Psychic Cynthia Killion

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Charging Your Crystals (& spiritual tools) by Moonlight 

Easing Seasonal Shift   

Overwhelmed by Spirit Activity? (Helpful Advice) 

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Thursday, March 31, 2022

New Moon in Aries-Blaze Your Fire, Express Your Inner Light







By Rev. Dr. Psychic Cynthia Killion


Note:  Tonight's new moon is exact at 1:24 am Central USA Daylight time on Friday, April 1st.  (Which is basically late on Thursday night for those of who live in the United States.)



Dear Cosmic & Psychic Friends, hello there and Happy New Moon in Aries to You!  Tonigh'ts new moon in Aries signifies a time of quickening, renewal and bold new beginnings.  This is a very strong revitalizing and energizing influence that will emanate from now until the next new moon on April 30th.


This new month-long cycle focuses on new beginnings, having courage to try new things, and taking initiative.  This is definitely NOT a time for sitting on the sidelines, but instead it is a time to jump right in and get some new experiences under your belt. 



This Aries New Moon cycle is also a good time for experiencing a renewal & rebirth within your existing interests & passions.  It’s time to get off your tush and get back into the rhythm & activity of living life boldly & passionately again. 


There is a greater receptivity to new ideas at this time.  Even more importantly, there is a willingness to take a new idea and really run with it and do something with it or about it at this time.  


Running is a good word to use here, because everything tends to speed up and accelerate during the Aries New Moon cycle.  Patience is at a minimum right now.  On the other hand, desire, energy, and enthusiasm are quite strong. 


There is a bit of stubbornness and self-centeredness operating now too.   We want what we want, we want it now, and we are willing to ram our head into walls and break through whatever is in our path to get it.  If we get a little beat up in the process, then so be it, at least we have broken through that barrier or wall and are now free to move forward to forge a new path.  So goes the thinking of Aries.


This combination of tenaciousness, recklessness, lack of self-restraint and enthusiasm can at times be surprisingly effective and bring results.  Especially when you are attempting to blaze a trail or forge a new path in completely uncharted territory.  This is true even when it is only unchartered territory for you personally, but even more so if the territory is mysterious & unknown to many others as well.


The old saying comes to mind, “Fools rush in where angels fear to tread”.  Meaning, a person without the usual self-restraint, judgement or so-called common sense of others sometimes finds themselves diving into a somewhat tricky situation or pursuing a path of action that is fraught with risk, danger or uncertainty.


 Doesn’t sound like the most sensible or wise path of action, I will admit.   And yet….how many advances in culture & civilization have been won and forged by those who fearlessly dived in and walked the path where others before them where afraid to go?


How many new inventions, scientific advances or creative breakthroughs have been accomplished by those who were not afraid to tread into uncharted territory?  How many successes have been won by those who weren’t afraid to go where no one had gone before them?


When you really think about, you might even say that ALL such advances and breakthroughs were brought about by so-called fools who were not afraid to break down barriers and move in new directions.  Whatever the field or the problem being tackled, these are bold pioneers, courageous people who heard the calling of their own souls and let that soul call be louder than their fears.


Reckless and foolhardy at times, perhaps.  And yes, prone to making mistakes, not getting it right the first time, and having to try (and then try again and again) before finally finding the right true path for themselves.


But these were and are people of ACTION, people who have the COURAGE to heed the call of their inner selves and to take the journey to begin the quest.  They believe in themselves and their calling against all odds, and do not allow the judgement or dis-belief of others to hold them back.


Dear One, do you have this kind of courage?   More importantly, would you be willing, in some small way, to have this kind of courage and belief in yourself and your path during this next new moon cycle? 


Perhaps you could try it on for size and get a sense of what it feels like to believe in yourself and your soul’s calling so deeply.  You don’t have to try it forever, just for this new moon cycle of one month. 


Would you in some way be willing to take a small RISK and step outside of your fears and doubts and invest in the development of your self and your dreams? For there is no gain without risk, no growth without sacrifice, sacrifice of your fears and your lower self that would hold you back.


Yes, this is a time of moving forward and new beginnings for us all.  But remember, in order to have a TRUE new beginning, and not just a false start, it requires COURAGE and willingness to take ACTION.   In other words, your path and your fate aren’t just things that happen to you, but rather these are forces of creation that happen THROUGH you....

In order to truly move forward and experience sustained momentum, you have to be willing to keep stepping up to the plate each day, engaging in life, trying new things, and also cultivating and deepening your connection with those parts of your path that you really do love.


You might be feeling a little green and inexperienced, but you shouldn’t let that stop you from trying something new or exploring something a little deeper that is interesting to you.   Besides, you don’t grow by staying inside the comfort zone.  It’s those moments where you experience challenges that hold the most potential for growth, if you are willing to rise to the occasion.  


If you are willing, embrace this cycle of new beginnings.  At the very least, do not sit still right now or stay on the sidelines.  Now more than ever, this is a time to take action & engage with life. 


In closing, I would like to say that Aries is a very self-reliant sign, and during this new moon cycle, you may be feeling that you need to do everything on your own right now or just focus on your own goals.  Be wary of the tendency to close others out or to socially isolate, for there is much strength & energy to be gained by sharing your enthusiasm, dreams, and energies with others, and also partaking of the positive & uplifting vibrations of other beings, physical or non-physical. 


A fire blazes brighter when it has many flames, not just one.  Therefore, let your light be increased & amplified by sharing and coming together with others of like-minded brilliance and spiritual warmth.


Here’s to re-lighting your spiritual fire, and reviving your passions & dreams!


Cosmic Love & Bright Blessings,

Rev. Dr. Cynthia Killion (Psychic Cynthia) 


2:28 pm cdt 

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Cynthia Killion * Psychic Cynthia *  316.347.9481 * (E-mail or FB message usually best way to contact)