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Tuesday, December 12, 2023
New Moon-Embrace the Calm, Welcome the Rebirth
Embrace the Calm, Welcome the Rebirth: A Guide to the New Moon Energies By Rev. Dr. Psychic Cynthia Killion
Happy New Moon! This
ushers in the beginning of a new month-long cycle of rebirth & renewal for us all.
As we stand at the threshold of a new lunar cycle, we find ourselves in a moment of contemplation and calm.
For if the full moon is a time of madness, ecstasy, and celebration, the new moon is a time of contemplationg & calm,
the serene prelude to a month-long journey of rebirth and renewal. During the
new moon, the moon's light is veiled, creating a pause in lunar energies. It's a brief period of stillness before the celestial
dance resumes. Just as the moon gradually regains its radiance, we too experience a gradual reawakening, gaining energy, momentum,
and productivity with each passing day. Navigating the Low Tide of
Lunar Energies At the exact time of the new moon, the light is veiled from us here
on earth, and we see only shadows and darkness where we will see moonlight later in the month. It takes a few days after
the new moon for the moon’s light to re-appear in the form of the crescent moon. This may be a time of monthly rebirth,
but keep mind that the New Moon also marks the LOWEST point of lunar energies, a phase when extra rest and sleep may be needed
& beneficial. (This need for additional rest becomes even more pronounced when a New Moon coincides with a Mercury
retrograde period.) This need to have additional rest may continue for even a few days
AFTER the New Moon, up until the time that the visible moon re-appears again in the sky as the crescent….
As the moon's
light remains invisible at the exact time of the new moon, some cultures refer to this period as "the dark of the moon."
It takes a few days for the crescent moon to reappear, offering a deeper insight into the workings of this cycle.
Harnessing the New Moon's Power While the first few days day of the New Moon cycle may not be ideal for major undertakings, this periods serves
as a perfect time for accomplishing SMALL steps towards a goal, tying up loose ends, and laying the foundation for future
endeavors. Consider this period a time of preparation, reflection, and contemplation.
Once the new moon hits exact, it is time to begin getting organized and preparing yourself for your next move and what needs
to be done next. In particular, the first few days of the New Moon cycle are a potent
time a potent time for setting goals and intentions for the upcoming 3-4 weeks.
So if you haven’t done so already, take a few moments to reflect on your deepest aspirations and what it
is you would like to accomplish over the next 3-4 weeks. Then, craft a clear goal or affirmation that clearly encapsulates
the energy you wish to cultivate in the lunar month ahead. ♈ ♉ ♊
♋ ♌ ♍ ♎
♏ ♐ ♑ ♒ ♓ HELPFUL HINT: If you can, try to line
up your goals & intentions with the themes and energies of the astrological sign that rules over the current new moon.
Focus and Preparation for Increased Productivity & Creativity Remember that
the New Moon marks the beginning of a new cycle that is about 29 days long. Therefore, when creating your new moon intentions or affirmations, it is best to stay focused on just 1 or 2 major
areas or objectives, and to set goals that are inspiring but also reasonable and doable within this brief time. (If
need be, break your larger goals down into smaller chunks.) As we begin this new lunar cycle with the current new Moon, use your
time wisely in the next few days to focus on planning, cleansing, organizing, and preparing for the increased productivity
that awaits in the weeks ahead. Happy Rebirth and Renewal!
10:40 pm cst
Saturday, December 9, 2023
Take Inventory & Prepare-Waning Crescent Moon Time
(Waning Crescent Weekend) 🌌 TIME TO TAKE INVENTORY 🌙✨ Dear Cosmic Psychic Friends, Radiant greetings to you! As the weekend unfolds,
we find ourselves immersed in the tranquil embrace of the Waning Crescent lunar phase—a serene and reflective period
of about three days that encourages cleansing, releasing, letting go, and the banishing of negative energies.
It's time to surrender,
reflect, and let go of what no longer serves your higher good, paving the way for new beginnings. Journeying into the Depths:
Roots & Inner Connection This is the quiet time of rest and contraction, gently pulling you deep into the sacred roots of your
spiritual essence. It's a necessary period of withdrawing from the distractions of the outer world, allowing you to reconnect
with the profound clarity and wisdom of your soul. Much like the mighty Oak, your roots run deep, and your true energy and
power reside not in external actions but within the core of your being—the roots of your inner self. As we float through this
tranquil phase, consider taking moments for meditation or simply sitting in quiet stillness, breathing deeply. Now is the
opportune time to regroup, re-center, and draw upon the energy and power residing deep within you. This preparation sets the
stage for the upcoming cycle of growth and rebirth, commencing with next Tuesday's New Moon in Sagittarius. Navigating the
Waning Crescent: A Time for Review and Celebration This Waning Crescent phase is an excellent time for reviewing goals and
evaluating the progress you have made during the last three & a half weeks. Acknowledge successful actions, revel
in progress, and celebrate achievements and strides forward. Give yourself a well-deserved pat on the back!
