Cynthia's PSYCHIC BLOG is a way for Rev. Dr. Psychic Cynthia to provide complimentary guidance & spiritual mentorship
via her writings....stories from her on-line newsletter are occasionally posted here, as well as other occasional upates....Many
of the stories that are listed here first appeared in Cynthia's newsletter in some form or another. If you would like
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Thursday, July 29, 2010
Brushes with Death Part 2 July 29, 2010
BRUSHES WITH DEATH, PART 2 (Read Previous Entry for Part 1) Dear Friends, this is the second “installment” in the story I began writing for you last week, called
“Brushes with Death”.
In the first installment, I talked with you about my experience in getting ready for the “Spiritual Psychic Development”
class and writing the class curriculum notebook on mediumship with the help of the Spirits. I also shared
with you about how the marigolds that were on the verge of dying were brought back to life by my loving husband’s ingenuity.
Now, in this next installment, I discuss with you yet another “brush with death”.
If you missed part 1 of this story, or just want a review, read the first part in the previous blog entry.
Or click HERE.
Now let us continue on with part 2 of “Brushes with Death”. I must warn you that not
every story has a happy ending.
On that Sunday after returning
back from teaching mediumship at Sunset camp, I felt a little bit ungrounded & off-centered. Of course,
this is to be expected when one has *lived & breathed* mediumship for the entire month leading up to class. Not
to mention, the pure shock of returning home and being “greeted” with the sight of my mostly-dead marigolds first
thing as I was pulling into the driveway was a bit much. Plus, I still felt acutely aware of the
spirit world around me. Even on the drive home I continued to have visions & communications with the
spirit world. (In one vision, I kept seeing a group of spiritualists on the other side gathering to “make
contact” with those of us on the earth plane.) In short,
I was having a hard time turning it off (“it” being my heightened psychic sensitivity). >>>>>>>>>CLICK HERE to read more of this story.
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