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Wednesday, September 10, 2014
Easing Your Seasonal Transition

CHANGE OF SEASONS GOT YOU DOWN? (Or are you riding the flow and becoming more
As a psychic with a background in the nature-based religions, I have long been tuned-into the dynamic
energy shifts that happen at this time of the year. In particular, the time that we are now in (the end of summer shifting
and blending into the beginning of fall) is a very powerful time indeed. This is a time of both death and re-birth, for just
as the fun & playful energies of summer are dying, the more intense and focused energies of fall are being born. In the
Northern hemisphere, we are literally in a time between seasons, with summer on the decline, but it not being fully fall yet.
This is truly the time of both the beginning and the end.
With this seasonal shift occurring, you may have noticed a shift within yourself too. It is not unusual at all to feel a bit
more moody, introspective, emotionally tender or sensitive as summer is shifting to fall. In fact, you might have even noticed
a flair-up of feelings of depression, hopelessness, or discouragement in the last few weeks. If you have noticed
an increase in these kind of melancholy feelings lately, or if you’ve just been feeling a little bit more “down”
or introspective than usual, know that this is perfectly normal this time of year. After all, like all beings on planet earth,
we humans are creatures of nature. This means that we too experience changes and shifts within ourselves as the light lessens
and the length of the days shorten. Children and animals in particular are very sensitive to these kinds of shifts. However,
they are not the only ones, and many of us adults who have chosen to stay open (psychically & intuitively speaking) also
feel the change of seasons on a deep level within ourselves.
<<<<<<<CLICK HERE to continue reading and learn more about how those who are psychically, spirituallly or intuitively tuned-in
become more sensitive during times of seasonal shift, and what you can do to help yourself get through this time of transition
more gracefully.
8:51 pm cdt
Tuesday, September 9, 2014
My Fairy Garden

Dear Friends,
since last March I have devoted much of my time to growing and caring for a fairy garden. This is a place that I have
created in my yard that is both beautiful and practical (at least, in the magical sense). It is a living temple that
allows me to more easily communicate with the nature spirits and receive their healing energy simply by just being near the
I usually grow some kind of small garden each year, but this year
I decided to go "all out" and use my psychic connection with the realm of the fairies to grow a lush flower, shrub,
and herb garden according to their specifications and wishes. It has been an interesting experience
indeed to garden with the fairies, and a very healing one as well.
Fairies will
come wherever flowers are grown. Therefore, even if you are living in a city, if you put out several
pots of pretty flowers, you are likely to attract more fairies. Fairies also like wild and overgrown areas. Certain
herbs (such as mint) are said to attract fairies. The fairy spirits also seem to like the viney-climbing plants
(such as morning glories or green beans). An overgrown berry plant is also a sure way to draw their attention.
My fairy garden is a long and sprawling affair, starting at the front of my house
(with a bed of shade flowers), slinking down the side of my house in a narrow strip (with some pots mixed in with the plants
grown in the ground), and then opening up to a couple of medium-sized flowerbeds in the backyard, a good number
of potted plants on the patio, and a few more smaller areas of growing things all the way in the back.
I honestly don't know what the square foot of my fairy garden is (since it sprawls so much and
is in so many areas that it would be difficult to measure). I do know that there are plenty of people
who grow bigger gardens then me. But then again, there are plenty who don't grow this much stuff either (chuckle).
My garden is grown for beauty and magical energy and not functionality.
Therefore, I didn't grow a bunch of fruits or vegetables, but instead grew mainly flowers, herbs, vines,
and beautiful shrubs, since I created this year's garden to feed my aura & my etheric body (not so much my physical
body). However, I do usually have at least a few pots of tomatoes, peppers, and cucumbers, as it is so
much fun to just be able to go and pick fresh ones right from your own patio.
Also, this year the fairies left me a vegetable plant gift in the form of a volunteer butternut squash plant. I have
never planted butternut squash before, but I do love to eat it. I believe that this plant probably came
up from a seed that was left in the compost that was then placed in one of my flower beds. One thing I learned this
year: Butternut squash needs a LOT of space to grow and will take over wherever it grows. Mine came up and
wrapped itself around the back flower bed where I grow my phlox, hibiscus, lavender, and fennel. I left
this giant vine plant because it was so gorgeous and looked stunning wrapping itself around all my flowers. Besides, it
was a gift from the fairies (who know how much I love eating butternut squash). How could I refuse it?
Since I began growing & decorating the fairy garden, I have
had an increase in my spiritual and magical encounters with the fairies, especially when I am outside in the garden.
However, these encounters aren't always limited to when I am in the fairy garden. I have also noticed an increase in
signs & omens from the fairy realm when I am out and about doing errands and even traveling out of state.
The fairies also seem to do more favors for me now that I have grown them this garden.
Nowadays, whenever I need help with something (especially dealing with healing or with practical or mundane matters), I just
slip into a very light trance and ask my fairy friends if they could help. Most of the time an easy solution to the
problem I have requested help with appears in a few days. I always make sure to thank & acknowledge the fairies
when they help me out. They don't necessarily require that you be overly gushing about your thank yous, but a small
acknowledgement is nice.
Even though summer is just about over and it is already
starting to feel like fall, it is not too early to begin dreaming and planning for your OWN fairy garden. After all,
spring will be here again before you know it!
6:26 pm cdt