Psychic Cynthia Killion

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Cynthia's PSYCHIC BLOG is a way for Rev. Dr. Psychic Cynthia to provide complimentary guidance & spiritual mentorship via her writings....stories from her on-line newsletter are occasionally posted here, as well as other occasional upates....Many of the stories that are listed here first appeared in Cynthia's newsletter in some form or another.  If you would like to read these kind of interesting & uplifting stories free of charge a couple of times a month, then you can subscribe to Cynthia's free Cosmic Newsletter.  Also, check out Cynthia's "article page" on the main navigation bar.



Other Related Articles on this Site You Might Want to Check Out:

* The Effects of Eclipes

*  Mercury Retrograde Do's & Don'ts 

Charging Your Crystals (& spiritual tools) by Moonlight 

Easing Seasonal Shift   

Overwhelmed by Spirit Activity? (Helpful Advice) 

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Sunday, December 30, 2018

Using a Divination Tool to Boost Your Natural Psychic Gifts



By Rev. Dr. Cynthia Killion (Psychic Cynthia) 

Dec 30, 2018 



      DEAR FRIENDS, I’ve been enjoying my annual month long holiday reading break, which will soon be over.  (I’m back to readings starting January 5th and after.)  This is the time each year that I rest my gift a bit (by not doing readings for others) and give my psychic battery time to re-charge.  Even though I do take the month of December off from doing formal readings for others, I don’t stop tuning into the energies or getting guidance for myself.  In fact, I usually spend MORE time than usual meditating, tuning into the energies and opening to the guides when I am on this annual reading break.  I also usually use this time to practice & brush up on one or two divination tools.


Since one of my goals for 2019 was to reacquaint myself with the runes and begun reading on them again, I have focused much of my free time during this holiday break on learning the runes and doing practice readings for myself and my closest friends and family only. 


In case you aren’t familiar with the runes, the runes are both an ancient system of writing and a divination & magical system used by the pre-Christian northern Europeans.  The system evolved over several hundreds (if not thousands) of years.  The end result was a magical alphabet used both for writing and divination with 24 different characters, plus an optional blank rune for divination purposes.  When used for divination (or psychic reading), the runic symbols are usually etched onto wood chips or stone. 


Many people associate casting the runes (as it is called when you do a runic reading) with the ancient Vikings.  However, the alphabet itself most likely goes back MUCH further than the Viking age, and many scholars now believe that the runes have their origination point in ancient Greece.  (The city of Troy, to be precise.)  Of course, when you are dealing with a divination system of such great antiquity, no one can really know for sure when or where it began.


The runes were actually the first divination system that I learned to do readings on way back in the day (way back in the day in THIS lifetime).  Learning (and mastering) a divination tool was a requirement of my early earth-based spirituality training.  I was no good at shuffling at the time, so the Tarot was out of the question.  (Luckily, my shuffling skills have improved since then.)  I also began studying astrology at around that same time, but that takes quite a while to become proficient enough to begin doing readings for others (years, actually).  It seemed to me back then that the runes were my obvious ticket for advancing quickly on the magical and psychic path.  Besides, there are only 24 runes (25 if you read the blank rune).  That seemed a whole lot more doable to me at the time than learning the meaning of 78 tarot cards!


Since I first worked with the runes so many years ago, I have progressed on my personal psychic and spiritual path, and learned to read with several other divination systems.  In fact, the more I developed on my personal spiritual psychic path, the less and less I found I needed divination tools to read for others.  Most of the readings I do now for clients do NOT include the use of a divination tool.  Not that I am opposed to using divination tools in readings—not at all!  In fact, some of the best psychics and mediums that I have ever known used a divination tool as part of their readings, and in no way did I feel that it took away from their awesomeness as a psychic.


I personally only use a divination tool in a formal reading when I feel it is needed to introduce another layer of meaning into the reading, AND when I feel that it will not be confusing or distracting to the client.  And of course, I use astrology (technically, a divination system) to do the reading when clients specifically request an astrological reading.  Also, if a client specifically requests it, I will also use tarot, the I-Ching or the runes in the reading.  (Depending on which one she requests of course—these systems have very different energies, so generally they should not be mixed with each other in the same reading.)