As you take inventory,
also reflect on aspects that didn't unfold as you had planned or hoped. Allow yourself to acknowledge setbacks or disappointments,
providing space for necessary grieving. Let yourself feel whatever you need to feel, so that you can release the negative
energy charge around any recent setbacks or losses. Also, consider adjustments that you might make in the near future to help empower yourself
to move forward. Begin making plans for the steps you will take in the next cycle to create positive change & growth.
Since we are about to enter Mercury Retrograde, take into account those goals and areas of life where you wish to hold steady
and continue to be steadfast in your efforts towards progress. Replenish & Rejuvenate Amid this period of reflection, prioritize self-care.
Take the next few days to replenish and rejuvenate, and get caught up on your rest. This will help to ensure that you're
ready for the forthcoming cycle of growth and rebirth that will commence with the New Moon in Sagittarius on next Tuesday
night. (12-12-2023 at 5:23 pm CST) Sending you waves of celestial light to fortify and encourage you during this time of cosmic
reflection. 🌠 P.S. If you find yourself at a significant cosmic crossroads in
your personal or professional life, I'm here to guide you through the wisdom of the psychic and astrological realms. I’m
currently booking private readings for January and beyond—check my website or PM me for details. Blessings to You & Yours! 🌙💫
3:42 pm cst
Friday, December 1, 2023
Disseminating Moon-Time to Slow Down
MOON FORECAST 12-01-2023 December Begins with A Call to Start Slowing
Down Dear Cosmic Psychic Friends, greetings from my cosmic corner here in Kansas, and welcome to December!
As we step into the mystical realms of the holy-season month, let's dance with the celestial energies that
guide our cosmic journey. 🌌✨ As we are beginning the month, the energies are holding pretty steadily
and we are still riding the nice and easy vibes of the sun in Sagittarius, making it fairly easy to stay relaxed and hopeful,
even with the possibility of holiday-related stresses.
However, the astrological waves will really start to
spike around December 13th, when Mercury stations retrograde. Luckily, that is still a little ways off,
so for now, just relax and breathe. (smile) At the start of this month, we find
ourselves in the enchanting disseminating moon phase, a brief period of just a few days that beckons us to share our wisdom
and illuminate the path for others. The cosmic emphasis right now is on communication, making it the perfect time to inspire,
guide, and uplift those around us. In the days
ahead, you may feel a powerful urge to break free from stagnant habits and embrace positive change. Seize this moment to banish
negativity, conquer procrastination, sever unnecessary ties, and bid farewell to elements that no longer serve your higher
purpose. 🌈✨ This is a time to gracefully let go of habits that no longer serve your higher self.
The light of the moon is decreasing, and with the reduced light, the cosmic pulse of energy is SLOWING DOWN….
Feel the
gentle slowing of the cosmic heartbeat, inviting you to honor your natural rhythms, cleanse your aura and brighten your spiritual
and emotional palette. Embrace the art of SURRENDER during this cosmic-lunar phase. Trust in the universe's divine plan, allowing change to
unfold with a serenity that can only come from deep within. While the
desire to share wisdom and teach remains strong, let's also remember to leave time to turn our gaze inward, attuning our senses
to signs from the spirit world. 🌠🌙 Pay heed to
the subtle whispers of our ancestors and loved ones who've journeyed beyond the veil. They are speaking to you still, are
you listening? As the weekend unfolds, maintain
a pace that honors both change and the need for rest. Slow down, creating space for rejuvenation and reflection.
You may wish to light some candles to invoke your angels, guides and loved-ones in
spirit. Or just take some time to meditate, channel, pray at the altar, chant, drum, take a cleansing bath,
or do whatever it is that you do to connect to the realms of the Ancient Ones and the Sacred.
During this time of shifting moon energies, let the cosmic waves guide you, offering a sanctuary for dreams, signs,
and the magic that connects you to the spirit world. 💖🌟
P.S. If you would like help connecting with the other side or navigating
life’s changes, I'm here, ready to guide you through these celestial realms with personalized psychic and astrological
readings. Whether you seek clarity, connection, or cosmic insight, our journey together can begin soon, as I am currently
booking readings for January 2024. 🌙🔮
9:24 pm cst