GOT YOU DOWN? (Or are you riding the flow and becoming more reflective?)
Here in the Northern Hemisphere, we are currently in a time of dynamic seasonal shift, passing from the end of Winter
into the beginning of Spring. This transformation is represented astrologically by the transition from the sun in watery Pisces
moving towards the sun in fiery Aries…. As
winter ends and spring begins to emerge, this is a time of shifting from the heavy, withering energies of late winter into
the lighter and more uplifting energies of spring. During this transitional phase, we move through stagnation
and heaviness back towards movement and momentum again. And yet, we are not quite there
yet, as up until the Equinox (and even for a little while afterwards) we will continue to teeter on the cusp between these
two energies, riding out this time of seasonal shift, going back and forth between the contrasting sense of contraction versus
expansion, stagnation versus renewal…. This time of seasonal shift can
be hard, as many of us are still shedding the heavy emotional cloak of winter, and may need to go through a continued process
of cleansing, healing, and releasing for a little while longer yet….and yet, re-emergence is just around the corner,
with the coming of the Spring Equinox, and we can feel it in soul, even if our bodies and minds are not quite there yet.
With this seasonal shift occurring, you may have noticed a shift within yourself too. It is not unusual
at all to feel a bit more moody, introspective, emotionally tender or sensitive as winter shifts to spring. In
fact, you might have even noticed a flair-up of feelings of depression, hopelessness, or discouragement in the last few
weeks. Even though a part of you is filled with hope or optimism for the future, during this time
of shifting to spring, you may also feel weighed down with sorrow or regrets about the past, or overcome with self-judgment
or self-criticism, or just weighed down with a general sense of emotional malaise. You may
find that you bounce back and forth right now between contrasting emotions and feelings, first being filled with a sense of
hope and positive expectancy for the future, and then having the opposite experience of feeling doubt or despair, or just
being overcome with RESTLESSNESS and impatience---
It is as if spring cannot come fast enough, as if CHANGE
cannot come fast enough, and you are wondering WHEN will spring finally come…and more to the point, when will your
energy, focus and motivation finally return, when will your heart and spirit jump and sing back to life again?
Have faith, it will come. As sure
as day follows night, Spring follows Winter.
With each passing day, the light will continue to increase,
the plants and animals will awaken from their slumber, and begin to sing, leap, and scamper around, and you too will soon
find yourself re-emerging and coming back to life again as well. In the meantime, know that any temporary melancholy or discouragement that you experience at this time need
not have a grip on you. Nor do you have to be kept down by the increased emotional and psychic sensitivity that often comes
with this change of seasons…that is, if you are willing to lean into your emotions and sensitivities, listen to what
your heart is telling you, and learn to recognize the difference between your insecurities and your intuitions.

GOING DEEPER As the seasons continue to change
between now & the Spring Equinox, it’s true that most of us who are more spiritually & psychically sensitive
will continue to experience strong emotional and psychic sensitivities….Just as is happening with the weather, we may
sometimes feel like we are swinging back and forth from one extreme to the other, hot and cold, passion and apathy, hope and
despair, and so on.
Occasional emotional outbursts are quite likely right now. You may find yourself or your
loved ones sometimes snapping over the smallest things. (Partly this is due to lethargy and increased tiredness, so getting
more sleep can help with this). Or you may find that you become sad and teary eyed over the smallest things as well.
On the other end of the spectrum, you may also find yourself reflecting on THE PAST a lot
these days and sometimes getting sentimental or feeling intensely emotional about things that are already over and done. All of these reactions are understandable given the intense seasonal shift that is occurring right now
and the increased emotional & psychic sensitivity that usually accompanies this shift. At times this increased sensitivity
may feel like a curse. Indeed, there is a kind of discontent, restlessness or uneasiness that often accompanies this seasonal
shift transition into spring. And yet, if you are willing to do the inner work,
you can actually use this increased psychic-emotional sensitivity as FUEL for great spiritual transformation and break-through.
Lean into your sensitivity, let it show you and teach you what you need to be paying more attention to
and where you need to focus on further healing. Then you may still feel some feelings
of melancholy, but they will only be temporary, and will not have the same grip upon you. Instead, if you take the time to
honor and acknowledge your heightened emotional & psychic sensitivities, these feelings can easily transform & shift
into EXCITEMENT and HOPEFULNESS for the months ahead.

