The Meaning of 11:11....when viewed as 1111, or 1 + 1 + 1
+ 1 (4) The Meaning of 11:11....when
viewed as 11 + 11 (22)
CLICK HERE to read the other 2 main variations of 11:11 To go back to the Universal Meaning of 11:11, or to read the 11:11 options
11:11 as four ones….1 + 1+ 1+ 1 = 4
This is the spark of light & love expanded and multiplied four times over. Four ones
means four times the courage, initiative, and creativity. It also means
four times the power to start over, transform, and spiritually regenerate. If this is the form of 11:11 that you most strongly
resonate with, then your inner essence and sense of independence are urging you to find more orderly & structured ways
to express themselves. This is a physical form of this number vibration. You
are being called to carry out your divine mission on the earth plane. It’s not enough to just have a good idea or good intentions…you
now must be willing to become more dependable & responsible in following your dreams and divine inner urges through to
fruition. When viewed as a set of four ones, 11:11 carries a deep energy of organization and desire to
build. It’s time to get organized & get stuff done! Determination can be useful now. However,
you must not allow yourself to become too rigid. Patience is helpful. Understand that others may not catch
on to your vision as quickly as you would like. Help them to see what you see inside by making it “real” in the
physical reality. The
time is ripe for you to start again or build something new. You may be lacking in support or have to start
on your own. After you have gotten started, you will gain momentum, and others will join you in your ventures.
It is time to be the pioneer and get the ball moving. Image:
A bolt of lightening striking a kite, creating electricity. The spark that kindles a bonfire. Be sure to
read the "Conclusion" at the bottom of this page to learn more about who is MOST affected by the 11:11 energies,
and what it means if you felt a resonance with two of the 11:11 number forms.

11 + 11….Two elevens equals twenty-two You have a unique spiritual mission
indeed. You are here to take on some kind of project, plan, or other undertaking that will contribute to
the love and harmony of humanity. You may have had many obstacles & “tests” in the past.
These served to develop your character and strengthen your ability to serve with humility. Perhaps
you are experiencing some challenges even now, in this very moment. As you become more willing to serve
humanity in loving ways, you will see the challenges begin to dissolve away. God is giving you the strength you need right now to
carry out your divine inspirations into physical form. It is important that you cooperate with the Divine
Plan. Tune into your inner self, your guides, and God Itself, so that you can sense how you can best serve
and merge your personal will with the Higher will. You have a responsibility to serve. You are being given knowledge & wisdom
so that you can share it with your fellow humans, and use it to build something of lasting value for the good of the Whole.
It’s time to grow up. You can’t just think of yourself anymore. What
do you want to contribute to humanity? Balance is important as you go about achieving your higher mission, especially in regards to relationships.
Have you been giving too little or too much of yourself to a certain relationship or cause? A true
master avoids all extremes. You are a master inside. It is time to start acting like
one. Your relationships are here to support you, just as you are here to support them. Give
freely and lovingly of yourself, without sacrificing or negating who you really are inside. A partner, teacher, mentor, family member, or
even a small community will arise to assist you. Image: Architect of the pyramids. Laying
a foundation for generations to come.

hope you enjoyed reading your personal interpretation for 11:11. Hopefully, it gives you some insight into
what to expect in the next eleven weeks (and possibly months) ahead. Once you have
read the description that you most resonate with, you might want to go back and read the other descriptions too.
Since all of the interpretations here relate back to the essential energy of 11:11, you will probably find a little
something within each of them that resonates with your current situation (although the main influence is the number you originally
If for some reason you found yourself initially drawn to two different forms of 11:11, read them both.
The one that you were drawn to initially (or the one that had the strongest resonance when you first looked at it)
represents the phase that you are in now. The number form that you were slightly less drawn to (or noticed
secondly) represents either where you are coming from (the past), or the next phase you will enter into. Who Will
be Affected by the 11:11 Energy the Most * Anyone
who feels a strong resonance with the number 11 or 1111 * Anyone who keeps seeing the numbers 11:11 on the clock or in other places * Anyone who regularly notices other multiples
of 11….22, 33, 44, etc. *
Anyone who is born on 01/01, 01/10, 01/11, 10/01, 10/10, 11/11 or anytime during the month of November (the 11th
month in the Western calendar) *
Anyone who carries the vibration of 1, 11, 2, 22, or 4 in their numerology chart
Thank you for being a reader of my newsletter (or on-line blog)! Please feel free to forward this
newsletter to anyone whom you think can use this guidance! Infinite
Killion, Spiritual Guide
CLICK HERE to read the other 2 main variations of 11:11 To go back to the Universal Meaning of 11:11, or to read the 11:11 options