The Meaning of 11:11....when
viewed as 11 x 11 (121) The
Meaning of 11:11....when viewed as (1+1=2) + (1+1=2) (4 total)
CLICK HERE to read the other 2 main variations of 11:11 To go back to the Universal Meaning of 11:11, or to read the 11:11 options
11 x 11….Two elevens
multiplied equals one-hundred twenty-one
This is a very powerful energy indeed. You are quirky and creative, tending to see the world in
very different ways than the masses. The number 11:11 carries a different kind of energy for you than it
does for most. Great opportunities are possible for you now. However, you must overcome
any tendency to be too aggressive or smug about your personal beliefs, and you must have FAITH in your intuition and what
your spiritual heart is leading you to do.
Above all, this is a sign of change and transformation for you. Don’t be afraid of change.
You must eliminate the old to make room for the new. Even more importantly, when old aspects of
your life begin to pass away of their own accord, it helps if you will simply LET GO of them with grace & ease, and accept
that they have served their purpose in your life.
Choosing this expression of 11:11 means that this will be EITHER the most fortunate or UN-fortunate time of your life,
depending on how well you listen to & follow your intuition, and also how willing you are to put aside your own self-centered
desires to serve the good of the whole.
Integrity is a MUST right now. If you want to make this the BEST time of your life (instead of the
worst), then stand strong on your higher principles, and always go to HIGHER GUIDANCE for your direction in life.
You may find yourself rebelling against old systems of beliefs or ways of doing things. This is
fine. Just don’t let yourself get so caught up in demonizing the “old” that you forget
to cultivate the new. Your true power lies in regenerating yourself by cooperating with the Divine plan,
and being a leader. You are here to bring new ideas & inspiration to humanity. You
just need to keep yourself “grounded” and disciplined so that you don’t shoot out of your body before you
accomplish your purpose.
Remember that you are not alone, and you have additional support right now. All of your efforts
are being multiplied eleven times over, for better or for worst. So put forth good effort!
Image: A snake shedding its skin. The true self lies underneath.
Be sure to read the "Conclusion" at the bottom of this page to learn more about who is MOST affected by the 11:11
energies, and what it means if you felt a resonance with two of the 11:11 number forms.

(1 + 1) + (1 + 1)….Two sets of two equals four This is the softest vibration of 11:11.
It carries a double energy of two. This is a call to tune inward to your heart, and get in touch
with your feelings. Your emotional self is very active now. Quiet time and introspection
are necessary for you to contact your inner self, and to heal from the wounds of the past.
You carry the seed of spiritual teacher within you. In order to awaken this seed, you must first
embrace your sensitivities and your inner self. Take care of yourself, and it will assist you in taking
care of others. Nurture yourself, and you will have more to nurture others with.
You have a decision to make in life right now. Whether you know it or not, you are at a turning
point. Two (or more) paths lay before you. You know that whichever path you choose, it will alter the course
of your entire life. By taking the time to go inward and commune with your intuition, you will be led to
the path that is right for you. You must avoid choosing what you think others would want you to choose.
You must rise above martyrdom, and choose according to the truest essence of your authentic self.
You came here to mediate, and to be a bridge for peace. Your natural tendency is to bring love and
beauty in the world. More than anything, you value peace and harmony. Therefore, you
tend to try to avoid conflict, even as you draw it into your life. When you learn to be at peace with the
existence of conflict, you will then truly enter into a state of inner harmony where you are not so easily disturbed by other
people’s negative energies or opinions of you. You are trying
to build something of lasting value in your life, something that will give you stability and a foundation in times of trial.
However, you cannot do this alone. You need the support of friends, partnership and community to
prevail. You could also benefit from a mentor, spiritual teacher, or other kind of leader that can help
you see the beauty in yourself. Seek out like-minded communities, and offer your talents in support of
others, as this will help you to increase your self-esteem. Image:
The “ugly” duckling, right before she discovers that she is actually a beautiful & graceful swan.

hope you enjoyed reading your personal interpretation for 11:11. Hopefully, it gives you some insight into
what to expect in the next eleven weeks (and possibly months) ahead. Once you have
read the description that you most resonate with, you might want to go back and read the other descriptions too.
Since all of the interpretations here relate back to the essential energy of 11:11, you will probably find a little
something within each of them that resonates with your current situation (although the main influence is the number you originally
If for some reason you found yourself initially drawn to two different forms of 11:11, read them both.
The one that you were drawn to initially (or the one that had the strongest resonance when you first looked at it)
represents the phase that you are in now. The number form that you were slightly less drawn to (or noticed
secondly) represents either where you are coming from (the past), or the next phase you will enter into. Who Will
be Affected by the 11:11 Energy the Most * Anyone
who feels a strong resonance with the number 11 or 1111 * Anyone who keeps seeing the numbers 11:11 on the clock or in other places * Anyone who regularly notices other multiples
of 11….22, 33, 44, etc. *
Anyone who is born on 01/01, 01/10, 01/11, 10/01, 10/10, 11/11 or anytime during the month of November (the 11th
month in the Western calendar) *
Anyone who carries the vibration of 1, 11, 2, 22, or 4 in their numerology chart
Thank you for being a reader of my newsletter (or on-line blog)! Please feel free to forward this
newsletter to anyone whom you think can use this guidance! Infinite
Killion, Spiritual Guide
CLICK HERE to read the other 2 main variations of 11:11 To go back to the Universal Meaning of 11:11, or to read the 11:11 options again, CLICK HERE