Cynthia's PSYCHIC BLOG is a way for Rev. Dr. Psychic Cynthia to provide complimentary guidance & spiritual mentorship
via her writings....stories from her on-line newsletter are occasionally posted here, as well as other occasional upates....Many
of the stories that are listed here first appeared in Cynthia's newsletter in some form or another. If you would like
to read these kind of interesting & uplifting stories free of charge a couple of times a month, then you can subscribe to Cynthia's free Cosmic Newsletter. Also,
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Sunday, May 24, 2009
Help with Black Magic Attack
April 28, 2009: Can You
Help Me Remove a Black Magic Attack?
Dear Cynthia,
I came across your site while surfing for psychic help. I know you don't do readings through e-mail. I live
in Nigeria and I want to know if it is possible for you to give a psychic reading to somebody in Nigeria. Not just a reading,
but help with a solution to the problem that is disturbing me for close to fifteen years now.
The problem is a black magic attack, and I am at the point of taking my life. I do not find life enjoyable at all.
I need help so that I might live and enjoy life like other people do. Thanks, David in Nigeria
Cynthia's Response...... Dear David, thank
you for contacting me in your time of need. I am sorry to hear that you are struggling so much in your
life right now. Please know that God/Spirit has a plan for everyone,
including you, and that there is something beautiful happening in your life right now, even if you can't currently see or
know what it is. Also know that taking your own life will not solve this, as "your" life really isn't your
own life, in that you belong to the Universe. Right now, as you read this, you are playing a very special & unique
role on this planet, even if you do not have a conscious awareness of what it is.
As far as "black magic" goes, please understand that if you keep yourself centered in love, nothing can truly hurt
you. Yes, there is "black magic", I know this and do not dispute the reality of it. What I know as a
psychic is that if you step out of fear and get your own energy centered in love and hope, the "dark" or "lower"
energies can't even see you anymore. The solution is to get into joy, because the dark cannot penetrate a joyful
or light-filled heart. Find one interest, passion, or activity that you enjoy,
and start focusing on that, and you will soon find that you are enjoying life again, and the "black magic"
will leave your life forever. You may also wish to do a little spiritual "cleansing" or "psychic purification".
One of the easiest ways to do this is to take a bath with either 1/2 a cup of saltwater or apple cider vinegar in the bath.
You can also psychically purify by breathing very deeply for a few minutes, and imagining that you are pulling a cleansing
light into your body. David, I truly hope that this has been helpful
to you. I hope that you will see that you have a purpose here, a reason for living, even if you do not currently know what
that is. Your life is very important, not only for yourself, but also for what you are bringing to others. Thank
you for coming to this planet!
Many Blessings, Cynthia Killion
P.S. If you want further guidance on this issue, I actually DO
offer e-mail readings for people who are unable to do either phone or in-person sessions. Here is a little bit more
info about that if you need it....
My E-mail readings Basically,
what I do is simply "channel" the messages for you from God and the Angel-Spirit-Guides while I am sitting at the
keyboard, and then e-mail it out to you. You can send me specific questions in advance, or areas of life that you are
interested in, or I can just see what comes through for you when I set down at the computer. These sessions are priced
the same as my other sessions.....90 US dollars for a half-hour of channeling (1 or 2 major areas of life); 175 US dollars
for an hour of channeling (2-5 areas of life...very comprehensive).
To register for an e-mail session, just go to my website at, register as you would for a "normal" session, and when it asks for your mailing address, just type a note that
you would like your reading e-mailed to you. Here are the links to help you:
For 1/2 sessions (30 minutes;
1 or 2 major areas of life; 90 US dollars)......
For Full Sessions (1 hour....Comprehensive, 2 to 5 areas of life; 175 US dollars)
Once I receive a request for an e-mail reading, it usually takes me a few days to get to it, as I like to wait
until the Spirits are really speaking to me for a person, so this is not always an instant process. However, once you
have reserved your session, I will send you an e-mail letting you know that I have gotten your payment & registration,
and giving you some idea of when I think I will be doing your reading, so you will know when to expect it.
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