Psychic Cynthia Killion

Cynthia's Psychic Blog

Cynthia's PSYCHIC BLOG is a way for Rev. Dr. Psychic Cynthia to provide complimentary guidance & spiritual mentorship via her writings....stories from her on-line newsletter are occasionally posted here, as well as other occasional upates....Many of the stories that are listed here first appeared in Cynthia's newsletter in some form or another.  If you would like to read these kind of interesting & uplifting stories free of charge a couple of times a month, then you can subscribe to Cynthia's free Cosmic Newsletter.  Also, check out Cynthia's "article page" on the main navigation bar.



Other Related Articles on this Site You Might Want to Check Out:

* The Effects of Eclipes

*  Mercury Retrograde Do's & Don'ts 

Charging Your Crystals (& spiritual tools) by Moonlight 

Easing Seasonal Shift   

Overwhelmed by Spirit Activity? (Helpful Advice) 

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Saturday, March 28, 2009

Dear Cynthia...When to Share
How Do I Know When to Share My Psychic Messages?

  Dear Cynthia, I am getting many psychic experiences of knowing when someone is in danger.  Such as:  knowing a friend is getting too involved with someone that does illegal activities, knowing a person is after someone's money.  It is all confusing to me because it is on the negative side.  I do not know if I should tell the person being harmed or mind my own business.  I recently told an older lady she should go back and talk to her attorney about the fact she disowned her child and gifted her estate to a friend.  The "friend" drove her to the attorney and helped her get things transferred.  The elderly lady told her "friend" she wanted to go back to the attorney and it blew up in my face.  I don't know if I did good or harm.
       What to do??????  I'm learning.
                ---Sara, 03/10/2009

Dear Sara, thank you for writing me concerning your spiritual-psychic experiences.  From reading your contact form, I understand that you are having difficulties knowing when to share psychic information that you are getting that might be "difficult" or "unpleasant" for others to hear.  
       My best piece of advice for you in this regards is before you choose to share (or not share), to get very quiet inside, go within to your higher self, and ask if sharing this information would be helpful for that other person.  Just take a moment to listen, and an answer will come.  Then, honor that answer.
        Basically, what I am saying is that you will just *know* when it is right to share, and also when it is right to "mind your own business".  Just because something you shared seemed to cause a little discomfort in someone else's life doesn't mean you shouldn't have shared.  On the other hand, not every piece of psychic guidance we receive is meant to be shared.  Especially when it concerns our loved ones, sometimes we are just given glimpses of what is going on with them so that we can know how to be more fully present for them.  
           When you do choose to share things that you see or feel with your loved ones, please know that it is completely up to them what they do with it, if anything.  You can't be attached to a person changing their course of action just based on something you sensed, for all are here to have their own experiences, which sometimes does include doing "stupid" things.
            In closing, I would encourage you to work with your gifts on a day-to-day basis, so that you can start getting information that is of a more positive and encouraging nature, and not just the things that feel "negative" to you.  If you feel that you need some help with this, you might try getting a copy of my pamphlet "A Little Book of Psychic Powers" or you could also try working with my "Spirit Cards" oracle deck (divination tools help to stimulate psychic

10:14 pm cdt 

Monday, March 9, 2009

Astro-Psychic Forecast March 9, 2009
Dear Friends, I hope that all is well with you on this crisp, pre-spring day.  I am enjoying  a lovely, lazy Sunday lounging on the couch, writing this newsletter for you on my laptop and watching my parrot Romeo chew on a piece of corn-on-the cob in his cage (he loves anything he can destroy with his beak).  One cat is sleeping on the floor by me, the other is up on the top of the couch by the window. All in all, it is a very relaxing moon-in-Leo day.
        I’ve feeling very mystical and “tuned-in” today, and find myself musing about the changes in the cosmic energy recently.  I thought that while I was laying here relaxing, I’d take a moment to share with you some of these changes that have been happening in the energies lately, and how these changes might personally affect you & your situation.
          First of all, did you notice that the energy has really picked up in the last week or so and that things seem to be moving a lot faster?  Before that, in the last couple of weeks of February, it seemed like everyone was in a bit of a spiritual “haze” or “blur”…it was as if everything was on “hold” for awhile while we were taking time to “go within” and get in touch with our true inner feelings & perceptions.  It was also as if we all had to go into our “cocoons” a little while longer before we emerged for our spring transformations.
          But now everything has changed.  It seems like in the last week and a half to two weeks, the energy has begun to “thaw” or just “flow” again.   Probably you’ve noticed that you’ve felt a little bit more inspiration to get things done, and it’s been easier for you to get excited about getting out and meeting people and starting new projects.  At the very least, you’ve probably noticed that you’re getting a whole lot *busier* than you had been in the weeks before.
          That’s because the energy is flowing more dynamically right now, and it is also moving more into “outer world” expressions, rather than just staying inside, as it did during the “lull” we experienced in the second half of February.  I guess we needed that “lull” to help prepare us for the excitement, exhilaration, and enthusiasm of March that has only just begun to build.  (They don’t have that expression of “March Madness” for nothing.)
            With all this high energy, it’s time to come OUT of your cocoon and reach out to others, especially to those who are spiritual, artistic, creative, or philosophically-inclined.  >>>>>>>CLICK HERE TO GET MORE PREDICTIONS & GUIDANCE
10:40 am cdt 

