Psychic Cynthia Killion


More info about what's REALLY going on during Venus Retrograde....


         So here we have our lady Venus (Venus is usually represented by a beautiful woman in astrology) and she is all confused & turned upside down because of her retrograde phase (not literally, speaking of course, but energy-wise).  She is in the dark, moody, and introspective sign of Scorpio, so she just wants to be left alone (or lash out at whoever she feels might be “responsible” for her current lack of joy….aka “project onto others”).  Then, to make matters worst, it turns out that she has somehow stumbled into the darkest & most destructive area of the astrological zone, the via combusta.

And guess what?  The sun is also there with her in the via combusta, at least until about November 8th.    

Do you get the picture?  Are you beginning to understand why this might be a stressful time for relationships right now?  For that matter, are you beginning to see why many people are feeling a little bit more short-tempered and irritable than usual?  Our lovely lady Venus, Queen of patience, grace, and social manners, has tumbled over backwards into her own inner shadow.  And what is left in her place is her mars-style evil-twin….aggression, short-temperedness, impatience, and the “what about me?” syndrome that already runs so rampant in our society.

Can you see why I wasn’t so eager to write about this now?

In any case, my youthful training about finding something good to say is so ingrained into me that I must also find something POSITIVE to say about all of this.  (Not to mention, I am a “1” on the Ennneagram…it’s my nature to turn everything around for the good.)  For those who are having difficulties in the Venus areas I mentioned (primarily relationships, money, values, and pleasure), perhaps I can also offer some constructive advice for getting through this period.


Any Venus retrograde period is useful for re-assessing your finances & your relationships.  In regards to your relationships, ask yourself if there is a balance between give and take.  Is there someone in your life who is “taking” at an unreasonable level and not willing to give back fairly?  If so, it may be time to unleash your inner bitch.  (Seriously.) 
        I say this not because you really are a bitch, but because if you find that you must draw new (firmer) boundaries with someone who is used to taking unfair advantage of you, then they are probably going to think that you are acting like a bitch.  (This is probably going to be the case no matter how gentle & loving you are with them.) But I want you to be OK with that. I also want you to remember that if someone has been taking and taking without giving in return, in all likelihood, they are the real bitch, and not you.
            So don’t be afraid to set boundaries with people who have been taking too much from you and not giving in return, and do so as gently, lovingly, and as kindly as possible.  And if you must, do not be afraid to let out your inner bitch (or the strong, assertive part of you that others perceive as a bitch).
            Of course, the flip side to all of this is that Venus retrograde is an excellent time for asking yourself where you need to give more, and indeed if there are any areas of life where you have been taking and not giving back in the way you feel that you should.  In other words, are there any areas of life or relationships where you truly have been a bitch lately?  If so, it is time to get busy repairing those areas, making amends, and doing your best to go out of your way to share your love & generosity with others.
            My main piece of advice in regards to all relationships during this Venus retrograde period (basically between now & November 18th) is to feel free to set boundaries if need be, but do NOT make any irrevocable or long lasting decisions regarding relationships.  Trust me, you are not in your right mind (or heart) about this area of life right now, and most of the so-called “problems” you see in most relationships right now will seem much more subdued within a few weeks of Venus going back direct (November 18th).
            So don’t make a mountain out of a molehill.  And if you feel yourself getting defensive or starting to overreact, take some time to pull back from your intimate relationships & get re-centered in your Divine Self.  (Spending some time alone is always a good remedy for relationship freak-out syndrome.)  Above all, don’t overreact to small things, and unless it’s life threatening or damaging to your spiritual integrity, it probably is a small thing.

All of the same advice probably relates to money matters, finances, and values too.  If you are having extreme stress in any of these areas, know that things will probably ease off a little once Venus turns direct on the 18th (the “easing off” may even start as early as the 8th, when the sun moves out of via combusta).  On the other hand, now would be a really good time to start looking at what it is you really value, and coming up with a plan for spending more of your money, time, and resources on what is truly important to you.
            If money is an issue for you, it’s also a good time to begin looking at what you can begin to contribute & give back to society in order to improve your situation.  As one of my favorite financial authors, Larry Winget puts it, “You do not ‘make’ more money…you earn more money”.  If you want to increase your income, then you had better be willing to increase the value of the service you give to society.  (Hint:  Try just being willing to “show up” and serve in whatever areas of life & whoever the Universe puts before you.  Hint #2:  If you are already doing this, look for ways to serve more people.) 
           Above all, do not be rash, and try to think before you speak, especially when it comes to relationships difficulties, or conflicts revolving around finances, money, shared resources, values, or pleasure.
             Yes, this is a particularly “scratchy” time astrologically.  However, if you can avoid making rash relationship decisions, while remembering to draw appropriate boundaries and stay centered in love, then you will come out of it OK.  And even if you forget to do some this sometimes, even if you lash out into the non-positive manifestation of your inner bitch from time to time, Venus is ultimately a forgiving being, and things will get better once we get through this difficult transition.  In fact, if we look at it as an opportunity to be more loving and kind to others, and to allow others to be more loving and kind to us, then this can ultimately be a constructive time for all involved.

 Scorpio is the sign of transformation and delving into the deep waters of the self.  So in this time of Venus retrograde in Scorpio, I invite you to let yourself be TRANSFORMED in the way you relate to other people, and also in the way you allow others to relate to you. 

Be kind, be loving, be gentle, and when need be, be lovingly assertive, even if it means unleashing your inner bitch a little (smile).  

            Hope you have a great weekend, and a happy Halloween too!

 Infinite Blessings,
Cynthia Killion, Spiritual Guide

                P.S.  To all of you who are followers or devotees of the ancient Earth religions, Happy Samhain!  May you enjoy communing with your ancestors under a beautiful, crisp fall sky, and may the stars open to pour Divine Mother’s great blessings upon you :)

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Cynthia Killion * Psychic Cynthia *  316.347.9481 * (E-mail or FB message usually best way to contact)