Psychic Cynthia Killion

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Other Related Articles on this Site You Might Want to Check Out:

* The Effects of Eclipes

*  Mercury Retrograde Do's & Don'ts 

Charging Your Crystals (& spiritual tools) by Moonlight 

Easing Seasonal Shift   

Overwhelmed by Spirit Activity? (Helpful Advice) 

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Saturday, July 6, 2024

Overview of Energy Shifts July 2024



Written & Published 7-06-2024

By Rev. Dr. Psychic Cynthia Killion





This is just a summary & overview to help you get started planning for your month ahead.


For more in-depth info about the effects of these individual shifts (and how to best navigate them), please follow me on FB (Cynthia Killion, Psychic Cynthia or Cynthia Psychic), or subscribe to my Cosmic Newsletter via this site.



--Saturn, Neptune, Pluto all retrograde at start of the month.

Meaning, NOW!


Of these three retrogrades, Saturn retrograde probably has the heaviest weight for most of us.


Saturn recently turned retrograde on June 29th and will remain retrograde until Nov 15 2024.


During this time, honor your boundaries, margins and limits, and practice saying no when it is in the best interest of yourself and others. (More on these retrogrades in a later newsletter or post.)


When it comes to career or life purpose matters, don’t try to push so hard right now or attempt to make major divergences on your path.


Instead, relax, follow through with the path that you are on, and let the Universe lead the way.


Note: If you are not yet sure what your true path or higher purpose is, the time that Saturn is in retrograde is an excellent time for meditating upon and contemplating that, and perhaps even investigating what your purpose or calling is by getting a reading.


Mercury will enter its PRE-retrograde shadow on July 16th.


On July 27th, Mercury enters the PRE-retrograde storm.

(Remember, the pre-storm acts like the retrograde. Therefore, it would be wise to exercise extra caution and restraint from July 27th onward. Slow down and take your time and be extra-thorough with whatever it is you are doing then.)


NEW MOON in Cancer this month was exact July 5th.

This New Cycle continues up until Aug 4th. 


This initiates a fresh cycle focused on intuition, family, and emotional realms. Nurture your dreams and goals, cleanse and purify your inner world.



A good cycle for calling upon your Ancestors and asking them for help with family, work, health, domestic or abundance issues.


(Check out the 07-06-2024 Cosmic Newsletter for your special New Moon forecast relating to this new cycle ahead.)


We also had a lovely Mars sextile Saturn shift yesterday (07-05-24) which is still in effect for a few more days. This Mars-Saturn happy combo can help give you the little LIFT you need to take positive action and shift into a more expansive viewpoint…


This is a really helpful energy for assisting you with dealing with any practical or mundane issues you’ve been putting off on, such as renewing car tags, doing home improvements, yard work, cleaning projects, and so on.


Speaking of Mars—

MARS CONJUNCTS URANUS is exact on July 15th.

However, the energy of this shift is already in effect NOW. Its influence will continue at least until July 23rd. (If not a little longer.)


This one holds potential for both transformation AND upheaval. On the plus side, this can give you the power and strength required to make needed changes this month, particular the kind of changes that involve radical letting go, stepping into uncertainty or upheaval.



It can be easy to step onto emotional landmines while this transit is in effect. It also seems easier than usual to accidentally act out in crazy ways and make unwise decisions that you will later regret when under the rays of this kind of Mars-Uranus combo.


Furthermore, I have observed in the past that when Mars and Uranus make contact, some people are much more susceptible to the influence of negative spiritual energies, so it is important to practice psychic purification right now and to safe-guard your own energy.


The Best Way to Proceed with This Mars-Uranus Energy--


Instead of taking unwise or unnecessary risks right now, and in order to avoid inviting unnecessary chaos or destruction into your life, it is better to channel your extra courage and energy into something constructive. Build a better future for yourself and loved ones, stretch and reach out with positive vibes, and embrace the cleansing and freeing energy of this shift.


FULL MOON this month is exact in the early pre-dawn hours of Sunday July 21st, occurring at 29 degrees Capricorn. (Strongest night-time illumination will be the night before, Sat July 20th.) This is a Capricorn-Aquarius cusper full moon, with both signs being ruled by Saturn, but in different vibrations.


So around this time, you might experience a dynamic inner conflict between simultaneously wanting to be more organized and grounded, while also wanted to be more eccentric and break free from external definitions of the norm. (More on this full moon later this month in this Cosmic Newsletter.)


SUN ENTERS LEO on July 22nd, which is a very lazy, relaxed and fun-loving sign indeed.


From this point forward and for at least a couple of weeks, try to schedule in some time for fun, play and relaxing, as you probably won’t feel as up to working or being ambitious for a little while after the sun enters Leo.


For more in-depth info about these energetics as the month unfolds, please follow me on FB, or subscribe to my Cosmic Newsletter via this site.

4:12 pm cdt 

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See Cynthia's "Helpful Articles" page for more writing on psychic phenomenon & astrology

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Cynthia Killion * Psychic Cynthia *  316.347.9481 * (E-mail or FB message usually best way to contact)