Psychic Cynthia Killion

BLOG: Getting Outside Your Comfort Zone (Opening Your Heart & Third Eye)




Stepping Outside of Your Comfort Zone


Dear Friends, hello there.  I hope you had a fabulous weekend, and that your week is off to a good start!  I myself had a very interesting and fun weekend, as I made my first foray into performing as a Turkish bellydancer on Saturday. 


The funny thing is that other than a couple of workshops I took last fall, I have only been studying this dance form for about a month.  (For real.)  But the teacher extended an offer to all of us newbies to join her in doing some very simple dances at the Great Plains Renaissance Festival this weekend.   Since my guides recently told me that I had to get out of my comfort zone if I wanted to grow further, I said YES.  For certainly, the prospect of performing as a Turkish bellydancer in public when I have only been studying it seriously for about a month is outside of my comfort zone!


It’s been about a month and a half since I first received the message from my guides that I needed to step outside of my comfort zone and start doing things I had never done before or things I wouldn’t usually do.  Since I have received this message, I have been determined to listen.  I find that I am saying YES more often to things that in the past I wouldn’t have even tried. 


For example, in the past month or so, I have done sports readings for a TV appearance and assisted a woman in a missing persons case.  I’ve also agreed to help a few clients by doing astrological relocation readings for them.  (In-depth readings that reveal to you how moving to a new location might shift the energies of your birth chart and bring certain areas of life into greater focus based on location.)


These are things that I haven’t done much of in the past, mainly because I didn’t feel “qualified” to do these kinds of readings. (Readings involving sports or missing persons that is.  The relocation astrology readings I feel qualified to do, but maybe in the past I was just lazy and didn’t want to mess with it.  But not anymore!) 


It turns out that in both of the occasions where I was unsure about myself and my ability to do what was being asked, but said yes ANYWAY, well, it turns out that it went very well, and the information I was able to provide was quite accurate.  (In spite of my own lack of extensive knowledge or experience in sports or missing person cases!)  



Perhaps this story resonates with you in some way or another.  OK, probably not the part about being a Turkish bellydancer.  (Well, MAYBE, depending on what your interests are.)  But the part about stretching and getting outside of your comfort zone.  I have to tell you, it is a real spiritually enhancing thing to do.  And it definitely will break up any RUTS you might have found yourself in, as well as helping to flush out any STAGNATION that you have in any area of life (spiritual, emotional, mental, or even physical or financial).



Here’s a few things that I’ve noticed since I’ve decided to step outside of my comfort zone and start saying YES to more things that are new (and even a bit intimidating) to me



1) Lack of experience in a certain area doesn’t necessarily prevent you from doing a good job.  (Hence, my success with the sports & missing person readings.)  There is a reason that the phrase “beginner’s luck” exists, mainly because it is a true phenomenon!




2) When you do something that you haven’t done before, you can make powerful new connections with people whom you wouldn’t otherwise have connected with. 


This is definitely true for me as a result of having gotten on board to perform with the other Turkish bellydancers!  (It is as if I have now been admitted into some kind of mysterious, ancient sisterhood that previously I only knew of from afar.)  However, it is also true in regards to the other examples I shared above involving the different kinds of readings I have been saying yes to lately. 


By being willing to reach out and help people in different ways than I have in the past, I have definitely expanded my tribe and the number of people who know about me & my work.  The same could be true for you when you step outside of your comfort zones and are willing to connect and share in new and different ways!



3)  When you step out and do something radical different or new to you for the first time, you become more conscious and aware, and your mind is more receptive to spiritual wisdom & psychic inspiration.


Sleepwalking through life is sort of the opposite of what it means to be psychically and spiritually aware.  And it’s easy to start sleepwalking when you’re stuck in a rut and keep doing the same things day after day (no matter how novel or interesting those things may seem to others).  That’s why it is ESSENTIAL to regularly shake things up and step outside your comfort zone for those of us who are on the path of spiritual psychic growth and awakening.  Put quite simply, it helps to keep you conscious & awake!


Of course, in that first moment when you are actually stepping outside your comfort zone and doing that new thing, you might at first feel nervous, anxious and all hyped up.  But once you are able to get past that first stage of nervousness, and particularly once you are able to let yourself go and just relax into the experience, a subtle shift happens inside, and you begin to move from being in your head to living from your HEART. 


And the HEART, my dear friend, is the true source of spiritual psychic awakening, NOT the head. 


For even though the third eye is shown as being on the forehead, in order to be truly open & receptive, the third eye chakra must connect to the energy and power generated in the HEART chakra.  (That’s why most of the world’s greatest prophets, psychics & spiritual teachers were also said to be people of great passion & heart.)


In fact, I have found that stepping outside of my comfort zone is one of the easiest ways to tune into my inner heart and more clearly hear the guidance coming through to me from the spiritual world.  Perhaps this is what Jesus meant when he said you must become like a little child to enter the kingdom of heaven. 


The child is playful and sees things with new eyes.  She (or he) has an open heart, and is willing to do things a bit differently because she (or he) hasn’t already decided that things have to be done perfectly or in a certain way.  (Unlike the adult in all of us, who either likes to think that we already have everything figured out or is intimidated by trying new things because we worry that we won’t be perfect at them.)


Is there anything in YOUR life that you have been resisting doing because you fear you won’t be perfect at it? 


If so, I would encourage you to give it a try anyway, particularly if it is something that will CHALLENGE you or STRETCH you in some way, something that you can approach with a spirit of adventure and curiousity.  At the very least, trying something new that is challenging to you could leave you with an interesting story to share with friends and family.  You might even discover a new interest or skill in the process!  Even if you don’t, stepping outside your comfort zone and trying new things will help keep you spiritually conscious, awake, and aware!



Many Blessings,


Rev. Dr. Cynthia Killion (Psychic Cynthia),


P.S.  By the way, in case you’re wondering how the performance went, I can honestly say I think it went quite well!  Not because any of us new students were great at doing the Turkish dance moves (not yet, at least), but at least we had great costumes and we were having a good time.  Plus, my makeup was awesome!  Again, not because I myself know how to do awesome makeup, but because I had my makeup professionally done by Chelsea Ann Jennings of Wichita—find her on Facebook if you need an impressive new look or something for that special occasion.  She can do both the natural look AND the more over-the top look I was going for this weekend.  Plus everything in-between!


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Cynthia's PSYCHIC BLOG is a way for Cynthia to provide complimentary guidance & spiritual mentorship via her writings....stories from her on-line newsletter are occasionally posted here, as well as other occasional upates....Many of the stories that are listed here first appeared either in Cynthia's newsletter (in some form or another) or on Facebook on one of her public posts.  If you would like to hear more spiritual psychic stories & guidance from Rev. Dr. Cynthia, then you can subscribe to Cynthia's free bi-monthly newsletter.  Also, check out Cynthia's "article page" on the main navigation bar.  Finally, you can follow Cynthia's public posts on Facebook as well at  Blessings!

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Cynthia Killion * Psychic Cynthia *  316.347.9481 * (E-mail or FB message usually best way to contact)