Of course, I enjoy being able to do a reading for another person going only on my gut-instinct and natural psychic awareness.  After all, that’s mostly what I do when I read for others!  (Well, that and open to spirit guides, angels and passed-on loved ones.)  An experienced psychic seer doesn’t usually require any tool to read on in order to do an excellent reading.  However, if an advanced psychic seer masters (or even, just becomes proficient with) an ancient and powerful divination system such as the runes (or the Tarot to the astrology), well, then how much more DEPTH, accuracy, and meaning her (or his) readings will have. 


For the beginner (as I once was those many years ago), the divination tool is a primer or a pump to get the stagnant psychic juices flowing.  But for the advanced psychic (whose psychic juices are already flowing quite well) the divination tool is a gateway to greater meaning and depth.  In the hands of a beginner or baby psychic, the divination tool initiates the psychic conversation and keeps it flowing.  In the hands of an experienced psychic, the use of a divination tool is more of a two-way conversation, and adds subtle layers of meaning and communication.  For both the beginner & experienced psychic alike, the use of a divination tool in a reading holds the potential of opening pathways of guidance and communication that would otherwise not be accessible.


This is why I continue to practice and hone my skill with various divination tools, even though technically I don’t require a divination tool to do a reading.  (Goddess knows I have done THOUSANDS of psychic and psychic medium readings without the use of any tool whatsoever throughout the years.)  I find that the study and use of a divination tool really keeps me sharp and clear as a psychic, and helps me to access layers of psychic meaning & information that I otherwise wouldn’t have the pathways to reach.


Wherever you are at on YOUR journey of psychic awakening and mastery, learning & working with a divination tool is one of the best things you can do to strengthen your psychic & intuitive awareness.  Sure, it takes some time and effort to truly learn a complex divination system such as the runes, the tarot, or astrology.  But it is well worth the effort!  Even more experienced psychics and psychic students can benefit from delving deeply into a divination system, for each of the major divination systems holds unique energies and ideas that can be accessed more easily by reading with that system.


If one of YOUR own personal goals in the year or cycle ahead is to be more psychic or awaken more of your psychic potential, then I would greatly encourage you to begin learning and regularly working with a divination tool of your choice.  You might be surprised at how much easier the psychic insights begin to flow for you once you are in the practice of using a divination tool to regularly open to guidance! 

10:02 pm cst 

Thursday, December 13, 2018

Sagittarius New Moon Cycle






By Rev. Dr. Cynthia Killion  (Psychic Cynthia)  12-13-2018

With this shift from the Scorpio new moon cycle into the SAGITTARIUS new moon cycle, we are now rising up from the depths of the self and looking towards the heavens.   Who has time for grudges & unforgiveness now?  Like the Archer of Sagittarius, we have our sights set on something higher and beyond the ordinary—and that means leaving emotional baggage behind to embrace the spiritual, metaphysical, and philosophical realms.

We’ve had enough of heavy emotions or brooding, and we are ready to cast the cares of the world aside and go adventuring and seeking on a QUEST.  For Sagittarius is the sign of the spiritual truth seeker, the quester, and the adventurer.  What will YOU seek for in the next few weeks ahead?

Along with the quest comes the desire to learn and grow.  This is also partnered with the desire to take a voyage or travel across a long distance, to enter into and immerse one’s self in a foreign culture for the purpose of learning & growing.  It is perfectly natural to desire to leave home at this time, for new experiences are the order of the day, especially new experiences in new locations.   

Keep in mind that in the ancient days when astrology was first emerging, teachers and centers of learning were few and far between.  One often had to leave one’s homeland and travel to a foreign place in order to learn the higher wisdom.  In our current day and age, we do not have to go to Alexandria to read the sacred texts of the world.  Indeed, in our times, much wisdom & knowledge is as accessible as the stroke of a keyboard or the ordering of a book on Amazon.  Although physical travel is no longer required to access many of the ancient teachings, in order to absorb what we read or hear, we must travel in our consciousness and we must not be afraid to enter into a new place INTERNALLY.

