Psychic Cynthia Killion

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Other Related Articles on this Site You Might Want to Check Out:

* The Effects of Eclipes

*  Mercury Retrograde Do's & Don'ts 

Charging Your Crystals (& spiritual tools) by Moonlight 

Easing Seasonal Shift   

Overwhelmed by Spirit Activity? (Helpful Advice) 

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Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Mercury Retrograde--Dec 2017


The most adaptable will thrive!

Dear Friends, hello there and welcome to a new month!  Whenever we cross over into a new month, we don’t just cross a line on the calendar, but we also cross an energetic ley-line in the mind of the collective unconscious.  Regardless of what is going on astrologically in the new month ahead (and sure, there is plenty for this month!), we have just crossed a psychic threshold from one month to the next—which makes this a time of RENEWAL & REBIRTH for us all.  It can also be a good time for getting started on something new or planting new seeds for a higher vision--For whenever you cross a psychic threshold of any kind, there is an opportunity for laying new ground and planting new seeds.  This crossing over from one month to the next is a time of transition when you can more easily release what is behind you and open your heart to embrace the NEW BEGINNING.


Of course, the crossing over into a new month is not the only cosmic factor at work here.  Whenever one transitions from one month to the next, and especially when one is considering planting new seeds and setting goals for the month (or season or year) ahead, one should also take into account the current and impending astrological shifts. 


This month (Dec 2017), we are having Mercury retrograde, which in a way mitigates and slightly diminishes the “New Beginning” effect.  It’s harder to get things started when Mercury retrograde is in effect (harder, but not impossible) for its influence is one that says, “Take a step back and re-assess”.  Mercury retrograde is the OUTBREATH of the Universe, the great cosmic pause, the call to rest & renew.   It is also urges us to continue forward on paths already started, and to RE-SOLVE long standing problems and situations, and to RE-VISIT old friends and former sources of support.


If you can, in most cases it would be best to stay the course this month, going deeper with what you have already started—rather making any radical new decisions or trying to forge out on a brand new plan.  If you want to go ahead and start something new, you can, but do be prepared to be very PATIENT and know that things are most likely to unfold slowly and gradually.  Generally speaking, problems and issues don’t resolve themselves as quickly or easily as they usually do when Mercury is in retrograde—unless they are LONGSTANDING or OLD problems—then a resolution is likely to come through more quickly during Mercury Rx.  (It may not always be the resolution you want, but Mercury retrograde does bring old problems & issues up to the surface to be finally resolved & healed—sometimes in a pleasant way, sometimes not.)


          Keep reading below for exact Mercury retrograde DATES and more info about how you can survive and even THRIVE during this month’s Mercury retrograde period.


MERCURY RETROGRADE (Dec 3rd-Dec 22nd, post-storm until Dec 28th) 

  It is not the strongest of the species that survives, but rather, that which is most adaptable to change.  (Sometimes attributed to Charles Darwin)


In December 2017, we have Mercury going into retrograde pretty early on in the month.  As in, for those of us in the United States, Mercury goes retrograde on Sunday, December 3rd at 1:34 AM central time (that’s 2:34 AM Eastern time).  Of course, this is taking place in the middle of the night (at least, for those of us in the states), so basically, it is happening on SATURDAY night, since by the time we wake up on Sunday morning, it will have long since kicked in.  (And for those of you living in Europe and other parts, this retrograde will definitely be happening on Saturday proper for you.)


The important thing to keep in mind when dealing with any retrograde is that it doesn’t happen all at once, but instead happens gradually through a process that involves a couple of PRE retrograde shifts, including the pre-retrograde shadow and especially the pre-retrograde storm.  The pre-retrograde storm for this month’s Mercury retrograde already began back on Tuesday, November 28th.  In layperson’s terms, this basically means that the effects of the retrograde began to show themselves in a more obvious way then, about 4 ½ days BEFORE the retrograde technically begins.  In fact, many of you who are more sensitive to energy (or if you are just more sensitive to Mercury retrogrades) may have already been feeling the effects of Mercury retrograde since it entered its pre-retrograde SHADOW, back around November 15th.



And just what are the effects of Mercury retrograde?  Well to put it succinctly, miscommunications, delays, scheduling confusions and difficulties, travel and transportation problems, and all sorts of difficulties and snafus in the day-to-day aspects of life tend to increase significantly during Mercury retrograde.  That’s why this is a good time for slowing down, double-checking and taking your time to be EXTRA SURE that you are clear in your communications and planning.  It’s also a good idea to let go of rigid expectations and plans, and to be prepared to be extra FLEXIBLE and ADAPTABLE during the next few weeks of Mercury retrograde.  For no matter how well you plan or how prepared you are, the unexpected is likely to happen at least once or twice over the next few weeks.  So prepare to be flexible when it does!


Charles Darwin is sometimes quoted as having said, “It is not the strongest of the species that survives, but rather, that which is most adaptable to change.  Actually, Darwin probably really wasn’t the one who said this.  Nonetheless, it does summarize well the best strategy for surviving—and THRIVING—during Mercury retrograde.  In other words, how well you will do during any Mercury retrograde period, and how sane, centered, and happy you will be able to stay, has a DIRECT proportional relationship to how adaptable you can be when things change unexpectedly or don’t go the way you had hoped or planned.  Being flexible is important too.  But even more important than that, is being able to ADAPT and be decisive and make needed changes (sometimes at a moment’s notice) when chaos break out or things don’t go how you had originally anticipated.  The species that survives—and thrives—during Mercury retrograde is the species that is most adaptable to change!



(By the way, in case you are wondering about where the above original quote actually came from--the one that is usually attributed to Darwin--I have heard that the true source of this adaptability statement [or something similar to it] was a professor named Leon C. Megginson who lectured on Darwin’s work in 1963.)


Bright Blessings,

Rev. Dr. Cynthia Killion (Psychic Cynthia)

Spiritual Psychic, Cosmic Astrologer 


1:50 pm cst 

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Cynthia Killion * Psychic Cynthia *  316.347.9481 * (E-mail or FB message usually best way to contact)