Dear Spiritual Psychic Friends, below you will find "Part 2" to my story, "The Price of Ignoring Intuition" (this part is actually called, "Encountering the Voice of God").  Just in case you didn't read "Part 1" of the story, I've included the last few paragraphs of that piece just to get you "up to speed".  However, if you want to read the FULL story from the beginning, then please click HERE.  The events described in these two pieces took place at the end of January/beginning of February 2009.  You will find these stories very illuminating & intriguing, if you are at all interested in matters of the spiritual-psychic.  Thanks for reading!  Blessings, Cynthia

  A Short excerpt from Part 1.…Crash & Rebirth…Price of Ignoring Your Intuition            This car wreck took place just 3 days before the kick-off of the big “Awakening Your Intuition” fundraiser last weekend (for New Thought Church) that I was supposed to be organizing and hosting.  I still had to finish up a promotional gift CD for new comers and complete the print layout on the booklet for the new “Spirit Cards” oracle set that Kayra & I just released.             
        Not to mention, I needed to be on my best, most radiant and spiritually “glowing” behavior so that I could welcome people at Friday night’s “Meet the Teachers of New Thought Spaghetti Feed”, and teach an uplifting workshop with Charles Cox the next day on intuition.  And here I was, an emotional wreck, all because I had *ignored* my intuition and wrecked my car!
      To be honest, I wasn’t sure if I was even deserving enough to teach workshops on intuition anymore, and considered asking Charles to teach the whole thing.  But then I realized that this was just that “old voice” of self- criticism coming up again, and that falling off the “Intuition bandwagon” just one time hardly diminishes an entire lifetime spent listening to the Inner Voice.  Besides, it would give me something interesting & compelling to talk about when I told my students that there can be serious consequences to NOT listening to your intuition.            
         Somehow, I made it through the weekend OK.  In fact, as far as I could tell, I really was my spiritually glowing & radiant self, and *was* able to teach an inspiring & uplifting workshop with Charles.  The weekend was very successful.  Many people who didn’t know they had intuition before discovered that they did, and others discovered new layers & dimensions of their abilities. Plus, everyone just seemed to be having a good time.  Not to mention, we raised over $2,500 for the church….

Part 2:  Encountering The Voice of God….Are you done yet?
            I was bone-tired, that is true.  I hadn’t slept more than 4 hours at a time in three days.  But the weekend was successful, plus my car was in the shop getting fixed, so I figured that I could just get on with my life normally now.   I went home on Saturday after the workshop and slept 11 hours.
            The funny thing was that on Sunday, I still felt a little tired.  Well, maybe it will take me a few days to catch up on my rest, I thought.  But later in the day, I noticed that my nose was starting to run and I had a painful sinus headache.  Oh great, allergies.  Just what I need (not!).
            By Monday morning, I was a vistern of snot.  My throat was sore and my head was throbbing.  I did the one thing that I really don’t like to do, the one thing that I leave only as a last resort, when things get REALLY bad and I simply must have some relief….I took some allergy medicine.  Just one pill, and the non-drowsy kind at that (or so they say…personally, I think it makes me feel like I am sleepy & speeding at the same time, but I least I can breathe).  I washed that down with a few Ibuprofens, because something had to STOP that hammering on my head.
            As much as I hate putting pharmaceuticals of any kind into my body, I have to admit that this really did help me feel better.  I was able to go on about my day and enjoyed hanging out with Charles doing readings on my “Mystic Messenger” oracle kit, and visiting White Dove Bookstore before I dropped him off at the airport.
            That was on Monday afternoon.  This marked the true end to my “weekend fundraiser” and I was finally free to get on with life as usual.  Or so I thought.
            After I came back home from the airport, my allergies began to get consistently worst.  I could still breathe thanks to the clariton I had taken (thank god), but my throat was getting sorer (always a sensitive point on my body) and it seemed I was producing the equivalent of my own body weight in mucus. Plus, I was just so very tired.  So I slept some more.


9:57 am cdt 

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Cynthia Killion * Psychic Cynthia *  316.347.9481 * (E-mail or FB message usually best way to contact)