Summer Madness OR Awakening?
Retrogrades A'plenty
(and 2020 energies--2nd half)
By Rev. Dr. Psychic Cynthia
adapted from Cosmic Newsletter
dated May 29th 2020

DEAR COSMIC FRIENDS, hello there, and Happy Weekend, and Happy (almost) June! I know you didn’t hear
from me much in this newsletter during May. Partly this is because May is my busiest month of the entire year in my
Fairy Garden (for the planting & creation of the herbs & flowers for my Flairy Essence line). And so that doesn’t
leave me as much time for writing as the other months.
However, I had an additional complication
this month that REALLY slowed me down (even in the garden) and had made it more difficult to get things done—and that
is that I dis-located my right knee while dancing a few weeks ago. I was doing some very impressive alternating high
kicks, when I heard a popping sound from my right knee, and it literally collapsed underneath me.
(And yes, it was as painful
as it sounds. But boy, it sure did get my attention and get me to lay off that knee for awhile, lol.)
Although this
seemed like a sudden injury, in reality, it had been coming for a few weeks, as I had really amped up my physical training
this spring, and my knees were giving me signals for at least a week before that they were experiencing stress & strain
from the increased running & other physical training.
(Not to mention, I tend to experience EMOTIONS in
my knees, especially the emotion of SHOCK, as the knees are both physical & emotional shock-absorbers. With all
that’s been going on in the world this year, it’s no wonder that my knees got overloaded with the energy of shock.)

2020 Capricorn Energies—
Stress Test & Challenge of Endurance
In any case, I’m sharing this personal story
here with you because it very much illustrates the workings of the retrogrades & other cosmic shifts we have been experiencing
lately. With all the Capricorn energy that we are having in 2020 (for most of this entire year), this entire year will
be a STRESS TEST and a challenge of major endurance.
Pluto in Capricorn is bulldozing and de-constructing our very
sense of foundation & security. It’s also bringing to our attention the SHADOW side of our collective &
personal financial patterns, especially our DEBTS. Karmic debts are included with the financial ones as well here—wherever
we have been over-extending ourselves and living beyond our means, whether it is money, health, love or some other area, this
will come to light for us in 2020, and we will experience the challenge & the purge of Pluto’s energies.
also re-enters Capricorn in early July, and remains in Capricorn all the way through mid-December. During most of this
time, Saturn will also be in orb to a conjunction with Pluto in Capricorn, and will TEST the strength of our commitment and
maturity in the areas of family, career, life purpose, finances, business—even health.
With all this
Capricorn energy a’foot, this is a time for being sensible & grounded and returning back to more traditional ways
of living. When I say “traditional” here, I mean: ancient, sustainable, life-affirming, communal,
sharing, simple, gentle, natural, conserving, harmonious and well-balanced.
Also, whenever there are major transits like
these in Capricorn, we are usually called to learn to get by with less than we had before, or we must learn to reach deep
inside and be more self-reliant and RESOURCEFUL.
Keep in mind too that Capricorn is THE sign of self-reliance and self-empowerment.
In general, the more you look to others for your happiness or to be your “savior” during this time, the more MISERABLE
or ANGRY you will be. Instead, it is better to focus on doing YOUR own part for improving your life.
For example,
if you are concerned about your health & physical well-being during these energies, you would be wise to concentrate on
what YOU can to do strengthen & improve your health, rather than waiting for someone else to come along and “save”
you. The same is true for finances and relationships too—whatever the issue, Capricorn
demands that you take responsibility and do YOUR part in your growth. Then, once you have done that,
some unexpected HELP may arrive when you most need it—but only if you have made the effort to deal with YOUR PART in
your karmic situation.
nothing can BLOCK blessings & Divine support faster than refusing to take responsibility for dealing with your own karmic
Incidentally, Capricorn rules the knees (literally), so I’m pretty sure that with
all this Capricorn energy being highlighted, I won’t be the only one feeling the energies in the knees this year.