For whether we travel by air or car our in the mind, in order to learn and grow, you must still be willing to leave home and to set off on a journey.  Leaving behind the familiar and the usual way of doing things is the key to opening to higher knowledge.  At the very least, one must be willing to set aside the focus on the mundane or the emotional for a little while and entire into the realm of knowledge, questing, and experimenting.  It’s all about the ADVENTURE.  Ironically, the best adventures occur when you are willing to set down your emotional baggage and approach life as if you had nothing at all to lose.


The plus side of this Sagittarius new moon cycle is that it carries an expansive, light-hearted and uplifting energy that can propel you to explore and branch out into higher ways of being.  The sense of faith, hope and trust is stronger when we are under the influence of Sagittarius.  It is easier to cut loose and try new things and have fun & adventures now!

The main downside of this Sagittarius new moon cycle is the tendency to over-extend one’s self by trying to do too many things at once, or by biting off a project, expense or scenario that is more than we can reasonably chew (so to speak) at the time.  A sense of proportion and balance is usually lacking when we are under the influence of Sagittarius.  The tendency is more towards over-indulgence than moderation right now.   The spirit of kindness & generosity is quite high at the moment—but so is the desire to overspend and over-eat.

One of the best things you can do for yourself during this Sagittarius new moon cycle is to set aside regular time to get grounded and re-charge yourself physically and spiritually. 

This current Sagittarius new moon cycle officially runs from December 7th 2018 through January 5th 2019.  (Or December 9th through January 8th, if you count from first crescent to first crescent, like I do.)

The energies of Sagittarius are particularly happy, bright and uplifting from now until December 21st, while the sun is still in Sagittarius.   This first part of the Sagittarius new moon cycle is a very cheery & hopeful time—however, you may feel a bit restless or scattered during this first phase of the Sag new moon cycle, while the Sag energies are particularly strong.

The sun enters Capricorn on December 21st, marking the second phase of this year’s Sagittarius new moon cycle.  At this time, the energies of Sagittarius begin blending with the energies of Capricorn just a bit, and you may find yourself seriously contemplating your higher purpose or life path from this time onward into January.  You may also begin to feel a bit like an old soul at this time.  You are still dreaming of questing and adventuring but in this second phase of the Sag new moon cycle, you may begin to search for ways to enter into more “serious” forms of questing—such as considering undertaking a formal program of study or making long-term plans for the future. 

This FIRST phase of this Sagittarius new moon cycle is an excellent time for having fun and adventuring, and focusing on your higher aspirations, as well as the spiritual & visionary realms.  (Basically, from now up until December 21st.)  It’s not so easy to focus on your worldly “to do” list when we are so strongly under the influence of Sagittarius, as the Archer in you cares more about adventure & experiences than it does dollars or deadlines.  Therefore, if you can, take some time off to have an adventure between now and the solstice, even if it is just a small afternoon adventure such as attending a special class or holiday gathering.    

However, once the SECOND phase of this cycle begins (from December 21st onward), you will gradually find yourself becoming more focused & disciplined again with each passing day.  You’ll still carry some of that bright & hopeful energy of Sagittarius with you—only now, you’ll be looking to pour your higher spiritual light into some kind tangible project, goal, or worldly quest.  The merging of the Sagittarius new moon cycle with the Capricorn sun is one of the most beautiful unions of all, for it can lead to GROUNDED INSPIRATION.

The next new moon (in Capricorn) will be on January 5th 2019.  Which means that you have at least until then to enjoy the spacious, expansive, and uplifting vibes of this current Sagittarius new moon cycle!

PLEASE NOTE:  For more info about how I personally honor & mark my lunar rebirth each month, see my additional comments below.



This current Sagittarius new moon cycle officially runs from December 7th 2018 (December 6th in Pacific time zone) through January 5th 2019.  December 7th was the actual date of our most recent new moon in Sagittarius, and January 5th is the date of the NEXT new moon (in Capricorn).  By “new moon” here, I mean the exact moment when the sun & the moon are conjunct, and the moon is invisible from the earth’s vantage point. This new moon occurs about every 28 ½ days and it marks the zero point of lunar energies for the month. 

