Cynthia's PSYCHIC BLOG is a way for Rev. Dr. Psychic Cynthia to provide complimentary guidance & spiritual mentorship
via her writings....stories from her on-line newsletter are occasionally posted here, as well as other occasional upates....Many
of the stories that are listed here first appeared in Cynthia's newsletter in some form or another. If you would like
to read these kind of interesting & uplifting stories free of charge a couple of times a month, then you can subscribe to Cynthia's free Cosmic Newsletter. Also,
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Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Friends, I’m sending you rays of light, joy, and light-heartedness to help you get your week off to
a wonderful start. I just returned back yesterday from a weekend of teaching “Spiritual Psychic Development”
at Sunset Camp in Wells. Mainly, I was teaching mediumship, but I also did some teaching on manifestation
& the law of attraction. We opened the weekend on Friday night with a short supplementary class on “Manifesting with Thought Forms”.
It was here that I worked with students to help them understand how all energy originates in the higher Buddhic, Christ
planes, and makes its way down into the astral, manifesting first as a thought-form. Once our
desire has taken on a thought-form shape, we can then “materialize” it in the physical world by feeding it with
our thoughts, emotions, actions, and intentions. This Friday night class was merely a “supplementary” class to help augment some of the
material we have been recently covering in the regular class and in our “Spiritual Psychic” yahoo discussion group.
The “real” class was n Saturday, where we met from 2-5:45 pm, dismissed for dinner, and then met again
from about 7:15 to 9 pm for our developmental séances. In the class “proper”, we learned about the reality of “dark spirits”.
I offered suggestions to students as to how to avoid these kinds of negative spirit entities, and also what to do to get rid
of such spirits, should they encounter one. Then, we switched to our main focus of the day….psychic purification. Students learned that they cannot truly enter
the path of mediumship while they are still polluted with unforgiveness, resentment, tension, anxiety, or other kinds of emotional
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A Spiritual Voyage to Egypt....(with Kevin P.)
A Spiritual Voyage to Egypt.....Part 2 of "Psychic Class Update"
story.....One of the best parts of my class weekends up at Sunset is that I also get to spend time getting spiritually fed.
Not only am I the “teacher”, but I also get to be the student too. That’s because
on the weekend of my classes, my friend & spiritual teacher colleague Kevin Phillips present a short class on Sunday mornings,
followed by a “talk” during the Sunday service. The content of Kevin’s classes very from Sunday to Sunday. This past Sunday,
we talked about the power of non-judgment (especially in terms of sexuality), being in alignment with self, and breaking free
from the tendency to give up one’s own power. Then, in the subsequent church service, Kevin shared
with us about his travels to Egypt, Greece, and Peru, and how he was personally changed by visiting the sacred sites in these
Kevin has taught on many different subjects at Wells, including DNA activation. He is getting ready
to teach a workshop at Sunset on Labor Day weekend (weekend of September 4th) on “Working with the Seven Cosmic Seals”. If you’re interested in attending
this workshop, you can get more info on the web at: Even though Kevin teaches on many
subjects, it seems to me that his true love is Egypt and the
sacred temples & pyramids there. Kevin is an extremely quiet man. But if you get
him talking about Egypt, you will see his eyes light up, and a golden GLOW literally begins to emanate from his aura.
In addition to traveling to Peru and Greece to visit the sacred sites in these locations, Kevin has been to Egypt on
two different occasions. I don’t believe these were simply “sightseeing” excursions.
It seems to me that Kevin’s passion for Egypt has been in traveling there to experience the spiritual dimensions of its sacred places, and to
draw upon the Atlantean & Pleiadian energies that are still accessible
via the Egyptian pyramids & temples.
<<<<<<<<CLICK HERE to read more about Egypt & its connection to Atlantis......
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Part 1: Brushes with Death 07-22-10
BRUSHES WITH DEATH, PART 1 07-22-2010 Dear Friends, hope you are having a wonderful week, and that you are staying cool and taking care of yourself.
Doesn’t it seem like time is *racing* by right now? I’ve only been back from teaching
my “Spiritual Psychic Development” class for 4 or 5 days now, and yet, it already feels like another month or
two has passed in just the last few days.
The class this last weekend was very
emotionally intense for me. I certainly had a good time, but I also expounded a TREMENDOUS amount of energy.
I can’t explain it really, except to say that when you are working with about 50 students to train them in communication
with the dead and the spirit guides on the astral plane….well, it takes a little bit out of you.
large part of the energy I released was simply in getting prepared for the class, especially in the writing of the new 34-page
“Class Curriculum Notebook”. In order to complete this notebook, I spent the larger portion
of 5 days holed up in the backroom of my house with just me & my laptop and my pile of reference books (many of them over
one hundred years old). I occasionally came out to take a walk with my husband or eat a meal, but mainly I just stayed back there and wrote.
I even slept in my writing room (when I did sleep, which wasn’t much). It was necessary
for me to sequester myself off like this for a little while, so that the angels & spirit guides who wrote the notebook
with me would have a pure & undisturbed vibrational environment to work through. (The spirits on the “other side”
don’t like to be disturbed when they are “making contact” with their mediums here.)
<<<<<<<CLICK HERE to read more about Cynthia's "BRUSHES WITH DEATH", Part 1.
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