Cynthia's PSYCHIC BLOG is a way for Rev. Dr. Psychic Cynthia to provide complimentary guidance & spiritual mentorship
via her writings....stories from her on-line newsletter are occasionally posted here, as well as other occasional upates....Many
of the stories that are listed here first appeared in Cynthia's newsletter in some form or another. If you would like
to read these kind of interesting & uplifting stories free of charge a couple of times a month, then you can subscribe to Cynthia's free Cosmic Newsletter. Also,
check out Cynthia's "article page" on the main navigation bar.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Dear Friends, Welcome to the year of the Dragon! It actually started yesterday with the new moon
in Aquarius, but after a busy weekend teaching Spiritual-Psychic Development seminar, I was taking the day off to rest &
relax (which is why I didn’t write you with my dragon-New Year greetings then).
In any case, you’ve got the whole year ahead to ponder the significance of the Dragon & the effects its energies
will have upon you. In my new “Cynthia’s Cosmic Almanac” book, I talk about how Dragon is a very fiery energy. Fire is a “mover &
shaker”, cosmically speaking. Therefore, this fiery, passionate year of the Dragon can be a good
time for taking significant life action, and getting things done. However, in a Dragon year, one must watch
out for the “shadow side” of the Dragon, and avoid being consumed by rage, obsession, or sarcasm.
For more info on the implications of the Chinese year of the Dragon that just started yesterday, please refer to Chapter
3 in my new book, “Cynthia’s Cosmic Almanac”. (Just in case you do not yet have a copy,
I will put the ordering info down at the end of this e-mail). Speaking of “yesterday”….it
was quite a dynamic day. Not only was it the start of the Chinese New Year of the Dragon, and
the new moon in Aquarius, but Mars also went retrograde. This
is an event that only happens every 22 months. Because Mars does not retrograde that often, we aren’t
that familiar with Mars retrograde energy on a collective level, so it can really screw with things.
<<<<<<<<<<<<CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE READING, and learn about the effects of Mars Retrograde.
5:00 pm cst
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
Welcome to the 2012 Shift!
2012 is the BEGINNING, not the end! Welcome to the 2012 Shift!
Dear Friends, happy New Year! As I am writing
this first newsletter of the year, I am thinking of you and your well-being. With the help of the healing
angels & masters, I am affirming your peace, joy, health, and abundance in the year ahead…may 2012 be the best
year for you ever! If you have been reading
this newsletter for the last month or so, you know that I took a “sabbatical” from doing readings & teaching
class during most of December. I purposely call it a “sabbatical” and not a “vacation”,
since although I did not do readings or teach class, I did actually take the time to get a LOT of writing done during this
period (and believe me, when I say a “lot”, I do mean a LOT). One of the projects I have been
working on during my sabbatical is creating materials to help all of you become more uplifted & informed about the changes
& shifts that are occurring in 2012. As
you probably already know, this is a year of great cosmic significance, not only because of the end of the Mayan Calendar,
but also because of several other extraordinary celestial phenomenon taking place throughout the year, especially in May,
June, July, September, and November. January is no “slacker” either in regards to significant
cosmic shifts. I won’t go into all the details right now, since my sabbatical is not “officially” over until tomorrow,
and I have all month (and all year) to write about these things for you anyway. However, what I would like to do now is just share with you a couple of
paragraphs that I created this very morning about the 2012 Galactic Alignment…for even though December 21st,
2012 is still nearly a year away, I know that this date is looming heavily on the minds of many right now in this very moment.
Therefore, I am sharing these words that I have just written with you, in hopes that they will bring you hope &
inspiration in the year ahead, and the wisdom to keep going on your path of spiritual development, no matter what happens
in your life or the world around you. Enjoy!
Many Blessings,Cynthia A Tiny Excerpt of What I am Preparing for You
on the 2012 Shift “…This
is still an exciting time to be living in, and it can have many wonderful positive ramifications for you! Yes,
we are going to continue to face many challenges in the years ahead, including dealing with overpopulation, social unrest,
extreme weather & climate changes, and a rapidly shifting economy. However, in a Universal sense, all
of these changes are occurring to assist humanity in moving towards a less materialistic, more egalitarian & spiritually
focused society.
I predict that there will be a great spiritual renaissance and intellectual rebirth once we get past this
Winter Solstice Galactic alignment. I say this not because some cosmic fairy is going to wave her wand
on Dec. 21st 2012 and make all our problems go away. The problems will still be there when we
wake up on the 22nd. However, the difference is that once this day has come & gone, people
are going to figure out that the world really is going to continue on. And once they (I mean,
“we”) figure that out, then they are also going to realize that it is time to start getting busy living &
getting on with life, instead of waiting around to see what giant catastrophe awaits them next.
Yes, there could be catastrophes and disasters around this time, but
there have always been catastrophes & disasters, just as these catastrophes & disasters have always been
eventually followed by times of renewed peace, hope, and contentment. This 2012 shift will be no different.
Whatever challenges we face, we will get through them one way or the other, and we will come out the other side to
a time of renewal & spiritual rebirth. Spring always follows winter, even if there is an ice age and
it takes a really long time…smile. December 21, 2012 is not the “end”, it is the beginning.”
Many Blessings, Cynthia Killion
To start this New Year off right, I also wanted to send you a bouquet of flowers. Please CLICK HERE to see it.
This is a picture of the flowers that my friends
Patti & Shirley sent me for my birthday….aren’t they wonderful? My birthday was on the
1st, but the flowers arrived a couple of days earlier, which was just fantastic, because I moved into my birthday
coming from a heart-space of knowing that I was already *loved*, which made it a super birthday for me! Now,
I am sharing these flowers with you, so that you can go into the YEAR ahead, being in the heart-space of knowing that you
too are *loved*. Happy New Year, beloved one! P.S.S. If for some reason the above link
did not work for you, try pasting or typing the following letters into your browser, so that you can receive your bouquet-of-new-year-love… (use
underscore marks in the places where there are spaces)
12:05 pm cst