From the time of the new moon forward, the lunar energies continue to grow until they reach their pinnacle about two weeks later, at the time of the FULL moon.  Then, from the full moon onward, the lunar energies begin to decrease again, with less and less of the moon being visible in the night sky, until once again we come to the new moon (about two weeks after the full moon).

To get more of a sense of how the moon grows and decreases throughout the month (also called waxing and waning), check out one of the moon tables here at the following link:

The new moon is typically considered the beginning of the lunar month, as it marks the zero-point of lunar visibility.  However, I myself mark my lunar months from first crescent to first crescent.  The first crescent is when the moon first appears in the sky after several days of lunar darkness (right around the time of the new moon).   That means that for this current lunar cycle, the dates of first crescent to first crescent would be December 9th through January 8th.

 I feel that while the actual moment of the new moon is the time when the cosmic re-set button is hit each month, it is when the first crescent appears in the sky about 3 nights AFTER the new moon when the real rebirth occurs for the month.  This is when we usually are ready to get moving again and be active in a more obvious way.  It is almost as if the new moon is our spiritual conception for the month, whereas the time of the first crescent is the actual birth.

This month’s new moon in Sagittarius was late evening on December 6th (for those in the Pacific time zone) or very early morning December 7th (just an hour or two after midnight) for those in the Central or Eastern time zone.  The first crescent was about 3 days later, on the evening of December 9th.   At the time of the new moon, the moon is still invisible from the earth’s vantage point for a few more days yet, symbolizing our own need to continue to work behind the scenes and simmer and re-generate for a little while longer.  Then as the moon’s light returns back to visibility, we too feel the energy and light stirring within us again, and are ready to step back into action and get moving on our goals, dreams, and objectives for the next few weeks ahead.


If you have not yet already done so already, this is an excellent time to think about what it is you would like to accomplish in the next few weeks, and to set some short-term goals for this lunar month ahead.  These goals can be in any area of life that you wish.  However, it is always good to find a way to incorporate the spiritual psychic realm into at least one of your goals for the month ahead.  (For in doing so, you help ensure your continued future growth on this path.)  


In terms of your more temporal world goals and “getting stuff done”, when setting your goals for a new moon cycle, it is helpful to keep your goals reasonable and realistic as to what can be accomplished in a 3-4 week period.  (I say 3-4 weeks, and not 4, because I believe that whenever possible, we should accomplish what we are going to earlier on in the cycle, and then leave the last week of the cycle for resting & recuperating if we can—or at least a few days.) 

          Of course, the beginning of a new moon cycle is also a SPIRITUAL rebirth, and thus it is a good time to plant new seeds of higher consciousness within yourself.  Affirmations can be particularly useful for helping you stay positive and uplifted and tuned into the higher aspects of your soul.  It is for this reason that I often e-mail out a New Moon Affirmation Booklet for my clients, friends, and supporters around the time of the first crescent each month. 

There are MANY affirmations that might be helpful & appropriate for using during the Sagittarius moon cycle—here are just a few examples:


—I throw caution to the wind and embrace my quest now.  I am ready and I am willing, and I answer the call now.  All that I need to walk on my higher path is provided for me now.

—I choose to embody a positive and uplifting mental energy now.  My words, thoughts & actions are delightful & inspiring!

—I live by faith, not by sight.  I am willing to take the leap and trust that the Universe will catch me.

—I open to the healing, unconditional love of the angels and guides.  I need never feel alone, for I am encircled and enfolded in the highest kind of love.

—I am a benevolent and infinite spiritual being, bestowing love, caring, kindness, & understanding wherever I go.  I love myself and others unconditionally, with no strings attached.

—I listen to and answer my inner call, and let it guide me to a new way of working, serving and living.


11:03 pm cst 

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Cynthia Killion * Psychic Cynthia *  316.347.9481 * (E-mail or FB message usually best way to contact)