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Thursday, November 13, 2014
Energy Update: Choose Peace & Happiness While You Purge
We just had the full moon in Taurus about a week ago, and
the sun is still in the sign of Scorpio. Furthermore, we are in the midst of a string of tense but powerful (and potentially
transformative) configurations between Mars-Uranus-and-Pluto.
means that for a little while longer (at least a week or so), we need to check & watch ourselves and make sure that we
aren't unfairly blaming others for our problems our projecting our own faults onto other people. It's really easy to
get "triggered" right now. Even if you yourself are not triggered or out-of-whack, be aware that OTHERS around
you could be.
If you find yourself in the path of
a worked-up, unbalanced person, I recommend simply stepping aside. Most important of all, DO NOT ENGAGE. The more
you try to defend or explain yourself to someone who is out-of-whack due to these energies, the more upset or angry they will
become, and the more harm they can do to you. If you can, keep it rational & calm right now (even when the world
around you is NOT rational & calm) and things will flow much easier for you.
Up until around November 21st or so, we are still in a cycle of cleansing,
releasing, and letting go. You may find yourself feeling the need to purge or discard things and aspects
of your life that are no longer working for you. In general, this can be A POSITIVE TIME OF REJUVENATION & TRANSFORMATION.
However, there is some difficulty associated with it sometimes, because it is the kind of rejuvenation that comes by PURGING,
releasing, and LETTING GO.
Put simply, one
door must close for you in life right now for another door to open. The death and shedding of one aspect of
your life makes room for the rebirth and re-awakening for a different aspect of self. Do you feel the need to walk away from
one relationship, job, habit or project in particular or to scratch one "great idea" off your list in favor of another?
Good. That means that you are just about ready to move forward into the next level of your great adventure.
With one hand you are reaching towards the NEXT STEP, and with the other hand you are gently closing the door on the step
that has just been completed.
****As anyone will tell you who has ever
done ANY kind of cleanse or de-tox, cleansing is a LOT of work sometimes. And it can wear you down. Not to
mention, with the energies being the way they are right now, some of us tend to have lowered vitality and just be
more tired than normal (no, it's not just the weather!). So make sure you let yourself have some extra rest
& laying around whenever you need it.
Just so you know, the increased intensity in energies has only just BEGUN, and will now continue to build all the way
up to mid-December (after which, we stay at a very high energetic threshold for at least another month
or two). This is largely due to the infamous Uranus-Pluto shift closing in tightly again, although there
are also other contributing factors in the Cosmos (such as the approaching Winter Solstice on Dec 21st). All of
this together adds up to the generally high-energetic, high-strung vibe that will be with us more and more as we approach
the end of the 2014 and move into 2015.
Keep in mind too
that with an increased intensity in energies there often is an increase in EMOTIONAL SENSITIVITY. As I mentioned earlier,
when we are feeling more emotionally sensitive, it is easier for us to become emotionally triggered, out-of-whack, upset or
frustrated. We're more likely to lash out irrationally during periods like this or attempt to blame others for our problems.
(These unfortunate tendencies are likely to be stronger in those who weren't feeling particularly happy, grounded, content,
or centered in their lives to start with.)
It will help give you a greater
traction towards peace at this time if you come to embrace the idea that OTHERS ARE NOT THE SOURCE OF
YOUR HAPPINESS OR UNHAPPINESS. True, they may do things to bother or upset you, or they may simply act in ways
that you don't "like" or agree with. However, that doesn't mean that you have to choose to be unhappy simply
because someone is doing something that you don't like or makes you feel uncomfortable.
Regardless of the circumstances in your life, regardless of what you do or do not have, you do have the power to choose to
have an overall positive, optimistic and happy approach....even when it doesn't seem that there is much to be happy about!
An Inspiring Story About Someone Who is Choosing to Be Happy
To demonstrate my point, I would like to share a quick story
about a friend who was recently hit on her bicycle by a truck in a hit and run accident. (If you live in Wichita, perhaps
you remember hearing about this on the news last summer.) My friend's name is Connie.
Prior to the accident, Connie was one of the most physically fit & active people I have ever known.
She frequently would go out for a morning run (usually about 6 miles or so), golf, and bicycle. For work, she prefered
to do cleaning, roofing, siding, or anything else that she could do that would allow her to keep moving and be active.
In fact, she was out riding her bicycle for exercise the morning that she was injured in the accident.
The details are a bit sketchy (since there was only one witness and she only caught the tail end of the incident). But
what is known for sure is that Connie was riding her bicycle when she was hit and run over by a truck, and that the truck
kept on driving. Someone in a nearby house noticed Connie was laying in the street, and called her husband. Soon
an ambulance was also called and Connie was taken to the hospital.
a miracle, Connie did survive. She had broken and/or fractured ribs, legs, etc, but she was alive. The
doctors say it will be about a year before she can fully walk again. As of right now, it has just been about two months
from the accident, and Connie is still wheel chair bound. However, she is doing her best to rehabilate herself
and goes to the gym and swims *seven days* a week, because that is the one form of exercise she can still do.
Being hit by a truck on a bicycle and left on the road to die would certainly be cause for
unhappiness if there ever was one. But Connie has not chosen that path. In fact, when I recently spoke to her
on the phone, she was quite hopeful for the future. She knows that she will never clean houses again or do any of the
other physical work she used to love for a living. Indeed, she is taking the accident as a "sign" that it
is time to move on to some form of less physical, more office style work.
And she is not letting the accident stop her at all from doing fact, she has already put in applications
to volunteer to do office work and answer phones at some area non-profits so she can begin to accumulate experience
in this new field. Given what happened to her recently, it would certainly be easy for Connie to choose to give
up, blame others, or be bitter (also known as "The Path of UN-Happiness"). But instead she is out there looking
to serve others!
Connie is an example of how a person
can RISE ABOVE in her consciousness and choose happiness, even when the way is difficult, even when life is "unfair" (what
could be more "unfair" then being hit on your bicycle and left to die?). Even more important than choosing
happiness is choosing PEACE. You may not always feel happy or over-joyed with your circumstances,
but you can choose to feel peaceful & make the best of it anyway (like Connie has done and is doing).
I don't know what your circumstances are or what your current challenges are, but what ever you are facing, I would encourage
you to choose peace, to choose happiness, and most important of all, to choose NOT to let yourself get
triggered or beat-down by all of the challenges & overwhelming energies we face sometimes these days.
Whatever has happened or is happening now, it can be used for Good. It is up to YOU to find and mine this good
and turn your life into gold!
Namaste & Blessings, Rev. Dr. Cynthia Killion, Spiritual
3:20 pm cst