Psychic Cynthia Killion

BLOG: Part 2, Lunar Eclipse Dec 10, 2011

~A New Cycle of Healing for You~

View of the moon

CLICK HERE to read page ONE of this story.

      A Not-So-Small Detail…..First of all, I want to set the record straight here.  This is a LUNAR eclipse, and not a “solar eclipse” or a “lunar & solar eclipse” combined. 

Some people have written me and said that they have heard that this eclipse is BOTH a solar & lunar eclipse at the same time.  Although that would make for a rather interesting newsletter, given the physical layout & laws of our current solar system, that is simply not possible (at least, not unless something totally chaotic & out-of-whack were to happen to our sun or our moon).


         What is possible, and what will be happening on Saturday morning’s eclipse is an effect where both the sun & the moon will be visible at the same time during the eclipse (at least, in some places).  This effect is called “selenelion”.  If you’re interested, you can read more about it at:


          But just so we are clear, the eclipse happening early Saturday morning is a lunar eclipse, which means that it is happening during a time of a FULL moon.  This also means that it has a distinctively different effect & meaning than a solar eclipse.


          The main difference is that lunar eclipses tend to be more emotional & spiritual in nature, at least in terms of their effects.  A lunar eclipse usually sets off a cycle of healing within an individual.  In most people, that healing will take place on a subconscious level, simply because most people aren’t usually conscious about things like spiritual healing.  However, for those people like us who are more “tuned in” to the finer, spiritual realities, this healing may take place on a more conscious level.


         The signs involved in Saturday night’s eclipses are Gemini & Sagittarius, meaning that many of us may be starting a six-month healing journey in relationship to communication, knowledge, writing, technology, interactions with siblings & neighbors, spirituality, travel, education, and other Gemini-Sagittarius type activities.  However, this interpretation is on the collective level. 


         To delve deeper, you will want to look at your own chart (or have an astrologer look at your chart), to examine exactly where this eclipse is hitting in your own personal chart.  This will reveal to you exactly what areas of life most call for a healing at this time, and how you are most likely to grow spiritually as part of your eclipse cycle. 


Page 3 <<<  Keep Reading for more suggestions about how to figure out your PERSONAL 6 month eclipse cycle of healing.....

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Cynthia Killion * Psychic Cynthia *  316.347.9481 * (E-mail or FB message usually best way to contact)