Saturn-South Node-Pluto Conjunction
by Rev. Dr. Cynthia Killion
(Psychic Cynthia)
Reprinted from May 4th 2019 Cosmic Newsletter

QUICK PREVIEW of this edition:
The topic of today’s newsletter is actually an alignment (a couple actually) of Saturn, North Node,
and Pluto. These alignments are pretty heavy-duty and will be affecting us for quite some time, so this
newsletter is actually a TWO-parter. (I’ll send part 2 to you next week, after you’ve had a
little while to digest this first part.)
Also, it’s probably worth mentioning here too that Saturn
and Pluto both just went retrograde recently. Retrograde Pluto’s effects are real but subtle, basically
triggering our own inner intensity & desires but asking us to direct this intensity & desire INWARD in pursuit of
healing and transformation, rather than focusing so much on outer world change or seeking outer power. (That
one lasts until around Oct 3rd.)
Retrograde Saturn (until
Sept 18) has a heavy energy that is usually much more noticeable. During this period that Saturn is in
retrograde, it is wise to avoid taking on too many new responsibilities or commitments, and instead to focus on taking care
of EXISTING responsibilities and commitments, tending to basic practical and spiritual needs, and putting “first things
first” (as they say). Now is a time for SIMPLIFYING and keeping things simple, modest & focused.
Anyhow, there’s SO much more going on with Saturn and Pluto than what I’ve
just mentioned here (not to mention, the North Node of the moon), so please do continue reading for more info.
Dear Friends, hello there. I hope that you are having a lovely
weekend and that your spring is going well too! We are under some pretty heavy and intense cosmic energies
right now, the kind of energies that wrap you in a blanket of astral thickness, the kind of shifts that grab hold of your
very being and don’t let go for a very long time.
I don’t mean to sound overly
dramatic here. It’s just that these kinds of shifts that we are experiencing at the moment are very
“heavy” in their energetic signature, and although sometimes they can be subtle (or NOT—it really depends
on the person and their unique birth chart), these shifts certainly are powerful & life-changing.
Saturn and Pluto are currently orbiting close to each other in the sign of Capricorn,
building up to a precise conjunction that will be exact on January 12th, 2020. Even though the
exact conjunction is still some ways off, we are experiencing its effects for most of this year, since these two planets are
slow moving and will be orbiting fairly close to each other for the rest of this year.
In fact, at the time that I am writing this newsletter for you (around the start of
May 2019), Saturn and Pluto are still only about 3 degrees apart, which is close enough to be considered “in orb”
for a conjunction. As far as I can tell (based on the 3 degree rule), it looks like we are going to continue
to be in this Saturn-Pluto pressure-cooker at least until around June 15th. Although
some may continue to experience an intense effect from this transit until well into and through July.
(After July, we get a little bit of a reprieve from the most intense part of this transit for a few months.)
In addition to the loose Saturn-Pluto conjunction that we are under
for the entire month of May, there was also an EXACT Saturn conjunction with the South Node of the moon just a few days ago
on April 30th.
Although this
Saturn-South Node conjunction is no longer technically exact, it too is still within a close orb for the entire month of May.
Saturn is a very karmic planet, and the South Node of the moon by itself often signifies a karmic ending of a sort.
So with these two coming together at this time, we have the possibility of a MAJOR TURNING POINT on our personal
In many cases, this may mean BREAKING
FREE from the past—past commitments, past relationships, past involvements or responsibilities, and most importantly,
past karmic debts & patterns. Between now and the end of September, it may become apparent to you that
a spiritual “contract” that you have had in one or more relationship or areas of life is now fulfilled and complete.
This contract could even be with a “role” that you were once accustomed to playing that you now find yourself
moving beyond.
Of course, it
is also possible that you are not yet QUITE done with a particular role or contract, and you need to play out one last scene
or tie up some loose ends before moving on. If so, you will have continued support and impetus (and sometimes,
pressure) from the Universe to finish this phase up, as the Saturn-South Node conjunction stays in orb for quite
a while, and will hit exact again on July 4th and September 28th.
To be continued…..I’ll send you part two of this newsletter in a few more days,
after you’ve had a little while to digest this first part. In the meantime, hope you found this information
illuminating! Thanks for being a subscriber and reader of my Cosmic Newsletter. Please
feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions about scheduling private readings, purchasing flower essences, or if
I can be of assistance to you in any other way relating to the spiritual psychic realm.
Bright Blessings,
Rev. Dr. Cynthia Killion (Psychic Cynthia)