Psychic Cynthia Killion


Why "Spiritual Growth Intentions" Make More Sense than Resolutions For True, Lasting, Meaningful Growth

To read "Part 1" of this newsletter-blog, please CLICK HERE.

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          It’s hard to keep spiritually-centered when you make your sense of peace dependent upon what is happening in your outer-world environment, as the outer-world environment is chaotic and subject to constant change by nature.  Especially when it comes to the BIG PICTURE in life, there are so many things that we don’t—and can’t—control.  And if you only put your energies into the “old paradigm” resolutions that focus on what you think you can control (notice the emphasis on “think” here), then you are greatly limiting your potential for spiritual growth & re-awakening.

Sure, if you have a very specific goal to take some foreign language classes or get a neglected part of your house cleaned up, you can probably manage that with a plain old resolution.  But if for example, if your TRUE desire is to experience a greater sense of freedom & adventure in your life, or you truly wish to feel balanced & clear within yourself, then just setting a resolution to take a class or clean your closet won’t do. 


When reaching for the bigger, more meaningful experiences in life, you have to do better than just a plain-old resolution.  You must tune into your inner self and begin consciously attuning with your heart’s truest “Spiritual Growth Desire”.  Then you must continue to attune with this desire by allowing it to GROW in your heart, and encouraging this growth by following and ACTING UPON the divine creative impulses it will constantly feed to you. 

Then, before you know it, your “Spiritual Growth Desire” will have made itself manifest in the physical world in so many wonderful ways that you could have not possibly conceived of in advance.

I thank you for taking the time to read this “newsletter”.  I am sending you many positive rays of divine love & inspiration to help you connect with your own personal “spiritual growth desire”.

 Infinite Blessings,Cynthia Killion, Spiritual Guide  (or just “reply” to this newsletter)


P.S.  In case you’re wondering about my “Spiritual Growth Desire”, I actually have two.  (I usually recommend just focusing on one at a time.  But what can I say? When I was working with the group last night, a new one became apparent to me…smile.  Perhaps the two are related.  Or maybe I have almost completed the previous one, and it is time for a new one…smile again.)


   The first “spiritual growth desire” that has been strong within me for the last year and a half or so is to experience a sense of “WHOLENESS” within myself again.  I was emotionally & spiritually so devastated by the loss of a friend in 2009 that for many, many, months afterwards, I felt “broken” inside, as if I would never come back together again right. 

I feel that I have made progress towards weaving this desire for a renewal of “wholeness” into my physical world experience, as I recently went a month or two without plummeting into the depths of self-pity or despair regarding what happened (a major “accomplishment” for me, believe it or not).  What can I say?  Like everyone else, I am human, and I am still healing.

The new “Spiritual Growth Desire” that became conscious to me last night during our group meditation is “Resting In God” (or “Resting in Spirit”).  This is a desire within my heart that has probably been “percolating” underneath the surface for several months now.  I desire to have the inner experience of trusting in the Divine Plan more deeply than ever before, and allowing myself to rest and surrender into this trust, instead of feeling like I have to try to “control” things (as if I could) or “make” things happen through huge concentrations of effort.

The “Rest in God” desire is also part of my impetus in 2011 to have more balance in my life, and to make sure that I am devoting adequate time to resting, meditating, praying, writing, dancing, and attuning with my inner self, even if it means putting work off for a little while, or doing less other “stuff” in life.  Another aspect of all of this is learning—and remembering—that I can get more stuff done with less effort when I stay deeply attuned to the Spirit underneath all of life.

These are my “Spiritual Growth Desires”.  What are yours? 

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Cynthia Killion * Psychic Cynthia *  316.347.9481 * (E-mail or FB message usually best way to contact)