pure energetic creation of the spiritual essence of 10 different kinds of flower blossoms, imprinted upon purified rainwater
and presented to you in a pure liquid vibration blend. Signature flower essences in this blend include Deep Purple Verbena,
Wild white Morning Glory, Purple Morning Glory, Venice Mallow wildflower (also known as "flower of the hour"), Onion
Blossom, and several others.
This vibrational blend comes lovingly packaged for you as
a liquid in a 1 oz. bottle. The ingredients are simple: Vibrational flower essences in purified rainwater and
a hint of rosewater with a small amount of vodka for preservation. (If you prefer alcohol free, you may order your
blend mixed with collodial silver for $5 more.) This 1 oz bottle contains approximately 256 drops. When taken
as recommended, this amount will definitely last you at least a month, and could last you up THREE months if you dilute your
daily drops in a glass of water. Each bottle of Karma Cleanse is bottled, labeled, and packaged by hand individually.
It is sealed with loving prayers and affirmations of protection, gratitude and abundance for you before it ships off.
Included in your package will be instructions for using flower essences, as well as a detailed info sheet regarding all the
different flower essences that have been added to create this synergetic blend, what they do and why they were chosen to be
part of Karma Cleanse blend.
The cost for your bottle of the Karma Cleanse Flower Essence Blend & the accompanying literature is $25 plus shipping
& handling (also, for KS residents only, there is sales tax too). To order your bottle of Karma Cleanse Flower Essence
Blend, please use the appropriate payment button below. (Please note that as of this writing, we can only ship flower
essence blends within the United States.)
Questions or need help placing your order? E-mail cynthia@cynthiakillion.com, or call (316) 347-9481. ALSO, TO ORDER YOUR BLEND MIXED WITH
COLLODIAL SILVER or Apple Cider Vinegar as the preservative base (instead of alcohol) please e-mail cynthia@cynthiakillion.com with your request, and we will make the necessary changes to your bottle. (Formula blends with collodial silver or
vinegar have to be poured separately, so this will add another day or two on to your shipping time.)

Residents, please scroll down & order below Order Your Bottle of Karma Cleanse Flower Essence Blend Here
$34--US orders
only, shipping to any state outside of Kansas (KS residents, see below)....To order your bottle of Karma Cleanse Flower
Essence blend, please click on the "Buy Now" button to the left. Total cost is $34 ($25 for the
essence blend & included literature plus $9 shipping, handling & packaging). United States orders
only please. Please note: All payments paid for creations through this website are non-refundable & non-transferable once
paid, so please be sure about what you are ordering & ask any applicable questions before you order. However,
if there are any defects with what you receive, just let us know (preferably via e-mail) and we will be happy to replace your
product. Thanks for your understanding. Questions about your
order? Please write info@cynthiakillion.com, or call (316) 347-9481. Please note that unless we hear otherwise from you, your Karma
Cleanse Flower Essence blend will be mailed to the same physical mailing address that you used when paying for your order.
(If there is a DIFFERENT e-mail address you want us to send your Karma Cleanse Flower Essence Blend to, just let
us know by writing us at the above e-mail, or by replying to your order confirmation e-mail with the alternate mailing address).
Also, to ensure that you actually receive your order confirmation, it is a good idea to add the following e-mail
to your address book: cynthia@cynthiakillion. Just so you know, we will usually write
you and confirm your order within 2 business days (business days are Monday-Friday...please add an additional day or two if
ordering on the weekend). Most flower essences or other creations offered on this site are shipped within
one week of ordering, if not sooner. If you have not heard back from us about your order within 2 business days (Monday-Friday),
please first check your spam box and see if your order confirmation is in there. If you still do not
see a confirmation there, then please write us at cynthia@cynthiakillion.com and let us know that you did not get the info, and we will re-send. Thanks and Blessings!

(KANSAS RESIDENTS) Kansas Residents, please order here :) Order Your Bottle of Karma Cleanse Flower Essence Blend Here
orders only, includes applicable sales tax....Kansas friends, to order your bottle of Karma Cleanse Flower Essence blend,
please click on the "Buy Now" button to the left. Total cost is $35.88 ($25 for the essence blend & included
literature plus, $1.88 required sales tax and $9 shipping, handling & packaging).
Please note: All payments paid for creations through this website are non-refundable
& non-transferable once paid, so please be sure about what you are ordering & ask any applicable questions before
you order. However, if there are any defects with what you receive, just let us know (preferably via e-mail) and
we will be happy to replace your product. Thanks for your understanding. Questions about your order? Please write info@cynthiakillion.com, or call (316) 347-9481. Please note that unless we hear otherwise from you, your Karma
Cleanse Flower Essence blend will be mailed to the same physical mailing address that you used when paying for your order.
(If there is a DIFFERENT e-mail address you want us to send your Karma Cleanse Flower Essence Blend to, just let
us know by writing us at the above e-mail, or by replying to your order confirmation e-mail with the alternate mailing address).
Also, to ensure that you actually receive your order confirmation, it is a good idea to add the following e-mail
to your address book: cynthia@cynthiakillion. Just so you know, we will usually write
you and confirm your order within 2 business days (business days are Monday-Friday...please add an additional day or two if
ordering on the weekend). Most flower essences or other creations offered on this site are shipped within
one week of ordering, if not sooner. If you have not heard back from us about your order within 2 business days (Monday-Friday),
please first check your spam box and see if your order confirmation is in there. If you still do not
see a confirmation there, then please write us at cynthia@cynthiakillion.com and let us know that you did not get the info, and we will re-send. Thanks and Blessings!

Prefer to pay by check or money order? You
can. Simply make out your check to "Cynthia Killion", and mail to 338 S. Volutsia, Wichita, KS 67211 USA.
When ordering by mail, please include your name, e-mail, and daytime telephone number (if in the US). Also, include
the name of the creation you are ordering, how many, and the address of where you would like it shipped to.
You will be notified by e-mail with a confirmation when your order goes out.