cross" alignment of August
2014 is affecting you PERSONALLY, according to the layout & energies of your own unique birth chart. You have
the choice of either having a personal, one-on-one interactive phone reading with Cynthia, or if you are shy (or
just super-busy), you can choose for Cynthia to do the reading independently and deliver it to you completed as an MP3 audio
download. Either way, Cynthia will look at your birth chart & explain to you what areas of life are being
triggered for you by the April Grand Cross and the solar and lunar eclipses, and how this might affect your life over the
next 6 months to 1 year, as well as looking at how it impacts YOUR current relationships, finances, and other dimensions of
The cost for a Magical Grand Cross reading is $127 (for either
interactive phone reading OR MP3 audio download). This price is to help offer a little "relief" for those
who feel they really need this kind of reading, as this special rate is LESS THAN 50% of what
Cynthia usually charges for a Guiding Star psychic astrology speciality reading like this. (Her Guiding Star speciality
readings usually start at about $250-275.) Due to the amount of time & personal care that it takes to look at each of these unique charts,
there are only about 10 slots available for this "Magical Grand Cross" reading special. Also, due to the special
energies present now, you will receive the most benefit if you actually have your reading done within a week or two of
the eclipes & alignment taking place throughout April 2014. Therefore, once these 10 or so slots are filled,
this special reading offer will close.
This special runs from now until May 2nd, or until all 10 reading slots that Cynthia has reserved for this special are full.
It is likely that this special will close out soon, as the last special filled within less than a day. However, Cynthia
will try to keep this offer up for you as long as she can. But please do not hesitate to reserve your reading if you
know *for sure* that this is something you wish to do. We don't want you to miss out on this chance if it is something
you truly do want!
To reserve your reading, please fill out the short "Reading Reservation Form" below, and then pay
your registration fee. Then Cynthia (or another member of her team) will be in contact with you within 1-2 days
to schedule your reading (or you have requested the MP3 download reading instead of the phone reading, then
we will write youto let you know approximately when you Cynthia will be doing your reading & when you should hope
to receive the link to your completed reading).
readings must be paid for in advance of scheduling, either on this website via credit or debit card, or via snail mail with
check or money order)
To reserve your special "Magical Grand Cross" reading
with Cynthia, please complete the "Reading Reservation Form" below, and then finalize the process by making your
payment for the reading.
Please note: If you have questions about this "Grand Cross Reading Special", you can e-mail Cynthia at cynthia@cynthiakillion.com. When e-mailing, please put something like "Grand Cross
reading special" in the subject line so that your e-mail is not mistaken for spam & accidentally deleted.
Or you may call 316-347-9481 with your questions. (When calling, if you get the voicemail, please
leave a detailed message with your name, question, and phone number, and we will get back with you as soon as we can.)
Once we receive your payment & reading reservation form, we will contact you as soon as we can to schedule &
set up your reading.
PLEASE NOTE: A reading is NOT a substitute for medical,
psychological, legal, financial, or any other kind of professional treatment or advice. Cynthia generally
does not give advice but simply presents what it is that is coming through for you from the spiritual world. You,
and you alone, are responsible for any actions you may take as a result of what you hear in a reading. Cynthia does not claim to be 100% accurate (no human can be).
You are always free to accept or reject anything you hear in session. You must measure what is said
against your own Inner Truth and Common Sense.
Questions or need help registering? You can e-mail Cynthia at cynthia@cynthiakillion.com, or call 316-347-9481 with your questions.