~What you PERSONALLY do DOES make a difference and can help
bring PEACE to the world~
Click Here to read the first page of this message.
CLICK HERE to access the "Be the Light" Channeling audio &

This is important, for what you do in
your OWN life and within your OWN CONSCIOUSNESS does matter....not only for yourself, but for all of humanity
as well. When you make the conscious choice to be more loving, more kind, more hopeful, more optimistic, more
caring, and more sharing and allowing, you are helping to raise the vibrations and frequencies of the ENTIRE human race, and
not only just yourself. The converse is also true....when you allow yourself
to plunge down into the inner darkness of fear, judgment, anger, self-righteousness, hopelessness, cynicism, mean-spiritedness,
and desire for vengeance, then you take the rest of humanity with you there as well, energetically speaking.
This is why it is so important for you to BE THE LIGHT in your world.....not just to think about or meditate upon light, or
to wish that others would get to a place of light & higher spiritual consciousness themselves....but instead, to actually
come from and ACT from the space of light YOURSELF. It is not
always easy to maintain the presence and awareness of light in times like these....in fact, when confronted with such darkness
and senseless acts of violence, it is quite natural for most of us to plummet down into despair, anger, self-righteousness,
hopelessness, or a desire for vengeance. No doubt, all of these are very human responses...and yet if we are
to be of assistance at all in healing these kinds of crisises, then we must first positively transform ourselves, by reaching
back to the beacon of Divine light that is always there someone, shining brilliantly in the depths of each human soul.
I truly believe that people like you & I can make a difference in this situation, and that by transcending hate-filled
feelings, and reaching back to the space of love, hope, compassion, and caring within ourselves, in our own personal lives,
we can have a positive impact on what happens on world events. Remember that
most of "the masses" still don't understand about energies and how the planet is currently going through a great
shift....they don't understand that we are ALL under a tremendous amount of stress right now due to amplified & accelerated
changes in cosmic energies....our entire planet is being pushed to a new threshold that it has possibly never been to before,
ever, in human history. The unaware masses, who either haven't been
given the information they need to understand, or have the information but still just aren't yet ready to "get it",
are FREAKING OUT. This is only going to continue as we get closer to the end of this year. It is the responsibility
of those of us who are more spiritually aware to stay calm, centered, loving and collected, and to BE THE LIGHT of the world.
After all, if we do not do this, then who else will? Your inner light is
needed, now, more than ever. Many Blessings,
I told you I would share a channeling with you from the Atlantean Teachers that I feel speaks to these times we are in.....I
call this particular channeling the "Be the Light" channeling.
I know that some of you are more visually orientated, and would prefer to READ the transcript of the channeling.
Others are more audio-orientated, and would actually like to HEAR the live channeling, as it was delivered through me verbally,
to the Telechat Club members, directly from the Atlantean Teachers. Since
I know that it is probably about 50/50 (in regards to how you would like to receive this information), I have placed BOTH
the transcript and the audio of this channeling on my "Free Psychic Audio" page for you....please CLICK HERE to access your "Be the Light" Channeling & Channeling Transcript (as well as access to other spiritually-enlightening audios as well).