To Sign-UP for a
Psychic Astrology Life Program reading, please CLICK HERE.
A Psychic Astrology reading is based on your date, place, location and time of birth. When Psychic Cynthia
does your reading for you, she uses this information to set up what is called a “birth chart”. Discovering Your life "Program" with Astrology:
birth chart is the map of your soul. It is uniquely yours. It reveals the journey of your soul through this lifetime
(and also the other lifetimes before this one). Your birth chart also shows your innate tendencies and characteristics,
your gifts and talents, your passions, and your “program” for this lifetime.
Everybody has a purpose and a “program”, including you.
This is the agenda that you chose for your life before you were born. Yes, before you were even born, you chose
to have certain experiences and to learn certain lessons in this lifetime.
also chose to act & be a certain way…to demonstrate certain tendencies, to feel passionate about certain things
(but not so passionate about others). You chose which gifts you would express in this lifetime, and also which areas
of weakness you would have the opportunity to confront and grow beyond.
This “program” for your life is subject to your free will.
This means that you can choose to change the program if you’d like. (After all, you were the one who created it
in the first place!) However, in order to change your current life agenda, you must first have a sense of what it actually
is. You need to have an understanding of Who You Are and what you are trying to learn on this planet before you can
make effective change.
In addition to your basic characteristics and tendencies, your “program” or
life agenda shows the highest thing that you came here to do…in other words, the way you can best be of service to
humanity and express your highest self.
Your birth chart also reveals
the obstacles, limitations, and subconscious patterns that you are up against. It is good to know about these too, for
being aware of how you tend to sabotage yourself or resist change is one of the first steps to overcoming these negative tendencies.
Through the power of psychic astrology, you can become more aware of the highest expression of yourself, and begin to
move into being Who You Really Are. This is what the "Guiding Star Life Program" reading will assist you with.
To purchase your Guiding Star Life Program
Reading with Psychic Cynthia, please click here. For more info about prices & what
to expect, continue reading below.
--For info about OTHER speciality astrology readings that Psychic Cynthia offers, please CLICK HERE.

Your initial psychic astrology reading usually lasts around 60-70 minutes
for a basic reading, and premium readings are usually around 90 minutes (Premium readings including PREDICTIONS
& FORECASTING, in addition to the other areas covered). Cost for the basic 1 hour Life Program Reading is $275.
For the special 90 minute premium reading, the cost is $325.
Once you have had your initial Life Program Psychic Astrology reading with Psychic
Cynthia, optional follow-up sessions can be purchased in the future as you desire in increments of an hour, an hour &
a half, or two hours . (1 hour or 1 1/2 hours is most common for clients.) Follow-up sessions do cost slightly
less than the initial session (see reading purchase page for more info on rates). The
reading is usually done telephone. (Occasionally, and by pre-approval only,
in-person sessions are available for an additional charge--for info about the possibility of an in-person astrology session,
e-mail Psychic Cynthia to inquire.) When meeting by telephone, Rev. Dr. Cynthia records the session for you so
that you can revisit the information about your “life agenda” (or relationship) as often as you’d like.
Also, if you are shy (or just extremely busy) and prefer a more "low key" approach, you do not actually have to
"meet" with Cynthia at all....Psychic Cynthia can do a reading for you on her own, and create a downloadable MP3
recording for you.
In your initial Psychic
Astrology reading, you & Psychic Cynthia will spend time exploring your life agenda together. You will
get a chance to know more about who you really are, why you came to this planet in the first place, and what it is you are
here to do and be. Psychic Cynthia will also help you to understand some of your challenges & the spiritual patterns
you need to overcome in order to reach your highest prosperity, success, and bliss. All of this is the focus for
the "Basic Guiding Star Life Program Reading". If you have
scheduled a PREMIUM Guiding Star Life Program reading, then Psychic Cynthia & you will also spend some time
looking at what is going on NOW (and in the near future) in your life, and how this fits in with your life agenda. For
the Premium Life Program reading, Cynthia will also let you know what to expect in terms of major trends
for the next few months.
Since Cynthia is a psychic astrologer
(as opposed to just a technical astrologer), she will probably also bring through a few clairvoyant & channeled
messages from your angels and spirit guides during the course of your time together. Psychic Cynthia likes to begin
all of her astrology readings by simply putting her hand upon your chart, closing her eyes, and revealing
to you what images, colors, and messages the chart is communicating to her clairvoyantly. (This will be done whether
you have booked for the Basic or the Premium reading.)