QUICK TIPS FOR EASING YOUR SEASONAL TRANSITION Rest MUCH more often, taking naps whenever you can, or at least laying or sitting down and just *relaxing* for a few
minutes each day. Your body needs the extra rest, as the shift in energies
is taxing upon it. If you are able to, go to bed a little earlier than usual, as this too will help stave off fatigue during
this time of shift. (I have found that going to bed earlier, rather than sleeping in later, is much more
effective for regulating energy levels.) Being outside in nature helps too, especially in peaceful
or relaxing places. Breathe in the fresh air, and let it replenish you. Get plenty of sunshine, as your body needs this to
help re-awaken and re-generate after the strain of a long & dark winter. It can also be helpful to
walk or lie down on the grass outside, letting the earth’s natural energy heal & replenish you. If you can, do a spiritual
fast or cleanse for a day or two. This can be a complete fast where you only drink water (or even juice or tea). Or
it can be a different kind of fast where you simply eat much lighter or much less than you usually do. In terms of it being
a spiritual fast, the important thing is that you spend less time concentrating on food, and more time concentrating on your
connection to Spirit Divine. Cultivate Spaciousness Prioritize Renewal Spring is the season
of healing and renewal. Therefore, as we are about to begin this season, you would be wise to clear the
space to focus some on your own healing & renewal, rather than trying to rush ahead too strongly into a sudden increase
in activity or responsibilities. Don’t try to take on too much at once right now. Let there be a sense of SPACIOUSNESS in your schedule
and daily routine. Let the pace of daily life increase GRADUALLY AND INCREMENTALLY, rather than trying
to jump back into everything intensely all at once, now that spring is almost here. Focus and prioritize your efforts. Conserve your energy,
channeling it into what is most important to you right now, rather than taxing yourself by trying to over-extend into too
many projects or directions at once. Instead of trying to make improvements in every area of life at once, choose one or two
areas max to concentrate your energy into. Then focus on making gentle, joyful, and gradual progress in that realm for the
present moment… After
the long trials of winter, your body, heart and soul need time to re-generate and renew. Just as the tender spring plants
must gradually push through the soil to emerge back to the surface, you too must make your own tender & gradual ascent
back to a more active life. Get Moving Again Gentle movement
helps to stabilize your emotions and increase physical energy now. This is because spring is a time of increasing and rising
spiritual energy (specifically, YANG energy), and when the energy builds up within you, it desires to move. Try taking walks outside or doing yoga or tai-chi or your own kind of stretching, or even
swimming or doing slow moving dance. Simple calisthenics or light weight-lifting can also assist with grounding & re-balancing
your emotions and energy field during this time of transition. If you feel
that you have become particularly sluggish or bogged down, you may also want to consider increasing your cardio movement during
this time by powerwalking, running, taking an aerobics or other cardio-style class, or even doing jumping jacks, jumping rope,
or jumping on a rebounder or trampoline. (Do be mindful of your own
personal health & strength levels though, and only do the above-mentioned cardio practices if they are safely within your
current range of fitness & capability—otherwise, stick to the walking and other gentler forms of movement instead.)
Whatever kind of movement you prefer, do be mindful about moving a little bit more right
now. Don’t let yourself get stuck in physical inertia or stagnancy right
now, as this could have a detrimental effect upon your emotions and energy levels for months to come. Instead, make the effort
to get moving and keep moving a little bit more each day as we enter into spring time. Doing so will help
you to re-ignite your heart and soul and revitalize your physical energy levels. SPRING CLEANING CLEANING
HOUSE can also be a therapeutic and useful way to release excess energy and balance your emotions. It’s no accident
that spring cleaning has evolved as a tradition! Wash your curtains, give your floors a good scrub, put
up your winter clothes and bedding, and dust the items on your bookshelf—or do whatever constitutes your own form of
personal spring cleaning. Doing a bit of spring cleaning
like this will help you to release any pent up energy or frustrations, AND it will also help to ensure that you come into
spring with clear vibes and good energy in your home. Taking extra showers
and relaxing baths can also help sooth your emotions & regulate your energies too. You may also find it helpful to do
a foot soak once or twice a week for the first few weeks of spring. Water, in all its forms, is helpful
during this time of transition. Do be sure to drink plenty of water, and get in a relaxing shower, bath, or footbath as often
as you feel led. Also, if
you are inclined to do so, drink some relaxing or gently cleansing herbal teas, whichever ones you personally prefer and best
tolerate. The herbs will help balance and strengthen your energy system so that you do not become so easily overwhelmed by
all the changes happening right now. Using essential oils externally
can also be very healing & balancing for the soul, that is, if you tolerate essential oils well. If you do
tolerate the oils well, choose something GENTLE to help assist you with this time of spring transition, such as lavender or
peppermint oil. Or choose another springtime favorite, something that you really love the smell of and
reminds you of the positive aspects of spring. If essential
oils aren’t your thing (and maybe even if they are), FLOWER ESSENCES
(also sometimes called flower remedies) are another wonderful tool for self-healing and re-balancing during this time of seasonal
essences are vibrational remedies that work in your etheric blueprint to help rebalance your energy, emotions and mind. These are totally different than essential oils (with the closest comparison being homeopathic medicines).
Flower essences are essentially tasteless and odorless remedies that hold the energetic vibration of a specific flower.
They are taken under the tongue in very small amounts, literally just a few drops at a time. The energy
of the flower works to strengthen parts of your aura and energy field that need additional support & healing.
are so MANY different flower essences that can be helpful. Plus, each one of us is unique in terms of what issues we are currently
dealing with, and different situations require different flower essences. For this reason, if you are not familiar with flower essences, but would like to try taking one to help support
you in your healing, I recommend that you talk with a knowledgeable flower essence practitioner who can help make a personal
recommendation for you. By the way, this is a service that I offer, in addition to the psychic and astrological
readings that I do. (If you would like to receive
a personal recommendation from me regarding what essence or essences I feel would be best for your unique situation, just
reach out to me via e-mail or FB message with a bit about your situation and what you are feeling. Then, I’ll do my
best to make a flower essence recommendation for you, even if it’s for a flower essence that I do not offer as part
of my own line.)

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