Psychic Cynthia Killion

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* The Effects of Eclipes

*  Mercury Retrograde Do's & Don'ts 

Charging Your Crystals (& spiritual tools) by Moonlight 

Easing Seasonal Shift   

Overwhelmed by Spirit Activity? (Helpful Advice) 

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Saturday, March 16, 2024

Easing Spring Seasonal Shift


(Or are you riding the flow and becoming more reflective?) 





By Rev. Dr. Psychic Cynthia Killion



Here in the Northern Hemisphere, we are currently in a time of dynamic seasonal shift, passing from the end of Winter into the beginning of Spring. This transformation is represented astrologically by the transition from the sun in watery Pisces moving towards the sun in fiery Aries….

As winter ends and spring begins to emerge, this is a time of shifting from the heavy, withering energies of late winter into the lighter and more uplifting energies of spring.  During this transitional phase, we move through stagnation and heaviness back towards movement and momentum again.

And yet, we are not quite there yet, as up until the Equinox (and even for a little while afterwards) we will continue to teeter on the cusp between these two energies, riding out this time of seasonal shift, going back and forth between the contrasting sense of contraction versus expansion, stagnation versus renewal….

This time of seasonal shift can be hard, as many of us are still shedding the heavy emotional cloak of winter, and may need to go through a continued process of cleansing, healing, and releasing for a little while longer yet….and yet, re-emergence is just around the corner, with the coming of the Spring Equinox, and we can feel it in soul, even if our bodies and minds are not quite there yet. 


With this seasonal shift occurring, you may have noticed a shift within yourself too. It is not unusual at all to feel a bit more moody, introspective, emotionally tender or sensitive as winter shifts to spring.  In fact, you might have even noticed a flair-up of feelings of depression, hopelessness, or discouragement in the last few weeks. 


Even though a part of you is filled with hope or optimism for the future, during this time of shifting to spring, you may also feel weighed down with sorrow or regrets about the past, or overcome with self-judgment or self-criticism, or just weighed down with a general sense of emotional malaise.


You may find that you bounce back and forth right now between contrasting emotions and feelings, first being filled with a sense of hope and positive expectancy for the future, and then having the opposite experience of feeling doubt or despair, or just being overcome with RESTLESSNESS and impatience---


It is as if spring cannot come fast enough, as if CHANGE cannot come fast enough, and you are wondering WHEN will spring finally come…and more to the point, when will your energy, focus and motivation finally return, when will your heart and spirit jump and sing back to life again?


Have faith, it will come.

As sure as day follows night, Spring follows Winter.


With each passing day, the light will continue to increase, the plants and animals will awaken from their slumber, and begin to sing, leap, and scamper around, and you too will soon find yourself re-emerging and coming back to life again as well.



In the meantime, know that any temporary melancholy or discouragement that you experience at this time need not have a grip on you. Nor do you have to be kept down by the increased emotional and psychic sensitivity that often comes with this change of seasons…

That is, if you are willing to lean into your emotions and sensitivities, listen to what your heart is telling you, and learn to recognize the difference between your insecurities and your intuitions.   

>>>>>>>For some quick tips to help you in shifting with greater ease into the energies of spring, continue reading here.

7:29 pm cdt 

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Cynthia Killion * Psychic Cynthia *  316.347.9481 * (E-mail or FB message usually best way to contact)