She also usually asks your spirit guides/angels if there are any quick messages they want to
relay to you before you & her get into the more “technical” chart interpretation. Therefore, your
Psychic Astrology reading with Cynthia is likely to have a few minutes of direct messages from the spirit world intertwined
into the session....just a *few* minutes, as most of the session after this will focus on reading your chart, and revealing
your life "program" to you through the lens of astrology. Also, even if Rev. Dr. Cynthia does not "formally"
bring through spirit messages for you, she ALWAYS invites the Spirits at the beginning of your reading to psychically guide
& direct her in the reading. After just a few minutes of bringing
through clairvoyant or channeled messages for you from the spirits (or just inviting them to speak through the astrological
process later), Psychic Cynthia then moves into the more “technical” aspect of the reading, where she will
actually read your chart using the ancient cosmic art of astrology. This is where Psychic Cynthia talks about the position
of each planet (or important point) in your chart and explain how it impacts your life and what it means for you in terms
of your “program”. During this period, your spirit guides and angels are still there with you & Cynthia,
and will occasionally intervene to provide clarification about a certain aspect of your chart.
Additional Benefits You Could Receive From Your "Guiding Star" Psychic Astrology Reading.....
* Insight into who you really are
* The guidance you need
to make the most out of your current situation
Knowledge of future trends in your life, helping you to be more prepared for what lies ahead * Insight into the “tools”
you have to work with in this lifetime and the weaknesses you must overcome
*Help identifying your talents, skills, passions, and possible career paths *Understanding of your own
emotional tendencies
*Guidance concerning relationships,
finances, career, or family
You can also expect to receive *spiritual direction* and a *fresh perspective*.
Basically, a "Guiding Star" Psychic Astrology reading helps you to make sense
of yourself and your life. It can help you figure out why you are here on this planet, what direction the
Universe is leading you at the current moment, and how you can make the most of your talents & gifts.
If you are struggling with a confusing or painful situation, a "Guiding Star" Psychic Astrology reading can also
help you to get the *clarity* and relief that you seek. One of the best things about astrology is that it helps us to make sense of the most challenging
parts of our lives. By having your "Guiding Star" Psychic Astrology reading done, you can get
answers about *WHY* things are happening the way they are, what you are supposed to learn from events, and also about
HOW LONG it will be before the situation is over or reaches a conclusion. No other form of divination system
can give you these kinds of answers with the same level of accuracy that astrology does.
You will also be EMPOWERED to make better choices
with the information you will receive from
your "Guiding Star" Psychic Astrology reading. A "Guiding Star" Psychic Astrology reading serves to *strengthen* your free will
& resolve, for as you become more aware
of your innate tendencies, you can consciously decide to minimize those qualities which you find undesirable, or to cultivate
those ones which you find more redeeming. However, you must first become conscious of who you truly are before you can make any true & lasting
Astrology is perhaps
the most ancient of the sacred sciences.
We don't really know when it began or where it came from. All we know is that people all across the world have been
using it to divine the future & better understand themselves for at least six thousand years. Don’t
you think that something that humanity has relied upon for guidance for six thousand years could also be helpful for you?
Understanding your “life agenda” is extremely important. Knowing who you really
are inside is essential to creating positive change and making the most out of life. Of course, it’s
also useful to know what energies are affecting you now, and the career, relationship, emotional, and financial cycles
you can expect to find yourself in during the next few months.
All of this—and more—is
written in your astrology chart.
To sign up for your very own Guiding Star Life Program reading now, based on your own unique
birth chart, please Click Here.
To return back to the basic info page for Psychic
Astrology readings, please click HERE .
Rev. Dr. Cynthia Killion's
Confidentiality Policy....Everything shared in any kind of reading with Psychic Cynthia is completely confidential.
Rev. Dr. Cynthia does not discuss or share the the identities of her
clients (no matter how prominent or well known some of them be). Nor does she share the intimate details
of her conversations with clients.
Rev. Dr. Cynthia honors you and your trust by keeping what
goes on in your sessions between you and her alone.
Rev. Dr. Cynthia has a background in social work and is an ordained
minister, therefore she very much understands the importance of holding a safe & trusting space for her clients.
If confidentiality is an important concern for you, then you are invited
to review Psychic Cynthia's "Official Confidentiality Policy".