(My only hope is that the rest of you who feel the energies in your knees will be WISER than I was, and listen to your body
and BACK OFF when it tells you that you are asking too much of it.)
Preview June Energies—and beyond
short poem:
shed the light on the shadow
Revealing hidden aspects of self
Purging and releasing
Divine Help
Step up to the next level
of the Karmic Shelf....
These retrograde energies we are experiencing
this month are something else! In case you missed my earlier memo about it, we have FOUR major planets in retrograde
in May, including Venus, Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto. We are thick in the midst of a cosmic storm, a storm which will
continue all the way through June and into July too.
In June, these above-mentioned retrogrades will be
joined by Mercury retrograde on June 17th AND Neptune retrograde
on June 22nd. We also have a solar eclipse coming
up on June 20th. Luckily, Venus will go direct
on June 25th, so at least we can start to see some relief
for financial & relationship matters before the end of the summer.
Each of these above-mentioned retrogrades (Mercury,
Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, and Pluto) are worthy of their own separate Cosmic Newsletters. But for now, this is
just a PREVIEW and an OVERVIEW of this summer’s raging retrogrades….so let’s just look at the BIG PICTURE
here for a moment, and then we can go into greater depth over some of these in future Cosmic newsletters.
The big
picture here is that with the upcoming June 20th solar eclipse, and all
of these many retrogrades we are having, the SHADOW SIDE of humanity is being activated right now. So we are going to
see more of the angry, fearful, hateful, and dark side of humanity right now (what I sometimes prefer to call “the reactive
side”) and we are going to be able to see this more easily.
Basically, what is happening is that the veils are thinning (and our etheric bodies are also becoming more porous) under the influence of these
cosmic shifts, and all of the UNRESOLVED EMOTIONAL ENERGY that we ALL carry inside is spewing and leaking out.
So don’t be surprised at all when you see behaviors that shock & appall you, whether is in your SELF or others,
for not a single one among us is without the shadow.
By the way, this shadow activation is happening on the COLLECTIVE
level, as well as the personal level. Perhaps you’ve noticed an escalation of conflict & divisions among people
lately, and an increase in fear and hate-based actions in some. This is because there are many of us INDIVIDUALLY who are conflicted & divided inside—as
each of us heal our own INNER conflicts, we assist with bringing greater peace to the Whole.
There is definitely
a DIVINE PURPOSE to this shadow side activation, in that it is all being brought to the surface to raise awareness and give
Although we can’t force OTHER people to change
or even do the work for them, we CAN do the inner work for OURSELVES. Which
in this case means looking within to where WE still have unresolved emotional issues and doing OUR PART to heal our own hearts,
so that the energy we give
off can radiate outward with greater love, light, compassion and understanding. In this way, by healing ourselves (one-by-one), we heal the collective.
And the
UP side of having all these planets retrograde at once is that the energies are definitely ripe & supportive for healing, for this is a time to REPAIR, RENEW, AND RE-SET the aspects of
our self and our lives that are in need of re-balancing and renewal.
In this sense, this is a GREAT
time for making SMALL and GRADUAL changes, and for taking the first small steps towards a larger vision. It may not
be the best time for launching something completely new or radically different (then again, it MIGHT be, depending on the
energies in your own personal birth chart). Cosmically speaking, for the next couple of months, we are all being given
a chance to REVIEW & RE-ASSESS the direction we have been headed in, as well as an opportunity to GO BACK and
RE-VISIT or RE-DO that which has already begun but is not yet re-solved or completed for us.
Much GOOD can
come out of a time like this, even if it is usually accompanied by increased challenges or obstacles and a mandatory slowing
down of a kind. Just think how EASY everything else is going to feel after going through these challenges & taking
care of your spiritual homework!
Love & Bright Blessings,
Rev. Dr. Cynthia Killion (Psychic Cynthia) (or just reply to this note or FB message)